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Everything posted by ezroller

  1. I think he's saying all of it.
  2. FINALS?!...man...I'm weeks away from those. I wish I had those done already. Looks like I'll be playing NWN now too!
  3. ezroller

    samba update

    check out www.rpmfind.net, I see these listed: SAMBA http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/sear...=mandrake&arch= and SAMBA-SERVER http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/sear...=mandrake&arch=
  4. If you wanna build your own kde the easy way, check out konstruct! http://konsole.kde.org/konstruct/
  5. yeah I'll just wait until 9.1 comes out I really just wanted to run this and cookeize it. thats what ended up happening with 9.0 for me, but it makes sense to wait
  6. also, if I change it to nvidia, X doesn't start at all.
  7. that issue of the building it or rpm'ing it is interesting. Maybe I should rpm -e these drivers and put some good ol source in instead?
  8. Well, I have tried everything on the board I could find, and I am still having issues. I'm using the 4191 nvidia driver on 9.1rc2 First, if I put Load "GLX" in my modules line, I can boot into X, but glxgears will not run. I get this error output: [pwolfe1@source pwolfe1]$ glxgears Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual [pwolfe1@source pwolfe1]$ here is what my XF86Config-4 file looks like: Section "Module" Load "dbe" # Double-Buffering Extension Load "v4l" # Video for Linux Load "extmod" Load "type1" Load "freetype" Load "GLX" EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "device1" VendorName "nVidia Corporation" BoardName "NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" Driver "nv" Option "DPMS" EndSection now, If I follow the instructions on DOlson's site and the hoeto's around here, X will not start at boot. oh yeah, if I run modprobe NVdriver i get this error: [root@source pwolfe1]# modprobe NVdriver modprobe: Can't locate module NVdriver [root@source pwolfe1]# Any ideas why glxgears won't load, or Q3A for that matter?
  9. i hope they resolved the issue of KDE taking years to start up.
  10. all i know is that my main goal for the day is to rid my box of whatever version came with 9.1rc2. Be that cooker, new textar rpm's or some source, this current version i'm using is gone!
  11. http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-3.1.1.php
  12. you can make a file called screenshot.sh or something and put this command in it, then make a shortcut to it and give it a nice little icon: # import -window root -display servername:0 myfile01.pcx Haven't tested that, but found it in a google search. I know the command works from a terminal
  13. here is what is in the .fonts.cache-1 file. sorry its so long. well...actually. its 871 lines long of gibberish and a few references to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mdk" 0 1048095300 ".dir" "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo" 0 1048095300 ".dir" "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF" 0 1048095300 ".dir" "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/luximri.ttf" 0 1046337599 "Luxi and a few other things. I notice it names a font, and then displays gibberish like this: :lang=aa|af|ast|ay|bi|br|bs|ca|ch|co|cs|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur |fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|io|is|it|ki|kl|la|lb|lt|lv|mg|mh|mt|nb|nl|nn|no|n y|oc |om|pl|pt|rm|ro|se|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sv|sw|tn|tr|ts|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo |xh|yap|zu:fontversion=72090"
  14. yeah it'll create them until i click out of konqueror. the files are called : .fonts.cache-1, .fonts.cache-1.TMP-oBjvZw, .fonts.cache-1.TMP-3QoFIM, .fonts.cache-1.TMP-4gMH3F..........and a multitude of other TMP-XXXXX files. I have no idea where the hell or what the hell is writing these.
  15. I have a few shortcuts on my desktop to specific partitions, such as, /opt, /stuff, /home/ezroller, etc. I noticed that if I use the link my home, it does the wierd TMP thing. But if I go to say /opt first, then to /home, it doesn't do it. wierd. well, since I only use /home/user to hold user config files I guess its not a big deal. I rarely go in there anyways.
  16. I'm having this same damn problem
  17. and mysteriously, the moz thing works out and the tmp's have stopped duplicating. man i love betas.
  18. I mean...its filling my ~ fast. 1 mb in the last few minutes.
  19. Just decided to install it, it looks pretty, but I have some very odd behavior. here's the list. If anyone can help it'd be much appreciated. A. When I open konqueror and go to view hidden files, it is filling up with .font-cache.TMP files. hundreds of them. CPU throttled at 99% when I view my home directory like this. B. If I open a window in kcontrol to browse to something, I can't click my way through the directories. I have to manually type them in the bar.. note this is only in kcontrol windows. not konqueror. C. I didn't install Moz during the install. I waited and pulled down the stable 1.3 build. But now the damn thing refuses to keep my settings/preferences. D.Trying to mount the zip drive results in system lockup. It sucks.i hope to god they know of these errors and are fixing them for the 9.1.final.
  20. ever get this working? I ask because I have it running now at work, and I can post my configs here.
  21. there's dcgui too. thats pretty good. but IRC is by far my favorite. another notable mention would be giFT
  22. awesome. I'l finally get to play this damn game thats been sitting on my shelf collecting dust.
  23. ezroller

    Xfree86 4.3.0

    Anon. I'm in the same boat with cooke; except I'm holding out for a 9.1 powerpack. Dragonmage I too am using the exact same video card.
  24. ezroller

    Xfree86 4.3.0

    this is really odd. everything on my box says that it is using 4.3, but it still looks like the older version. any suggestions? I don't even know where to start to look.
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