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Everything posted by papaschtroumpf

  1. When I connect to a VNC session on display :1 and run the script it identifies the fact that firefox is already running (on display :0) but I get a "Error: No running window found" error message. Seems that you can't use -remote accross displays?
  2. like it or not, rar is a very common format nowadays. (ace is pretty much outdated but I still have ace archives). 7ZIP has a higher compression format, so it really matters to have the smallest possible archive it might make sense to use it. I also used to be that RAR security was much better than zip for encrypted archives (I don;t know if that's still true though)
  3. You can also use sudo with wildcards (for example I have a number of ISOs that the usert can mount using sudo, and rather than list every one of them in fstab, I have a generic sudo command that allows mounting an iso from a specific directory).
  4. I wanted to try Mandriva LE2005 before upgrading my linux machine, and due to hard-drive space concerns, it made sense to install it under VirtualPC on my windows machine. However as soon as I press ENTER to install I get an error message (can't finish initialization). After multiple attemps I tried it under VMWare on my linux machine and it worked fine there. Another low blow from the Evil Empire? [moved from Installing Mandrake by spinynorman]
  5. I'm running 10.0 powerpack. There are a few things I'm unhappy about in it, mostly the inability to use KDE remote desktop, so I have been thinking of upgrading to Mandriva 10.2 Is Mandriva 10.2 the "equivalent" of "10.2 CE"? I've never used the CE editions but always waited for the "official edition" to be released. Is there going to be such a thing for Mandriva? I read somewhere that the next time Mandriva releases something will be in the fall, so I'm guessing it's going to be "Mandriva 11" (or whatever) rather than the official edition of Mandriva LE 2005? I wasn't able to find a release roadmap on their site. Edit: is 10.2 stable enough to use everyday or is it just a toy/beta [moved from Installing Mandrake by spinynorman]
  6. I do the same, except Ark doesn't seem to automatically know what kind of archive the RAR files are, so I always have to choose RAR from the drop down list. Is there a way to make it recognize it and bypass the drop down list? (still using mdk 10.0 if it makes a difference)
  7. After doing some research it seems that you can specify some character in the [global] section of smb.conf client code page = character set = I'm just not sure what numbers I need to enter so that it will match the character set of my american version of windows XP
  8. Thanks that help, in my .mozilla/firefox I have 2 profile foldes, one called default.8nc and one called tt7dsic4.VNCUser so my suspiscion that using firefox under VNC was the cause of the problem is confirmed. There is also a profiles.ini which contains: [General] StartWithLastProfile=1 [Profile0] Name=default IsRelative=1 Path=default.8nc [Profile1] Name=VNCUser IsRelative=1 Path=tt7dsic4.VNCUser Default=1 I need to find some firefox doc so I undertand how to manage profiles and select the one I want to use. for now I will try moving the Default=1 to the first profile ans see ifthat fixes it. I'm not sure why firefox has to create a new profile when I use VNC though, why can't it just use the existing one?
  9. I have lost my favorites, extensions, bookamrks, etc... in firefox I am pretty sure it's due to some kind of "profile" issue and the fact that I used firefox in a VNC session, but I'm not sure what those "profiles" are about, I just know that I have gotten some "profile in use" type of error in firefox before, but only under linux. I also know that in the past, if I used Firefox under VNC, that copy doesn't have my favorites for example. I think waht was different today is that I didn't have firefox open on display :0 (I almost always have firefox open), so I wonder if VNC grabbed my "main" profile and either screwed it up or doidn't "give it back" I knwo this is a bit vague, but it's becasue I'm confused about what's going on. Any pointers? (I think I'm running firefox 1.0 but it's hard to say because the "About" box is a little off.)
  10. I am trying to backup my music collection from a windows machine to a samba share on my Mandrake machine. I basically use the following command from a batch file: xcopy e:\My_Music \\Mandrake\public\backup\My_Music /s /d /y >temp.log The problem is that I have a lot of music in French and in German and the accented characters in the tiltes get all messed up when copying to linux. How can I fix that? [moved from Software by spinynorman]
  11. I compile the windows version under MinGW, and I assume that XMame is based on the same source. In the windows version makefile there is a section with a series of if-then statements for different architectures. I usually add the following to the makefile ... ifdef ATHLON-XP NAME = $(PREFIX)$(TARGET)$(SUFFIX)atxp ARCH = -march=athlon-xp else ... then I build "make ATHLON-XP=1" I don't know if the mamefile is similar for XMame but basically you should be able to use the -march=athlon-xp and gcc will automagically select the proper CFlags.
