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Everything posted by papaschtroumpf

  1. I just realized today that even though you can autoupdate the signature file, the software itself won't tell you that it's out of date. Signing up for their "new version release" email alerts should take care of that, but I would rather see an automated notice that the software is out of date,
  2. I'm looking for a good newdgroup reader that gracefully handles binaries (mostly download, possibly some uploads). GUI & KDE preferred. KNote just hangs on me EDIT, meant KNode, not KNotes.
  3. papaschtroumpf


    can you try to connect outside of SSH, to see if the problem is with SSH or VNC? I was never able to run the native KDE VNC server (krfbserver) on 10.0 for example.
  4. Cool, I didn't know that back issues were available online. Looks like the online edition is 2 issues behind the paper edition. Fair enough. I'll go trhough some of those back issues to decide if this mag's for me.
  5. The Editeur En Chef for that new TUX magazine is Marcel Gagne, who writes the "cooking with linux" column for the linux journal. Since I thought this was often the most interesting article in the whole magazine, I think I'm sold on getting it. Keep those suggestions coming though, I never said I was lokingfor only 1 magazine :P
  6. linuxjournal is one of the ones that is available locally and while interesting is a little too involved to read on bus and often more than what I'm looking for, although I have thought about trying it for a year. That other mag might be a little too noobyish but is along the lines of what I'm looking for, so I might go for it. Everything on the CD is downloadable so I won't get the CD either.
  7. I'm looking for a good suggestions of a "general" magazine (and not willing to spend mucho $$$ so magazines produced outside of the US may be too expensive, although I can read both English and French so either of those languages would be fine). Now it needs to be a paper magazine, some thing I can take with me on the bus, read over lunch or in the bathroom. I'll take online magazine and newsletters suggestions too, but I'm looking for the old fashionned ink and paper thing. My local bookstores don't carry much in the way of linux mags, and most of the ones I find are more "case study" ("how lab xyz uses linux to track cloud patterns") or developper oriented ("port your application to Qt2"). I'm looking for a more "general" type of magazine, more targetted at someone using linux as a "desktop" (whatever that really means). Maybe a couple reviews, discovering new open source apps, tips and tricks, "how to use your linux box as a domain controller", linux games, "get the most out your NVIDIA drivers", some programming, etc... Hopefully that gives you a sense of the "flavor" of what I'm looking for. I probably don't care about any included CD/DVD, it just frives the cost up and I can probably download the same thing over my broadband connection.
  8. on a default install the card should be autodetected at boot. Maybe it is being detected but not setup properly, use hte mandrake control center harddrake applet to list your hardware and see if it's listed there (I think there is also an option top re-detect the hardware, or maybe it always does when you get into the app, can't remember) use dmesg to see if there is anything related to it in the boot messages (error message for example)
  9. Did you try using my script with no other modification than the names of the day? According to the Komics page "you can indicate in the URL field a script name that prints on STDOUT the URL of the day. The script must be contained in the ~/.kde/share/apps/komics/ directory, and must have executable permissions." My script does just that, it prints the URL on STDOUT. maybe you can remove the \n at the end of the URL if it causes trouble, but I would hope Komics knows how to deal with it. This is just a guess since I don't use Komics though.
  10. The URL to the comic is much easier than on the Komics example. it is "http://www.rotterdamsdagblad.nl/dirkjan/" followed by the day of the week (in dutch) followed by .jpg, as in: http://www.rotterdamsdagblad.nl/dirkjan/dinsdag.jpg Look at the scripts that come with Komics to see if there is one that generates the day of the week (even if it's in English) as a starting point. if, not, if what the script really needs to do is generate the URL to the pic, here's something: #/bin/perl %translateWeek = ( "Mon" => "Lundi", "Tue" => "Mardi", "Wed" => "Mercredi", "Thu" => "Jeudi", "Fri" => "Vendredi", "Sat" => "Samedi", "Sun" => "Dimanche", ); $now_time = localtime; $now_time =~/^(\w+)\s/; print 'http://www.rotterdamsdagblad.nl/dirkjan/', $translateWeek{$1}, ".jpg\n"; The hash at the start of the program matches the abbreviated name of the week with the full name, I'm running on a US installation but just for fun I matched them to Frecnh. Translate to Dutch as needed (I think the abbreviated form should use dutch names of the week but not sure). I'm sure you can figure it out. Also, it's not clear from the Komics page if the script is limiter to a perl script ot any other kind of scripting language that you might be more familiar with, from sh to awk. Disclaimer: I don't use Komics, so the script above is based solely on what my understanding of the komics perl script needs to do based on the page above.
  11. I agree it's fun but I wouldn't call it good looking. Unreal Tournament 2004 is good looking (but not free) If you're into FPS you might want to check out Legends, sortof a Tribes lookalike, but not much a community.
  12. I have created an SVCD with an authoring program and it created several directories and I'm not sure how to burn it using k3b. If I choose a video CD format it tells me that some files are not movies. Do I just burn it as a data CD?
