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Everything posted by juanchor

  1. paul: Yep, but AFAIK not simultaneously, that's the reason why I can't burn CDs on-the-fly: my CD burner and my CD-ROM drive are both on the same IDE channel. Maybe the IDE standard has changed a lot these years (my PC has ages) , but better have both drives on different IDE channels, just in case... heather1113: Your partitioning scheme is totally ok. swap and / on hda, the 7200 rpm one, then /home on hdb, just what I meant (I notice you did mean that at first... sorry then!). The fastest would be having all of the partitions on hda, but you want to use both drives with linux, right? Well, you could do that, make hdb mount on a dummy mount point like, say, /mydata, then you would be able to use hdb only to store files... Good for your sister! Supertux is addictive... have her try Scorched 3d... or Xbill LoL. Tell her she's welcome ;-)
  2. Erm... thanks, Dexter, but you're wrong. The 7174 drivers do support "ancient" cards like mine, they removed support from 7664 and above, so I can't install any newer than 7174 ones. I tried downgrading drivers all the way down to 6111 (which gave me no problems on MDK 10.0), but them and 6629 won't install with this kernel. 7167 does install ok, but works the same for me, graphical annoyances included, so I'll stick to 7174 for now. The good news is I've found that going to runlevel 3 and starting X with the -nosilk option the cursor doesn't disappear on blender at least. But the rest of graphical glitches like the trail on menus and buttons is still there. Well, it's almost usable now. Hope nVIDIA releases those legacy drivers... sometime. FX 5200's aren't that expensive, now I think of... Regards
  3. Different speeds? It shouldn't be a problem. Just be sure to make your swap partition on the faster one (hda in this case)... and /, /boot if you make it, too. It will load and work faster this way, however, the opposite would work too As a side note, if the drives are on the same IDE channel, maybe you won't be able to transfer files from one to another. It's because of the IDE limitation, you can't read and write simultaneously on the same IDE bus channel. I say maybe because I don't know if it's possible via a buffer or... whatever. Anyways, if they are on different channels, the better.
  4. Hello Well, I had no problems during drivers installation, the 7174 version one was a breeze. In fact, I've had no problem at all with previous versions of Mandrake linuces (I've used 9.0, 10.0 and now 10.2/2005LE) and nVIDIA propietary drivers to date. But now, I've got a minor but disturbing one. Everything works ok in X... except openGL programs that use X11 cursors (such as blender and Mahjongg 3d Solitaire) for mouse cursor. In those programs the mouse cursor leaves a trail or even worse... in blender it dissapears and leaves no trail when I click, then it appears when I click again and leaves a trail on buttons... kind of an on/off switch. Annoying . Maybe it's because my good ol' geforce... I think as I didn't have those fancy, animated KDE 3.3 cursors (or are they Xorg's?) back in previos versions of Mandrake maybe it has something to do with this. How could I have the good ol' X11 black & white cursors back? Choosing the default theme in KDE Control Center won't help. I tried IceWM but it has the very same cursors, so... I've tried downgrading drivers to 7167 too but it's the same. The drivers I didn't have this issue with on 10.0, 6111 version, won't even install properly (they don't support the way newer kernel, I guess). I can't upgrade to any latest than 7174 either because nVIDIA dropped support for "legacy cards" like mine. Tried also xorg.conf Options for the nVIDIA driver like HWCursor 1, then 0, SWCursor, NoFlip... no joy Well, I write the most relevant hardware & software data below. Thanks in advance for any help Hard: AMD K7 600 MHz 320 Mb RAM PC133 nVIDIA geForce DDR 32 Mb Soft: Mandriva 2005 LE Xorg 6.8.2 (updated) KDE 3.3.2 (updated too) kernel 2.6.11-12mdk (not the out-of-the-box one, it is an update too) matching kernel-source 2.6.11-12, of course gcc 3.4.3
  5. I know it may not be the BEST solution, in fact I didn't claim that. I find mine is just easy and I wanted it to work out-of-the-box. Upgrading the kernel hasn't helped me a single bit. Keep reading I upgraded to 2.6.3-14 and my tablet worked the same as in 2.6.3-7. Then I tried to download the 2.6.3-14 kernel-source to compile the nVIDIA drivers and rmpdrake told me: package not found. I updated RPM sources and found the 2.6.3-15 kernel was out... ok it may be stupid, but for once I decided to not upgrade the kernel anymore, as I saw it wouldn't help me but making me lose time instead. Maybe I'm downloading the 2.6.3-16 kernel and sources as I'm sticking to 10.0 until the 10.2 Official comes out, though. I searched all these forums long and wide for topics related to "wacom" and "mandrake 10.0" Yes, there were a few, but I didn't find a solution that actually worked for me, maybe I didn't search well . BTW, weren't you who stated that the Official 2.6.3-7 kernel worked fine for your tablet? You've got just the same tablet as I and it works for you. Well then, I'm glad :) Yeah, you're right to this one... except the package I downloaded was from 10.1 Community... bah, it's beta software after all, till the Official one comes ;).