  12. FYI I have no problems with PuTTY. Also FYI PuTTY 0.57 was just released an fixes a few security issues. My PuTTY setup is as follows, compare it to yours: Session-> Protocol: SSH is selected Connection->SSH-> protocol version2, everything else unchecked. Connection->SSH->Auth-> "attempt keyboard interractive" is checked, nothing else is Connection->SSH->Bugs everything is set to Auto Session->Login: I disabled login but you may want to enable yours to get more clues about what's going on. Also as mentionned above make sure that your windows firewall, other firewall (ZoneAlarm, etc...) allows PuTTY to connect. Hope this helps.
  13. as devries said, just play the dat file and it should play fine. VCDs are actually mpg encoded, not mpg4.
  14. download it here: http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks...tch3355.tar.bz2 Details: General Gameplay: - Fixed stuttering/snagging/sinking into static meshes in some places on clients in net games - Improved getting out of water - Fixed FaceClassic teleporter exploit - The Cicada hud indicators should now show up in all game modes. - Fixed SPMA causing damage at world origin. - Fixed not being able to exit raptor when it's on the ground - Fixed (for assault) the energy core always showing on the HUD even if it not the current objective (thanks AngelMapper) Networking: - Server performance improvements - Cheating detection improvements, with shorter time for master server ban detection - Integration of UTAN bans with UT2004 master server. Admins can opt out by adding bIgnoreUTANBans=true to [ipDrv.MasterServerUplink] - Fixed potential garbage collection crash when changing levels during network games - Improved caching of server data for when you can't connect to the master server. - UTV updated (netspeed fix). - Better Client->Server->MS Error Messages Demo Recording: - Added code to insure StopDemo is executed before a map change or game exit - Remove 8x from the demo playback menu. The engine has problems with that speed. - Fixed bug in Demo Playback menu that caused the Play/Pause button to be out of sync - Added Demo playback jog keys to the console. - Left Cursor slows down playback (1/4x -> 1/2x) - Right cursor speeds ups playback (2x -> 4x) - Up/Down cursor resets to 1x - Disable by settings bDemoJogKeys=false in [XInterface.ExtendedConsole] Engine: - Improved level loading speed, especially on network clients - Fixed calling SetBase(NULL) on all attached actors when an actor is destroyed Editor: - Fix for importing static meshes Menus: - Model select page now properly selects the current character when you open it. - Korean localization updates. - VCTF now appears in server browser, even if you don't already have any VCTF maps installed. - Added code to sync the Stream (MP3) volume with normal music volume.
  15. You should look into dynanic DNS (www.dyndns.org for example). Your server will automatically keep the DNS client informed of any IP change and you can access your server using a DNS name like myserver.dyndns.org. Probably a much better solution to your problem.
  16. I'm trying to find a good programmers editor/IDE that is available both for windows and linux. I have used Codewright under Windows for years, usually use Kate under linux (OK as an editor I guess). I just got the eval version of Visual SlickEdit 9, which would be perfect except that it's hundreds of dollars and you need to buy both a linux and a windows license (or a slightly discounted bundle).
  17. Unfortunately I just received a letter from TuxMagazine that they're cancelling and refunding my subscription because they will not be available in print as planned. The bright side is that the magazine will be coming out as a PDF and the subscription is free. Still, I'd like a good paper magazine, I can tote with me on the bus on the airplane.
  18. I'm trying to port a windows based environment to cygwin (which I'm hoping is the first step towards a full linux migration) This project is for an embedded TI processor and we're not using gcc as the compiler. The TI compiler generates .obj files instead of .o, and the Powers That Be decided that this wasn't about to change (i.e. even though I could tell the TI compiler to use the .o extension, it's not going to happen). The TI compiler doesn't know how to generate dependencies, so I figured I'd use gcc to do it, like : gcc -E -MM -MG *.c The problem is that is generate dependencies like this: foo.o: foo.c bar.h bar2.h whereas what I want is : foo.obj: foo.c bar.h bar2.h I can't figure out how to tell gcc that I want the obj extension for my object files, so right now my solution is as follows: gcc -E -MM -MG *.c | sed "s/.o:/.obj:/" >.depend which feels like a kludge and porbably takes longer. Any better way to do this? Also, I have .asm files that depend on .inc files using the following syntax in foo.asm: .include "bar.inc" so I would like a dependency rule to look like this: foo.obj: foo.asm bar.inc Can gcc be tricked into doing this? Thanks
  19. Looks like only Slune is a finished game? I'll give it a try this weekend
  20. yes, I've got a windows copy, I didn't know you could run it under linux
  21. I plan on giving them a try when work lets up a little bit, but I'll try them... under windows. I'm excited about games playable under linux natively, but since I do have a windows machine I don't do Wine.
  22. Haven't played this kind of games in a while, maybe I should give them a try. I think I'll give Beneath a Steel Sky a try.
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