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Everything posted by scoopy

  1. scoopy

    Power problem

    thanks streeter and bvc... I will look into this (no problem with my win2k or shutdowns here) :D Let's get this thread back to cybr's problem now. I didn't mean to hijack this... it just sounded very similiar.
  2. Mandriva Users Board Posting Guidelines 1.0 INTRO: 1.1 The mission of the Mandriva Users Board is to provide a Linux help board, by providing expert assistance, furthering personal knowledge of Linux, and providing a community to relate to other Linux users. 2.0 POLICY: 2.1 You agree, through your use of this Forum, to obey the following policy as set forth by this board's administration. Failure to do so may result in your account being suspended and your service provider being informed. In severe cases, the suspension will be permanent. 2.2 You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, racist, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or similar material. 2.3 You agree not to post any material which is knowingly false, inaccurate, and/or defamatory. 2.4 Personal attacks, harassment, or behaviour which invades another member's privacy will not be tolerated. 2.5 Political or religious debates are permitted only in the OTW forum. Membership by request of an administrator. The general board does not allow debates on such subjects, unless it is related to Linux. 2.6 You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this forum. 2.7 Posting of direct links to executable software is forbidden. You must post a link to a web page that provides a link to the download. Special arrangements may be worked out with a moderator/admin. 2.7a. Any member uploading illegal, commercial (not free), or malicious binary or rpm packages, that could cause harm to a user's system, will be permanently banned. 2.8 Rudeness, argumentive or childish behavior toward a moderator/admin will result in your account being suspended pending review. 2.9 Spam, self promotion, or other forms of personal or commercial solicitation is not allowed, unless related to the promotion of Mandriva or this board. 3.0 ETIQUETTE: 3.1 The guidelines of this board apply to all posts on the board, whichever forum they are in. Please adhere to them. 3.2 Debates should be limited to one or two points for discussion. More than this in one topic creates confusion and misunderstandings. 3.3 Any time a topic begins to get repetitive, the thread may be considered to have run its course and be reviewed for possible closure. 3.4 Points arising from a discussion that warrant their own treatment should be the start of a different thread. 3.5 Off Topic and OTW are places for our members to ask questions of one another and to get to know one another. Have fun! 3.6 If a thread has been locked or removed, please do not start another one on the same topic. 3.7 Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact a moderator immediately by personal message (PM). 3.8 Above all, stay on topic and adhere to any ground rules set forth by the topic starter. [4.0 DISCLAIMER: 4.1 Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for --- or warrant --- the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of its author and are not necessarily the views of this forum. 4.2 This forum system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you have entered above, they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. The email address is used only for confirming your registration details and password, or for sending a new password should you forget yours. 4.3 As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised. 4.4 Mandriva Users Board is not responsible for the content (legal or otherwise) of any binaries or rpm packages distributed by members of the board. Nor is it responsible or liable in any way, for any damage caused by aforementioned packages. 4.5 Mandriva Users Board is not responsible (nor is it liable in any way), for the content or subject matter of any external source that is linked here in any section of the board. 4.6 The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. 4.7 The above guidelines are subject to alteration at any time. Signed, MUB Administrators.
  3. scoopy

