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Everything posted by fred_the_fish

  1. Drat. That was exactly what I was going to say. WineX serves a purpose for now - enabling a growing market. When the market has grown enough, the games companies will start doing more for it. Hey Unreal and Doom are both being given Linux versions, so its easily possible (indeed I'd vouch that my none WineX Unreal2004 runs better than either in WineX or straight in windows). However, if we are serious about games on Linux, someone has to grab openGL by the horns, and get a radicle improvement in it - similar to the lines that Micro(cough) did with the DirectX system.
  2. you can use your mandrake cd to boot linux still, but you need to know where to find the vmlinuz and initrd images... so get yourself something to read linux drives in windows, and have a look at where the /boot/vmlinuz and initrd for the relevant kernel are. you can then pass these into the prompt from your mandrake cd (I forget how I'm afraid, but its one of the options), and essentially do the same as grub / lilo would anyway, allowing you to get into your system and then creating a boot disk. normally it would be something like (for grub) kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 devfs=mount splash=silent vga=788 initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd.img
  3. Yum - I'm on a uni network that has locked down certain things like BT... for some reason this also means that apt is knocked-out. Yum works fine, very nice, sorts all your dependencies in much the same way as apt, and is now integrated into the RHN up2date gui, for those who want gui instead of cli. Oh I forgot, whatever you do, if you want samba and smbfs, upgrade the samba package straight-away - some fool at samba broke smbfs for 4 pre. versions (all used in the new kernels) the new one works, but I don't have Core2 yet so I don't know which one they have in it... guess thats the price to pay for having bleeding edge...
  4. And Fedora is great and you should try it :P Bare in mind though, it does not have NTFS support built into the kernel, it has mp3 disabled, so you need to grab a plugin (from somewhere like Freshrpms), and it doesn't have xine or mplayer as a package, so you have to get them, and all the dependant software (again from somewhere like freshrpms). It is however blooming fast - I'd say from feel alone, my Fedora Core 1 test 3 runs about 1/3 faster than my Mandrake10. Further, it uses the latest kernels, and also has SELinux installed. Finally, it can use both apt and yum update technologies.
  5. Gowator - I quite agree, I was just pointing out (from my experience) peoples wants and needs with a computer. And personally, yes I do think this is wrong and should be rectified. - My father know's how to do general car diy stuff, I've learnt from him (and then I learnt even more when I got a motorbike and had to learn the fast way when things went wrong), however many many many friends of mine don't have the first clue about what an altenator does etc.. However, most people today can't be bothered to take the time to learn these things - as I said, they have a mechanic they can take the car too, and its easier for them to through £200 at a mechanic than spend 5 hours themselves on a weekend learning whats going on, and thus whats gone wrong, and thus what they need to do to fix it. Inherent laziness maybe, but they have no desire to "waste time" on things that they know someone else can do for them.
  6. Now the gd library should only be needed if your atually creating the images. Sorry, I'd assumed that you were storing the pictures on a filesystem some-where. If actually you are storing them within a database, then yes you would need to use the gd library to redraw them.
  7. I'd have to say, I don't think its laziness or really indifference! - A Joe Average punter walks into a Dixons or a PC World, buys a pc, expects it to work out of the box, and doesn't want to spend time making things work. When Linux is available on a PC straight from the retailers, we will see this change... until then, its like buying a car - Joe Average has a mechanic that they take a car to when its not working correctly, they don't expect to have to do that as soon as they buy the car from their local Ford / Renault / Volvo / BMW etc garage. - If they wanted to play with it, they would have built a kit-car etc....
  8. Gowator - check the file permisions for the images, and the image directory - when I tried to get the image, I was told 404 error. Check that the file permissions are: folders: 755 pages / images: 644 Should work then..(maybe :P)
  9. cool cheers. So it is significantly better than say using samba? - that is, because of SSH... anything I should be aware of re it?
