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Everything posted by FX

  1. FX

    Backups for LInux

    Guess I won't be installing. lX11 -lSM -lICE -lpthread -lkdecore -lkdeui -lkio libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/X11R6/lib/libfontconfig.la' I don't have that. Wonder if it because Im using Dropline Gnome and using xorg. FX
  2. FX

    Backups for LInux

    Chrisz, linux_learner (I believe) and I where talking about backups for linux. Partimage came up as well as Nortons or Symantecs ghost. Well I stumbled on this cruising another forum. http://konserve.sourceforge.net/ Im installing it now and gonna try it out. Has anyone else tried it or used it? If so how good is it? FX
  3. Here read through this. I did steal it from another site, but it helped me. Not sure if you needed all of it or not, but just in case. This is a simple HOWTO to get your wireless card working in Linux. All commands are given between `` '' and you'll have to edit most of them to suit your system. If you have any questions or adds to this HOW-TO, just post them below. I should also add, that these drivers support a wide range of cards, and also should work independant on distribution, although things might have to be done slightly different for different distributions. First off, we need a few programs; wireless tools - you can download, search freshmeat for ``iwconfig'' and you'll find them. Download and untar them using ``tar zxvf wireless_tools.26.tar.gz'' Now you can remove the downloaded file, you don't need it anymore ``rm wireless_tools.26.tar.gz'' Change directory to wireless_tools.26, ``cd wireless_tools.26''. Now compile and install it using ``make && make install''. If you get any errors, read the INSTALL file in the same directory, if all went well, we can cd out of the dir and delete it ``cd .. && rm -rf wireless_tools.26''. Next we need to get the drivers, these are best to get from cvs. If you have cvs installed, this command will download them for you ``cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/madwifi co madwifi''. CD into the new directory that was made ``cd madwifi''. Now you need to figure a few things out on your own; what kernel version (KERNELRELEASE) you have and where the sources are (KERNELPATH). You will also have to know wheter your distribution uses /usr/local/bin or just /usr/bin (TOOLPREFIX), and finally you need to know what sort of CPU you are building for (TARGET). If it is x86 then we will use i386-elf. When you know these things do ``export KERNELPATH=/path/to/sources && export KERNELRELEASE=2.4.x && export TOOLPREFIX=/usr/bin/ && export TARGET=i386-elf''. and change everything after the '=' to what you need. Now it should be safe to build it with make, ``make && make install''. You may have to copy hal/linux/<your target arch>.opt_ah.h to hal/linux/opt_ah.h ``cp hal/linux/i386-elf.opt_ah.h hal/linux/opt_ah.h && make && make install''. Now the drivers should be complete and ready to be used, now we test to load the new modules which should be in /lib/modules/<kernel number>/net. If they are modprobe will suffice, else you might have to locate them with ``find / -iname ath_hal.o'' and go to that directory. Use modprobe first ``modprobe wlan && modprobe ath_hal && modprobe ath_pci''. Note that wlan and ath_hal must be loaded before ath_pci is. If this doesn't work, change dir as I described above and do ``insmod wlan && insmod ath_hal && ath_pci''. If they complain about symbolic links, you need to recompile your kernel. Edit the .config file in your kernel source directory and look for the line CONFIG_MODVERSIONS= make sure it says ``n''. If it doesn't, change the ``y'' to ``n'' and recompile your kernel. Note; you only need to remake your image! ``make bzImage''. Copy it to the correct place and reboot Linux. Now you just might have to redo the wireless drivers, which is why we haven't deleted that directory yet, go back up and redo those steps. After reboot you can test loading the modules again, if no errors you don't have to recompile your drivers. Next, get the card up and running. If you have another ethernet card running, it appears you will need to turn it off ``route del -net default && ifconfig eth0 down''. There are now two ways to get an IP# to your netcard, either setting it by hand or get it from a DHCP server, i'll describe the latter first. Bring up the interface first ``ifconfig ath0 up''. If you want to use anything else than 802.11a, you need to specify a mode with ``iwpriv ath0 mode X''. Find out what you should replace X with by reading the manpages for iwconfig ``man iwconfig'' look for ``mode''. Set your essid (ssid applys here too) ``iwconfig ath0 essid any''. You can replace ``any'' with your own essid but then you need to use "" around the name ``iwconfig ath0 essied "Digital"''. If you have a wep key, set it now ``iwconfig ath0 key XXXXX''. Replace XXXXX with your WEP key. Set the channel you want to use ``iwconfig ath0 channel 5''. Replace 5 with your channel. If you want to specify bitrate (you do) use ``iwconfig ath0 rate 24MB''. Replace 24 with your bitrate. Now call dhcp to get route, nameservers and ip# for you ``dhcpcd