  6. Well, well, just as I write this, I've read that the 10.1 Community edition of Mandrake is out... so I know this is now deprecated, but they're the most annoying problems I've found on Mandrake 10.0 and finally managed to fix. These tips apply to Mandrake 10.0 Official About wacom tablets working I found a big trouble with Mandrake 10.0 Official and my graphire 2 USB tablet getting to work under kernel 2.6.3-7. During installation it worked fine (no wheel support on mouse, the only glitch), but when I rebooted I noticed the cursor goes to the left side of the screen and only moving up and down responding to left and right move on the tablet. This is because the usbmouse module conflicts with the wacom one. The best solution is going to /etc/hotplug as root and adding usbmouse to the blacklist file (remember to sudo root before)(thanks x4nder). Next time you reboot, your tablet will be quite usable, but the mouse moves in absolute coordinates and worst of all, if you fire up GIMP you'll notice there is no pressure sensitivity support. Well, I found the solution to this easiest, and you won't have to compile ANYTHING! Just go to Linux wacom project and download the most recent stable package (I used ver 0.6.4). Untar the archive, then go to linuxwacom-x.y.z/prebuilt, sudo root, copy the driver for XWindow that suits your system (for me is wacom_drv.o_4.3k2.6) to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/, then switch it with the original like this: >mv wacom_drv.o wacom_drv.old (or whatever you want to rename it to) >mv wacom_drv.o_4.xk2.y wacom_drv.o. I don't remember how the stock /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 was exactly, I think it was ok, but if you have more InputDevices thant the usual cursor, eraser ans stylus, then comment with # or delete the line Mouse1 in ServerLayout. Also set your cursor device as "CorePointer" in this section and you're done. Then, restart X by issueing telinit 3, then telinit 5 as root, or, if you like brute force, press CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to kill the X server, then at the console type startx. You should have your tablet fully working right now. See your mouse move on relative coordinates and your mouse wheel works? Alright. Pressure Sentivity should work too. Test it in GIMP. Set the stylus and eraser input mode as "screen" in File>Dialogs>Input Devices if you haven't already, then draw some lines. BTW, the jitter effect I saw in GIMP 1.2.3 under mandrake 9.0 is gone. It draws crystal clear right now! NOTE: Tested with out-of-the-box kernel 2.6.3-7, XFree86 4.3-30 and GIMP 1.2.5. Haven't done it with GIMP 2.0 but I will do it sometime soon :lol: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDL Floating Point Exception Issue Well, if you try to run some SDL applications that autodetect joysticks or gamepads (like i.e. ZSNES, VisualBoy Advance or Tux Racer) and you have an USB one plugged in (like in my case), you'll see that the program drops down to the console and shows a message like this: Floating Point Exception (SDL Parachute Deployed) It's a bug in the SDL version that ships with Mandrake 10.0 (and other distros as I have seen)(1.2.7-2). I've just downloaded and installed the SDL 1.2.7-7 rpm (libSDL1.2-1.2.7-7mdk.i586.rpm) from the cooker/10.1 version and the problem is gone . This one depends on libgg, libggi and libdirectfb, that 1.2.7-2 didn't, so install them if you don't have them installed already (The ones in 10.0 work fine). Hope you did find this helpful
  7. Joy! Thanks a lot, that made the trick :D. I haven't pressure sensitivity yet, but I'll try compiling the wacom drivers... I have to download the kernel sources to install the nVIDIA ones after all... Thanks again
  8. Have you tried the Mandrake Installation rescue mode? Boot from Installation CD 1, press F1 at the splash screen, then type "rescue" at the boot: prompt. You'll enter a menu with some options, one is loading a root environment to fix things around manually. Good luck with your "repair" ;)
  9. I'm sorry, I had to figured that out :P. Well, I have googled a bit and think that this answers your question. The 5900XT is better and only slightly more expensive. LoL. That's the worst site to find anything ;).