    Power problem

    Hope you figure this out cause I think I may be having a similiar issue. My problem is my machine doesn't want to boot after being shut-down for a while. It will freeze at the strangest places. Like soon as the KDE splash screen is about to finish its thing... OR during log-in (type in username... press enter... freeze). I just keep rebooting till it boots... and then it all seems good. Seemed to begin after updating kernel in Mandrake 10 official. I have been looking at any possible connection with kernel 2.6.8-13 (???latest in MDK rpm format), NVIDIA and my Soyo K7VTA Pro w/ a VIA KT 133A chipset (there is something mentioned in the nvidia readme about AGP problems and this chipset) Wondering about your chipset ? Maybe I should check my cmos battery too ?
  4. There should be a file in there with this name, libglx.so.1.0.5336 which I imagine should of been installed when you installed the nvidia driver. The "libglx.so" file is only a link to the file mentioned above. I never installed any NVIDIA rpms. I checked my setup and don't get anything back with the rpm -qa | grep NVIDIA command. I used the file found at: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display...2_1.0-5336.html and followed those instructions. Another thing... I believe you need to get a successful test before expecting it to work. You probably have more working than you should have at this point. :lol: Just noticed... No, the script will clean out the old stuff.
  5. really don't know... maybe try commenting this line out # Load "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.so" it seems to be extra anyway.
  6. I would change "nv" to "nvidia" Here's what my XFree86Config-4 has: Section "Module" Load "dbe" # Double-Buffering Extension Load "v4l" # Video for Linux Load "extmod" Load "type1" Load "freetype" Load "glx" # 3D layer EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "device1" Driver "nvidia" Option "DPMS" EndSection
  7. Nice Job iphitus */ scoopy waits to comment on tyme's avatar until he produces the... /*
  8. Have you installed the nvidia driver ? http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display...2_1.0-5336.html
  9. My guess is that it may be a "leftover" from a previous attempt at compiling this stuff ??? Can you right-click it and make it go away ?
  10. Looking good bigjohn. Mine is still a work in progress, as I am still toying with the kicker stuff. I want to keep that work flow flowing.
  11. once unrar is installed... it should work with konq and ark also.
  12. Did you install this from a Mandrake RPM ? I got mine from a contrib source, such as: ftp://sunsite.uio.no/pub/unix/linux/Mandr...0/contrib/i586/ I installed these three rpms: gdesklets-0.26-2mdk gdesklets-sysinfo-0.25-1mdk gdesklets-weather-0.24-1mdk In /usr/bin there were files with these names: gdesklets-add-sysinfo-display gdesklets-add-weather-display gdesklets-add-weather-full-display You will want to start konsole and type those exactly as you see it. For my example I chose: gdesklets-add-sysinfo-display and gdesklets-add-weather-display since I just wanted the display with the current temp and NOT the 5-day forcast. Then I started gdesklets by clicking the menu entry under / System / Monitoring / Gdesklets
  13. Two quick hints before I go... If you install gdesklets (from rpms) you will need to run a script for the display you want to show. Look for it in /usr/bin. something like gdesklets-add-sysinfo-display If you install superkaramba... the trick is loading the themes (right click) you want. have fun
  14. Mandrake Superkaramba rpms can be found here: http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/sear...ubmit=Search+... and http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=21351
  15. You must first take the screenshot. ( Multimedia/Graphics/Ksnapshot ) then post it ( as file attachment ) using the section I have marked in this screeny
  16. There's an option that appears after you click reply or go to post a new topic. It will the appear as mine does below. Mine is all KDE, with gdeskets along the right, and superkarambe at the bottom. The kicker is hidden towards lower right side. I still find the kicker very usefull and still messing around with all these options myself. The wallpaper is from the collection from http://www.sadeem.net/tux.html (not soviet.com, but same number of letters ;) ) Get your screenie posted and find a sample of what you would like to try and accomplish and we can take it from there.
  17. Very interesting article on how IBM is embracing Linux and using open source to steal market share from Microsoft. Claims IBM seeks to revenge their 1980's loss and reclaim the number 1 spot. rest of article here: http://biz.yahoo.com/fo/040524/03b451e2e53...da630abb_4.html
  18. You have tried our hardware forum too ? Right ? Lots of people willing to try and get you up and running there. Next I suppose they are gonna try and make me use IE, MediaPlayer, and try and lock my box with a certain key, where it could even be hell to replace my winmodem ? Oh that's right --- they already do that shit.
  19. scoopy

    Main Actor 5

    Messed around with cinelerra a bit tonight. After trying several versions and trying various other rpms (hoping to fill in the gaps that seemed to be missing I ended up deleting it. It didn't want to play any of my videos, even tho I got all the major codecs installed and mplayer plays them all fine. I'm with william on this being too buggy at this time. Maybe someday it will the killer video app we want.
  20. scoopy

    Main Actor 5

    Should of remembered this... It did that to me too at first. Had to install like this: rpm -U --force --nodeps hvirtual*.rpm (as per their instructions at: http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra/cinele...ml#INSTALLATION ) Haven't gotten any further than being able to get it started. I need to play with it some more.
  21. Hopefully, if I read this correctly, you are planning on wiping ME on this box. The installer will ask this at the beginning of the process on where you are installing and that it is a new install. The installer will later come to a point and ask you exactly which partitions you want formatted. 2-3 gigs will not be enough room for larger desktops --- like kde or gnome --- but should be enough to get you started for this project. I would choose the option for "individual package selection" and only choose what you know you will need --- add others later. You should also have an idea of how you will partition this drive. Quickly, just off top of my head, I would say; 512 MB for /home (just enough for some docs and config files) 384 MB for /swap (equal to ram) rest for / (root - where your apps and server stuff will go) good luck :D
  22. try installing Xtart. then when you boot... instead of using startx... use Xtart to get a selection of your installed desktops to choose from. ( I believe it is bix "X"... little "tart" .... case sensitive )
  23. scoopy

    Main Actor 5

    or something like Final Cut Pro ;) I have been trying to get cinelerra to work here. You may want to give that a shot? http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra.php3
  24. you're right reb2, they make tons of money and all, but I am not sure I would be able to live with myself running a company like that and spending eternity in hell. My intent with the comment was more like (notice Mr. Cheesy smiley)... If I would try and run a company like that, I would have been shut down long ago for treating people as they have and selling a broken product.
  25. scoopy

    Main Actor 5

    I would either try finding another Main Actor rpm from somewhere else or try uninstalling libraw1394 and then try installing the two together. It usually helps if the file and its dependencies come from same place. What are your running and where did you get these files? Is this a Mandrake rpm ( if you are running mandrake )
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