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Everything posted by tux99

  1. boot from a Mandriva CD/DVD (or any other suitable CD, or bootable memory stick or even floppy disk) in rescue mode, and do a proper full fsck of that filesystem, while it's not mounted. That way you can tell for sure if there are problems or not.
  2. nspluginwrapper should not be installed at all on a 32bit Mandriva install, it's only needed on a 64bit install (what matters here is not the 32/64bit capability of the cpu, but the 32 or 64bit version of Mandriva installed), therefore I would recommend anyone to remove it on a 32bit install right after the initial install, not just when experiencing problems. nspluginwrapper caused me problems with the acrobat-reader plugin on a 32bit Mandriva install, it's not just Flash that can be affected.
  3. I wouldn't recommend doing it as the video shows, it's easier and better to upgrade via the official Mandriva Firefox package.
  4. I agree 30GB for '/' is too much but 10GB can get tight if /var fills up for some reason or if you install lots of packages (I filled up my 10GB / on a 2008.1 box and had to increase it to 12GB). I would do a separate 5GB /var to avoid filling the root fs (/) in case some process starts logging loads of errors, and a 15GB root fs. 2GB swap is more than enough (if you were really making use of all 2GB for swap the PC would slow down to a crawl...). Also as filesystem I would use JFS, it's as reliable as ext3 but a lot faster, especially with loads of small files like on a typical root fs.
  5. I think the problem is that BSD uses slices inside the normal DOS partitions, so /dev/sda2 probably contains more than one slice. Do a: dmesg|grep bsd to find all slices Also you might want to try ufstype=ufs2 instead of 44bsd See also here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/bs...m-linux-191184/
  6. well then try: mount -t ufs -o ro,ufstype=44bsd /dev/sda2 /media/hd2 to mount it read-only, as per dmesg message
  7. Have you tried: mount -t ufs -o ufstype=44bsd /dev/sdXX /mount_point where sdXX is the BSD partition
  8. tux99