ath0''. This might take a few. If all is fine, you can now reach your LAN and internet where that is available. For static ip#, you do it slightly different. Bring up the interface first ``ifconfig ath0 up''. Change ``'' to whatever IP# you want to use. Find out what your gateways IP# is and set it ``route add default gw''. Replace ``'' with your gateway's IP#. Find out what your nameservers ip# is and add them to /etc/resolv.conf file. ``echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf''. Change to your name servers ip#. If you want to use anything else than 802.11a, you need to specify a mode with ``iwpriv ath0 mode X''. Find out what you should replace X with by reading the manpages for iwconfig ``man iwconfig'' look for ``mode''. Set your essid (ssid applys here too) ``iwconfig ath0 essid any''. You can replace ``any'' with your own essid but then you need to use "" around the name ``iwconfig ath0 essied "Digital"''. If you have a wep key, set it now ``iwconfig ath0 key XXXXX''. Replace XXXXX with your WEP key. Set the channel you want to use ``iwconfig ath0 channel 5''. Replace 5 with your channel. If you want to specify bitrate (you do) use ``iwconfig ath0 rate 24MB''. Replace 24 with your bitrate. Should work, and if it doesn't maybe I've helped you a bit on the way at least :) Good luck! P.S Any comments would be nice :) Again not sure if I should have stolen that or not but it worked for me. FX
  4. Ok I did a chmod 666 on it. :D FX
  5. Using slack and I compiled alsa right in. Using the 2.6.5 kernel from kernel.org. FX
  6. Welp a number of different places I could have put this post, but I'll let the mods figure that out. :P I can't get any sound to play from any of the players when I try and play a cd. Yes the wire for audio is hooked up. I did get a short bit of static with kscd and some lines of error. ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:494:(snd_pcm_hw_start) SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_START failed: Broken pipe ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:494:(snd_pcm_hw_start) SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_START failed: Broken pipe ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:494:(snd_pcm_hw_start) SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_START failed: Broken pipe Any ideas? Thanks, FX
  7. chmod 777 /dev/hdc fixed it. FX
  8. Well I made some progress. I booted into the 2.4.24 kernel and it worked. I could play a DVD movie. Booted back into the 2.6.6 kernel and it still will not access /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd. Gonna try a recompile and see what happens there. FX
  9. Running Slack 9.1 Current and here are the errors. They are the same for both user and root..... As it starts joe@laptop:~$ totem libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 1-rc3c from http://xine.sf.net libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.8 for DVD access libdvdread: Could not open /dev/cdrom with libdvdcss. libdvdread: Can't open /dev/cdrom for reading libdvdnav: vm: faild to open/read the DVD As I try to play a dvd... libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 1-rc3c from http://xine.sf.net libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.8 for DVD access libdvdread: Could not open /dev/cdrom with libdvdcss. libdvdread: Can't open /dev/cdrom for reading libdvdnav: vm: faild to open/read the DVD Any ideas? I did the chmod 777 for both /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd. FX [moved from Software by spinynorman]
  10. I couldn't find anything using your command or the du -h command either. I further screwed it up by trying to use PM8 to put the unallocated space back to the Windows parition. At that point I screwed up Lilo so it wouldn't boot. I tried to use my Toshiba restore disc and that didn't fix the mbr. So I tried to use my copy of XP Pro, well it got as far as "Startup" and then it quit. Probably a hardware issue, have the same problems with the wifes, have to remove the vid card. Anyways I just decided to put in the Slack install cd's, cfdisk, removed all of the windows parition. Reparitioned for linux only with my /home having 40 gigs this time and root having around 18 gigs. I think that might work?????? As long as the wife doesn't mind a Linux only Laptop I'll get to live. FX
  11. Ok I just went to the windows side and using PM 8 robbed 7 gigs from the windows parition. Now that is coming up "unallocated" and according to cfdisk I can't use it. "Unusable" it says. I think I am in a pretty rough spot. Not really looking forward to a reinstall again. :( FX
  12. Running Slack current and I have a space hog in my /home dir. Here is what I have....... /dev/hda3 9.8G 9.8G 6.6M 100% /home Here is whats in my /home and how big it is. joe@laptop:~$ du -cks * | sort -rn | head -n 11 1068153 total 944729 games 48699 looks 37750 music 9835 pics 8419 Mail 6132 website 5153 downloads 4130 wireless 1911 OpenOffice.org1.1.1 1333 evolution That alone is just a little over a 1 gig. Where or what could be happening to the other 8 something gigs? Thanks to ac_dispatcher too for the cli for the second part. FX
  13. FX