  13. LOL I think I had a similar problem with an older version of bittorrent. Find a recent mdk specific rpm and use it using urpmi, if it needs to update python in the process it should tell you. Or at least make sure your copy of python is up to date. Azureus is nice, but you can't start/monitor it remotely like you can with the command line utility (combine it with "screen"). The full mame ROM set is a biggy, at least the first time you get it :P
  14. Looking for a Mandrake (10.0?) rpm of the latest release of gtk-gnutella.
  15. look for error logs in your ut2004/System directory. can't remember what the default log name is. Do you successfully run other SDL based games?
  16. I agree, the guardian was harder than the final boss, or at least it was less obvious how to take it down, but cheating? tsk tsk tsk! I just finished Half Life 2 (windows only I know) and enjoyed it much more than DOOM3, more variety. Thank goodness for the Hell levels in DOOM3 or it woulod have gotten boring, Ran only so-so on my linux machine because my video card is outdated.
  17. A new convertion for UT2004 is out: UTXMP (www.utxmp.com). They have only relesed the windows package at this time but hte linux zip should follow shortly. UTXMP is a remake of the XMP (extended multiplayed pack) addon for Unreal II, which is a class based mutiplayer combat FPS, similar to the Tribes series in some ways (multiple classes, deployables, ...) It looks like they kept all the "good" of XMP, but upgraded the "bad" using the better Unreal engine from UT2004. XMP requires a lot of team coordination and has a bit of a learning curve (like Tribes) but is a lot of fun to play. I'll post back when the linux version is available. If you have a windows machine and the UT2004 know-how, you can probably grab the right stuff from the windows install and transplant it onto your linux machine.
  18. I meant to say that it is an alternative to F-Prot. Pick one. My personal and limited opinion is that F-Prot is the way to go. More options and the front end / servicemenus described above make it even more useful.
  19. I always save /etc also. I didn't see it mentionned. You may have to manually diff the files between the new and the old version of Mandrake in case they changed, but knowing how your last system was setup is usually very useful. Files that speed up the process of configuring the new machine include sensors.conf, samba.conf, fstabs, apcupsd.conf (UPS config files), etc... When you rarely touch those files, it's sometimes hard to remember what you did to them, and while I keep notes, it's often nice to have the "original". Ideally all you need to do is perform an upgrade rather than a full re-install and it should keep your settings basically the same, and automativcally upgrade the files in /etc to work with the new version. Unfortunately I have had poor luck with upgrades on Mandrake in the past, so I tend to do a clean install, however during the install process I tell it not to format my /home directory: 99% of my settings remain intact that way, while keeping the "benefits" of a full install.
  20. For rhe sake of completeness I though I would add that Panda Antivirus also has a free command line virus scanner for windows: http://www.pandasoftware.com/download/linux/linux.asp
  21. I'm capturing the Xmas children classics on TV I'm in the (USA) to DVD compatible mpg2 format on my windows machine (that's where the TV card is) Fot those of you not familiar with american TV, that means a commercial (ad) break every 15 minutes or so. Is ther good software to edit the mpg2 to remove the commercials and have a "clean" movie (i.e. mpg2 editing, possibly with automatci scene detection to make it easier to find the commercials) A secondary question: I want to put multiple movies on a single DVD, with menus and possibly chapter bookmarks: is ther a good DVD authoring software under linux? Thanks
  22. I'm trying to compile the QtFprot front end to play with it, but I can't get it to build. the ./configure step works fine, but when I try to make it I get the following error: libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.la' and it's right, I have a libGL.la in /usr/lib but the one in /usr/X11R6/lib is called libGLU.la Not sure what this means so I don't know how to fix it. edit: I found a texstar rpm here, so I might try this a try instead: http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idp...x.i586.rpm.html
  23. I found this: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=17808 it's a "servicemenu" for Konqueror. I didn't know what a service menu was until a few minutes ago, but basically it adds a contextual entry in the Konqueror right click menu, so this adds a "scan with f-prot antivirus" entry. This is exactly what I wanted for scanning a single file "on demand" I am actually quite impressed at the breadth of this free product, you can run it as a daemon for fileserver or email server, see this page for instructions: http://www.f-prot.com/support/helpfiles/unix/ I'm satisfied with a nightly scan in a cron job plus the servicemenu mentionned above though, so I'm not going to run the daemon.
  24. There are "servers" on the network that answer every query they see with a fake match , in an attempt to discourauge people from using the gnutella by providing them with garbage. I suppose a malicious server could also be spreading viruses in the same way although I don't think they're viruses. I don't know exactly what the files contain because I never downlaoded one, may they're just a big "don't do that" sound track, or an excerpt from US copyright law . You will probably notice that all the hits come from the same IP address, and I think they're generally exactly the same size too. In gtk-gnutella you can filter that particular host out, I assume most other clients have a similar mechanism. It does tend to clog the result window otherwise. If you do download one of those files, post back here to let us know what it contained (I'd do a virus check and handle the file as dangerous to be on the safe side). It may just contains total garbage.
  25. A coworker pointed me to: http://www.jinzora.org/ looks pretty good at first glance
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