  10. You should check i.e. this, but I wouldn't buy any of them right now cause the geForce 6800 ones are coming up soon, and FX ones will get much cheaper after that ;).
  11. It does work with ALSA on Mandrake 10.0 Official. I can tell you because I have just the same card as you do(and it didn't work very well with ALSA on mdk 9.0 :)). The only problem I see is that I don't get any sound output to my rear speakers in a 4.1 analog setup. I have tried everything... even switching to the OSS driver. Please, if you get any better than 2.1 sound, tell me how, ok ;)?
  12. Hi. I have a problem with my wacom Graphire 2 tablet, it seems a very common one, but I haven't found a full solution yet. When I boot into linux and move the mouse or the stylus on the tablet, the cursor goes to the left side of the screen and keeps there, moving only vertically, upwards when I move to the left and downwards when I move to the right. I found a workaround for this, it seems that usbmouse and wacom modules conflict, so I enter as root in a console: modprobe -r usbmouse modprobe -r wacom modprobe wacom (hey VeeDubb thanks for the info, I read it from you) and that's it, the cursor moves from then on as it should... but the mouse works in absolute mode and I don't have pressure input in The GIMP. Yes, if you wondered, my XF86Config-4 file has the wacom input devices in and all that. And everytime I boot into linux, it's the same annoying thing over and over I read that with kernel 2.6.7 this problem was gone, but I have used the 10.0 OE out-of-the-box kernel 2.6.3-7 and the very latest 2.6.3-14 and it is the same :unsure:. Have lost the "cool" splash screen at startup tough :P Any way to prevent the kernel from loading the usbmouse module? Thanks in advance
  13. Same here, I mean, my monitor is an Aoc FT720 CRT monitor and is not in the 10.0 list, but the installation detected it as a plugplay() monitor and works just fine. Try plugplay(), and if that fails, I remember a trick that I used on Mandrake 9.0 when my old monitor died and I switched to this one and may be useful to you: Reading the manual of my new monitor I noticed there was another monitor model of the same brand that had exactly the same specifications and refresh rates my monitor model has, and that was on the Mandrake 9.0 Control Center monitors' database, so I selected it, run the test and everything worked like a champ from then on :lol:. Look for specs of your monitor and other Syncmaster ones, maybe you are lucky like me :) If that doesn't work for you, you can always set your monitor as a generic/standard one (flatpanel in your case) or manually enter the horizontal and vertical refresh rates. Be careful if you are going to do that last one!
  14. To run drakfloppy, type drakfloppy in a console as root. But anyways, the 2.6.x kernels won't fit on a floppy, so your best bet is to write LILO to a floppy MBR. Haven't tried it myself, but it should work. If you do have the 10.0 installation CD 1, you can boot from it, press F1 at the splash screen, then type "rescue" at the boot: prompt too
  15. Nope, AlsamixerGUI doesn't work for me either. I have done nearly everything possible. I even switched to the OSS emu10k1 driver... no rear output and pulled up the Ogain Slider (or was it Igain? I pulled them all! :lol:)in kmix. I have right now upgraded my kernel from 2.6.3-7 to but I've got the same problems: no rear speaker output and my wacom tablet doesn't work quite right... but that's another story. It's even worse, because having 2.1 sound is ok while having to mess with modprobe at start to get my tablet to work like an "absolute coords mouse" is quite annoying. I've read that's related to the fact that the kernel loads the usbmouse module, which it shouldn't. I'll open another post for that
  16. Thanks, but I have checked like 1 thousand times the alsamixer controls and they seem set ok. My wave surround is even at 100% volume, and the Analog/Digital Output jack is muted as it should be. I can hear everything from the front and sub speakers but nothing from the rear ones. I have touched nearly every switch up and down and no way. I have googled quite a bit too and the emu-tools look like... they are OSS only. Thanks anyway :)
  17. Ermmm... well I know this is a well-known issue, and the solution, after googling a lot and reading these forums -and others -, was "go to some mixer, i.e. alsamixer, mute the last control, "SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack, then turn up the wave surround to control your rear speakers volume". Ok, I know this worked for me with mandrake 9.0 and my good ol' SB Live! 1024. But it died recently - oh why??-, and I bought an OEM SB Live! 5.1 Digital. The 4.1 setup (analog BTW) works fine under... that OS that starts with W hehehe Under Mandy 10.0 and ALSA, it works, but no output from the rear speakers, just the normal "hiss" when there is no sound playing. I tried the mixer trick but no luck, In xmms with the ALSA plugin the rear speakers keep silent. I tried the commands: aplay -D front xxxx.wav aplay -D rear xxxx.wav The first one played ok through the front speakers. The other just silent as always. Any ideas?