    Thanks for the replies. I myself like ssh/sftp/scp better when doing remote things, but the wife is a little different. Im trying to get her to use linux, I have to some extent, but if she only has the terminal option I don't think she'll accept it as much. Only other thing she hates is that it (Linux) moves SLOW on her laptop. It only has 128 meg of ram, but XP just kicks Linuxs butt on it for speed. FX
  14. FX


    Didn't know if I should put this here or networking, but anyways. What is the better "gui" VNC or Rdesktop? I have used VNC before and it seems very slow. I haven't use rdesktop before and was wondering if its any better. What ports need to be open and weather it would be hard to setup with Slack? FXMod Note:Moved from Software by Phunni
  15. Ok I got it solved. Got to give thanks to those in #slackware who helped. Here is what I did..... Opened up "/etc/rc.d/rc.local" and added these lines....... ifconfig eth0 down ifconfig ath0 up route add default gw I'll have to use some cli to bring up the eth0 card when its hardwired, but thats fine. Hope this may help others. FX
  16. Im trying out the madwifi drivers for my Atheros card and then seem to work fine but........ In order for me to get them to work I kind of have to jump through hoops. I don't mind but the wife may if I install them on her laptop. Here is what I am talking about. First I have to take down my eth0 card. "ifconfig eth0 down" Then I have to bring up my ath0 card "ifconfig ath0 up 192.xxx.x.xxx" I have a static ip set to the pcs. Now I can ping the lan pcs, but cant get out into the world unless I do.... "route add default gw 192.xxx.x.xxx" Then everything works find. One problem with all of that though......... I don't want to have to do that. I would like to have all of that working on boot, but I don't know how. I think I have to make startup scripts, maybe? and if so how? Where is cybrjackle when you need him. FX
  17. Guess what I have with a completely updated system? WEEEEEE Linux laptop 2.4.26 #6 Wed Apr 14 16:31:11 PDT 2004 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux After doing alot of reading I kind of pieced this all together. Update swaret with the "current" in the conf. file . Then upgrade, even the kernel, so "comment" out the "Exclude" for the kernel and let it update. So run "swaret --upgrade" Let it do its thing. When asked for "y" or "n" on packages I said "y" to all EXCEPT anything to do with alsa. I DID NOT upgrade alsa at all. When it was done with its upgrading I ran "updatedb" and then "/sbin/lilo" for the kernel upgrade. Just to be sure. I have read where swaret or the upgrade process will do this automatically, but I ran it just to be sure. Now I didn't have sound on the reboot so what I did, after reading alot is I went to http://www.alsa-project.org/ and got the latest drivers, lib and utils and downloaded them into a dir I made called "alsa" From there I went to this page http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-p...module=intel8x0 and followed it step by step. Now I have "intel8x0 sound and it worked for me. Now I'd imagine if anyone else is having this trouble would pick out thier card in the database there and followed the install instructions they would have just as good as luck as me. I do want to thank you alot for your help, and others in #musb also. FX
  18. Oh yea forgot to add that part too................ bash-2.05b$ alsamixer No mixer elems found