  10. fred_the_fish


    I've just got Fedora working as my second OS, and having fought with samba (some fool at samba broke the mount for four versions, and its only just been fixed... - if anyone gets an "invalid slot" message, go looking for either an older version, or the very newest version of samba...).. anyway, now I've got it working, I've discovered something called FISH being mentioned on my LAN, from my machine. It appears to be a file transfer over SSH protocol, but there is very little I can find about it? Is it worth using, & howto use it? moved from Software by spinynorman
  11. my bad... swap 1 for 2... its still version 1.92 mind :P:
  12. well if we're going to be pendantic, its fc1 test 3, version 1.92... but there we go... Cheers guys.. will try it this evening - I've got my final assignment to finish and hand in today, then just three weeks of exams, and I'm out of uni forever... almost time to get an IT job again...
  13. cheers.... here goes... If I'm away for a while... you know I goofed it :P
  14. atleast you delete the correct stuff... someone... longago... who shall remain nameless (cough) made a typo whilst as root and actually did... rm -Rf /home/me/ cause the autocomplete fooked :( - instead it should have been... rm -Rf /home/me/junk .... but heyho... lets just say... they learnt to respect the rm command... even when NOT as root.... now wheres that :dumbass icon?
  15. right... so... before I do it... checking I have this worked out correct... I need to change my mandrake partitions to... something like... /mnt/mandrake/ /mnt/mandrake/home/ /mnt/mandrake/var/ and then create /mnt/fedora/ /mnt/fedora/home/ /mnt/fedora/var/ ?? obviously doing this will mean that I have to edit grub also... ps.. second q/ I had a swap @500mb inbetween my / and /home partitons.. i deleted it and created a swap of 1024mb after them... what is the easiest way to "bump" the partitions along so they don't loose data but that 500mb can be used?
  16. question.... does fc1 rc3 not support reisser?? I ask cause I've just burnt a dvd under the impression it does, only to get to the partitions section to find it don't know anything about reisser - it offers me fat16, fat32, ext2, ext3, raid and lvm, but no bleeding reisser... and I insist on reisser........... as an appendium to this q... anyone know when Reisser4 is going to be released??
  17. cheers guys... so... I setup a new set of / /home /var and tell fedora to use them? Then how do I ensure that fedora doesn't try to use its own bootloader? or is this something for the fedora forums :P
  18. Righty... I've got mandy 10... very nice indeed... does the job ok... but nothing to really write home about I'm afraid :P Anyways, I have a 60g drive that I deliberaetly only setup 30gigs worth for mandrake, in the knowldege that I would in the future have to put fedora back on it... Well I have fedora on my own nice shiny dvd now... but I can't get it to install... anyone know how to setup the partitions? I've currently got /hda1 set to root @6gb /hda6 = /home @20gb /hda7 = /var @4gb (all three are reiserfs) I've also got a 500mb swap disk at hda8 (i blieve) When I ran fedora's install, it refused to create necessary partitions on the remaining unformatted 30gb... any idead what I've goofed?
  19. String i = ""; if (i == "silly statement") { System.out.println("Another fine mess you've got us in Bill.."); }
  20. Ok... Kopete 8.0 curtosy of Mandrake Update (as in the april 2004 build).. For some reason, when I start it, it will connect to msn, then instantly loose the connection. The only way I have found to fix this is to remove my account from kopete, and add in a new one. However the above happens again when I next start Kopete. Before I submit a bug, has anyone else had this problem, and if so... solutions? (btw.. its not a file space issue, the /usr is on a 10g partition, with 5g still available..
  21. rpm off the rc1 disks Also tried rpm off the 10c disks Also tried their tar from their website
  22. If I say no.. I do as it says - so alias char-major-89 i2c-dev is now in the modules.conf file, and when I modprobed the drives, the only one that worked was the i2c-isa one - the winbond one returns I add the i2c one to an rc5.d (i just slapped it into the S05lm_sensors one it craeted for me... If I run sensors it returns no sensors found. I'm sure I'm missing something / being dumb here.. but I'm lost.
  23. What I have found out, is that there is an lm_sensors file in init.d, and in rc5.d. This file appears to hold everything already that sensor-detect tells me to add, but running service lm_sensors start starts it, but tells me "no sensors found"
  24. Ok... running sensor-detect And at this stage, it hangs Mobo is SR7-8X, using an SIS648 chipset
  25. Anyone care to explain exactly how to get it working for an Abit SR7-8X mobo? I can't seem to find anything off google about this board, and don't understand everything I've read - lm-sensors webby says to just install and do nothing else... but that doesn't appear to work.. me being I'm sure...
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