    KDE 4.3

    Let's hope the don't go just fast but also in the right direction, making KDE4 as configurable, intuitive and usable as KDE3.5 is/was...
  9. I have backported the Mandriva 2009.1 rpm of OGMRip 0.12.3 to Mandriva 2008.1, as Mandriva 2008.1 has a rather old version. OGMRip is an interesting DVD to AVI, OGM, MP4, or MKV transcoder. It is similar to Handbrake, but unlike Handbrake it supports 'soft' subtitle tracks too. Handbrake on the other hand has a more complete GUI that allows the configuration of a lot more parameters. See here for OGMRip 0.12.3 rpms for Mandriva Linux 2008.1: http://www.linuxtech.net/downloads/ogmrip_....3_mdv_rpm.html
  10. The RC2 release of Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring (code name Estephe) is now available. This RC2 version provides some updates on major desktop components of the distribution, including KDE 4.2.2, GNOME 2.26,X.org server 1.6, kernel 2.6.29. Major update on X server has been done and lots of testing is in progress to help improve support for fglrx and intel drivers but also openchrome one. More at blog.mandriva.com. Download links: wiki.mandriva.com/en/2009.1_RC_2
  11. Why? at the link I gave you above there are 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 packages too: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/alex_sh/ They are just not in the official Mandriva repos, but you can still download and install them yourself.
  12. smartmontools doesn't have GUI included, there is a separate GUI app called GSmartControl, but I can't see it in the Mandriva repositories. On the GSmartControl website ( http://gsmartcontrol.berlios.de/home/index.php/en/Downloads ) it says: Mandriva Linux: Starting with Mandriva Linux 2009.1, GSmartControl is available in Mandriva Linux. You may use urpmi gsmartcontrol or rpmdrake to install it. Additionally, packages are available at http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/alex_sh/ To find the device names of all drives you have you could for example run the following command on a console as root: fdisk -l 2>/dev/null|grep "^Disk /dev/[h|s]"
  13. Thanks for letting us know about this, although personally I would be very hesitant about installing a random browser plugin from a random website, a browser plugin has full access to anything on the PC as the user running the browser has, so this can be a potential security issue (it could contain malicious code). Of course a solution could be to use it with a browser running in a separate virtual machine and not use that specific browser for anything security critical, like online banking/shopping etc.
  14. Since my previous svn rpm of Handbrake was already 2 months old and a lot of changes have been made to the code since then, I have just built a new rpm of the current svn version. You can find it at the usual URL: http://www.linuxtech.net/downloads/handbra...ndriva_rpm.html I have only briefly tested it so far, so don't know yet how stable it is, if you encounter problems post them here (if it appears a problem with the rpm) or on the Handbrake forum, if it looks like a Handbrake bug: http://forum.handbrake.fr/
  15. I read some of the other posts of the blog, getting the impression that she(?) can't be very old (references to living with daddy), although that means nothing with regards to technical skills, it would explain the rather immature post, that now has been deleted.
  16. I just found out by chance that 'rpmdrake' (the default Mandriva package manager) supports Perl regular expressions in it's 'Find' entry field, too! For example entering the following in the search field: ^kernel.*latest will find all packages that start with 'kernel' (^kernel) then contain any random characters (.*), followed by 'latest'. I guess that's because 'rpmdrake' is written in Perl. Just thought this knowledge might be useful to someone else too.
  17. This is exactly why I hope Mandriva survives financially (and why I dislike Ubuntu, which is completely dependant on the financial goodwill of one rich sponsor and at the same time did hurt Mandriva severely), the problem with smaller distros is their success or failure is too linked to single people so you never know how long they will be around for. Mandriva is still the only desktop focused distro, that doesn't depend on the efforts or financial goodwill of only a single person.
  18. Well, if someone does that as a conscious decision, then fine, it's his/her system and he/she can do whatever he/she likes with it, and there are good reasons to do so in specific cases. But suggesting it as a solution for this particular issue to someone who might not realise the implications of it, is not ideal, especially as this issue should be perfectly fixable. True, but once update nagging is disabled, how many people will remember to check for updates? And updates are not just for security issues but for bugfixes that improve the software too. You are right, maybe mail Mandriva and ask them about it? putting it into the skip list will likely create problems next time a Firefox upgrade comes up, as it usually get's updated with it and urpmi will likely refuse to update Firefox if it can't update libxulrunner.
  19. Adding to what Cannonfodder suggests, here is how I would do it (you have to do it all in a console as root user): 1) Check if rpm sees libxulrunner1.9 as installed and if yes (it should), remove the currently installed libxulrunner: rpm -qa|grep libxulrunner1.9 rpm -e --nodeps libxulrunner1.9 2) check that no downloaded packages are left over in the cache dir: ls -la /var/cache/urpmi/rpms if you see any libxulrunner related file in there, delete it. 3) download libxulrunner1.9 manually from any mirror, for example: cd /var/tmp wget \ ftp://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/MandrivaLinux/official/updates/2009.0/i586/media/main/updates/libxulrunner1.9- 4) install it: rpm -ivh /var/tmp/libxulrunner1.9- Make sure you don't have Firefox or Seamonkey, or any other browser running that relies on libxulrunner, best is to have nothing running apart from the console, while doing this. And don't use the skip list or don't disable the update checks as that's just a nasty workaround that hides the problem and it means you won't get notified of real updates anymore!
  20. Thanks for confirming that, I guess the dynamic libraries used by Qtractor are not that different in 2009.0 versus 2008.1 (no incompatible differences).
  21. I guess you refer to Cooker with the problems you are having, as both Jack and Rosegarden run fine on my 2008.1 install (Ardour too, but Ardour is for a different purpose, it's not a sequencer). Is there no Qsynth available for cooker? I have that one here on 2008.1 too.
  22. No I'm using the current standard kernel for 2008.1 (, as far as I know there is no need for realtime kernels anymore, that was only necessary with older kernels. Maybe the MIDI files you tried were not in SMF (standard MIDI file http://www.midi.org/techspecs/smf.php ) format? Else, you could report your problems to the Rosegarden programmers, I'm sure they will want to fix them, if something is broken. (maybe provide them the MIDI files that didn't work for you).
  23. As the version of Jackit available in the Mandriva 2008.1 software repositories is rather old (and a lot of bugs have been fixed since), I have rebuilt the Mandriva Linux 2009.0 source rpm of Jackit 0.116.1 updating it with the latest release (0.116.2), for Mandriva Linux 2008.1. You can get it here: http://www.linuxtech.net/downloads/jackit....2_mdv_rpm.html Any comments welcome. [moved from Software by spinynorman]
  24. Hi, I have packaged up the brand new release of Qtractor 0.4.0 rpm for Mandriva Linux 2008.1. Qtractor is a fairly young but very promising and already very useable Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt4 framework by Rui Nuno Capela. It's available from my website at: http://www.linuxtech.net/downloads/qtract....0_mdv_rpm.html As always, feedback about this rpm is welcome! [moved from Software by spinynorman]
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