  19. Well I updated like you told me too and configured Lilo also. When I boot into the 2.4.25 kernel I get a boat load of insmod errors. When I finally get into Gnome I get these two errors also. 1- Mixer_Applet2 Process 2441 has crased 2- OAIFD:Gnome_MixerApplet Details: Unknown Corba excetion id: IBL:omg.org/Corba/Comm_Failure :1.0 I also don't have a "speaker Icon" or mixer. (Probably caused it crashed) :) Here is my lsmod.............. bash-2.05b$ lsmod Module Size Used by Not tainted snd-pcm-oss 37860 0 (unused) snd-mixer-oss 12536 0 [snd-pcm-oss] keybdev 2052 0 (unused) mousedev 4212 1 hid 21092 0 (unused) usbmouse 2040 0 (unused) input 3200 0 [keybdev mousedev hid usbmouse] uhci 24508 0 (unused) ehci-hcd 17644 0 (unused) usbcore 59436 1 [hid usbmouse uhci ehci-hcd] i810_rng 2528 0 (unused) snd-intel8x0 18888 0 (unused) gameport 1420 0 [snd-intel8x0] snd-mpu401-uart 3200 0 [snd-intel8x0] snd-rawmidi 12768 0 [snd-mpu401-uart] snd-seq-device 3888 0 [snd-rawmidi] snd-intel8x0m 9892 0 snd-pcm 55880 0 [snd-pcm-oss snd-intel8x0 snd-intel8x0m] snd-timer 13572 0 [snd-pcm] snd-page-alloc 6324 0 [snd-intel8x0 snd-intel8x0m snd-pcm] snd-ac97-codec 44508 0 [snd-intel8x0 snd-intel8x0m] snd 30340 0 [snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-intel8x0 snd-mpu401-uart snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device snd-intel8x0m snd-pcm snd-timer snd-ac97-codec] soundcore 3396 7 [snd] ohci1394 24112 0 (unused) ieee1394 42372 0 [ohci1394] 8139too 14216 1 mii 2272 0 [8139too] crc32 2880 0 [8139too] ds 6612 1 yenta_socket 10336 1 pcmcia_core 39972 0 [ds yenta_socket] ide-scsi 9360 0 agpgart 44036 0 (unused) Now if I just leave it alone after installing and don't update I have no problems at all. Any ideas? Thank again for the help.
  20. Thanks cybrjackle!!! I did get sound working....... with a reinstall. I am suprised at how easy and fast it is to install Slack. Yes it helps to have paritions already setup from a previous Linux install, but I find it just as easy as Fedora or MDK, but a heck of alot faster. I'll work on the update and upgrades the next time I get a chance. I have school later this morning, then work 10 hrs then do it all over again on Thurs. Fri. have an appraisal being done on the house, then work again. I may fit some time in Sat. or Sun, so if you don't hear or see me until you know what I am up too. Again, thanks alot for your time in helping me. Also everyone else in #musb that chimes in to help also. FX
  21. Whats wrong with Fedora? Great replacement for Redhat. FX
  22. FX

    Samba Wierdness

    When I go into "Network Servers" under gnome apps and try to browse the network I have to keep repeatedly using a user name and password. When I finally get to the file I want, I can never get in or it just sits there searching. Anyone have a clue on why this is? Thanks ahead of time. FX
  23. I played it the first time that it came out and never really understood it. I may download again and try it some more. FX
  24. Just installed today on my Toshiba laptop and after some fighting with the XF86Config file I have X up and running. Now to REALLY learn linux. tyme maybe getting alot of questions. :P FX
  25. If I can nudge my way in with the rampant Suse posts I would like to ask a question. I am trying to install Debian on a new Toshiba P15-S409. It has a Gforce4 5100 Go vid card. I cannot start X. Yes I have tried Mepis, Knoppix and had Fedora running just fine on it, but I cannot start X with Debian. Is there anyone that could possibly post their XF86Config that I can copy. The error I am getting is that it can see "screen" but there are no "modes" set and no correct configuration. Now I have tried copying my Fedora Config over, and somewhat tried to do that with Mepis and Knoppix, but they have such a wide range of listings in the Config I would either pull my hair out (I shave me head bald, so that would be pointless) trying to figure it out, or have to type the whole file in. I really don't wanna do that cause, well Im lazy. :P So if anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated. FX
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