  18. That's strange. I've had MDk 9.0 nearly until now and my SB Live! 1024 worked fine with ALSA -even 4.1 output-. Recently it died and I bought a SB Live! 5.1 Digital. It didn't work well with ALSA. Xmms wouldn't even run with ALSA running, and alsamixer didn't work anymore. But maybe it is not your problem: you see some wave "playing", right? Maybe your volume levels are too low -ok, seems obvious, but who knows?. If you run the ALSA driver (snd-emu10k1), run alsamixer and go setting volume sliders up until you hear anything. The slider i's usually PCM or WAVE, but maybe is another for you. If that doesn't work, try the OSS driver instead, emu10k1. In either case you can use kmix to set the mixer sliders too. If it was supported in Mandrake 9.0, it SHOULD work on 9.1, but I haven't had that version, so I don't now Hope that helps
  19. Greetings from my network-installed Mandrake 10.0 Official :D! I did it at last... but now my wacom tablet seems to not work, and the only workaround seems to be a new kernel download -, wasn't it? I read it on these forums. I hope I manage to get my tablet working... having to press alt+F12 to get mouse emulation is annoying! :P Well, this was just to say hello. Good bye :)
  20. Hatepe: yes, as I said, I have a Wacom Graphire 2 USB tablet. Didn't try that, I remember that Mandrake 9.0 installation wouldn't even start the graphical installation if any USB device was plugged in. But it seems it isn't the case for my 10.0 CD1. I unplugged every USB device, then tried to install with my good ol' 5€ worth PS/2 mouse. It failed just as before, when installing packages. A bad burn, or maybe the fault comes my CDROM reader that is LG? Whatever. Ah and my tablet worked fine during the installation... as far as I got. Another issue: I attempted a network install. It went fine -sssloooowwww but fine-, but before the RPM installation I had to abort it -someone else needed the computer and it was going to take some hours for sure-. Ctrl-alt-backspace to kill the Xserver and let it unmount partitions and kill processes, then ctrl-alt-del to reboot... and I found the famous L 99 99 99 99 99... screen. Had to boot from a win98 boot disk and enter fdisk /mbr. Could it be the installation? I didn't get to the bootloader step... Or maybe it was because I had pressed ctrl-alt-del to reboot sometimes during the LILO splash screen? Hmmmm... I'm starting to get frightened by the 10.0 installation... no way, I hope to greet you soon from my 10.0 setup ;) Thank you
  21. Absolutely no go. I tried burning at 2x in CDrWIN to then find my CD to be an audio CD (?) with a 44 bytes long audio cd track on it (!!??). Maybe you are right, LiquidZoo. My burner seems to not like current media, and burners aren't expensive, in fact they are cheap nowadays ;). And I have googled a bit and found some guys burn at "slow" speeds like 32x! and find their CDs working. But I already erased the ISO and don't want to bother downloading it and trying to burn yet once more. Next time, when I have the time and will to do it, I'll try a network install, hope it works fine. Thank you for your help guys! :)
  22. That's what I'm going to do. But it was burnt waaaay slow, 4x (my CD-burner is an old one and can't do more). I'll try another CD-R brand, the one that worked with mdk 9.0. And going down to 2x maybe. Duuuuhhh 40 minutes to burn a CD... if that doesn't work, I'll reinstall 9.0 and wait for 10.1 ;) Thanks
  23. I don't have that ADSL modem, but as far as I read, it is a router mode capable one, right? Here's what I did with mine, may be useful to you: I configured my modem in router mode (had to do it in windows because the software was only available for it), then rebooted, booted linux, went to the Mandrake Control Center, Internet Connections, followed the wizard. It autodetected my connection type as "LAN (Local Area Network)" and installed the dhcp daemon and dhcp client packages. It asked to restart the LAN. Ok, done. Then I had internet connection, and I could open Mozilla to browse the net and everything else Hope that helps. Ah! You won't need a PPPoE dialer anymore. You may uninstall them
  24. Thank you, I tried that but it seems it's a bad media problem after all. Just curious, I can run the installation all right until the package installation step, then -I think- EVERY RPM fails . And I could browse it's contents perfectly even the RPMS directory when mounted under Mandrake 9.0. Weird. I'll try burning another CD-R or asking a friend to do it. I could install again Mandrake 9.0 but I think it isn't worth the effort . Thank you anyway
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