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Everything posted by DragonMage

  1. I actually tried to customize the panels in gnome2, but have no idea how.. I can delete the bottom panel (which is basically just a place to put the taskbar), but I don't know how to move the top panel (the start menu,etc) to the bottom (or at least not as intuitive as kde which is just drag and drop). I tried looking into the gnome control center and nothing about that.. after a few hours of searching and doing a google lookup.. I gave up. Why do I try to customize the gnome desktop when I have a perfectly nice desktop in my kde3 anyway. I am actually doing the gnome2 thing for a friend who used to be a gnome fan (he worked at Sun, so he better be). I know that he gave up also and use ICEWM as his default desktop.
  2. Well.. it seems stable enough.. And taking the shots doesn't seem to take too long. Yeah, there is a bit of a problem in updating the shots (I closed a program from another desktop and the preliminary screenshot of that desktop is not updated) but since renewing the screenshots just take 1 second, it's not a problem for me.. Then again.. I only use two virtual desktops, so it may vary if you have more than 4.
  3. Well.. I wouldn't count on mandrake to install on anything with less than 32 mb ram.. but you can try something else from the tiny linux distros.. such as zipslack and install the rest yourself.
  4. Here's the link to kde-look about that one http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2177
  5. The reason I don't use gnome2 in mandrake is simple, the desktop reminds me of old macOS and I LOATHE macOS (not OSX, but that's another story). Besides I don't care about where to put the startmenu, but don't decrease my desktop space further by using two panels instead of one. KDE has better eye candy in any case :)
  6. That's the answer.. The regular XFree's version of the nvidia driver (nv) is not accelerated, so it is using software mode to draw all those 3d stuffs. Once I tried playing tuxracer on a friend's computer with the same video card without nvidia's version of the driver and I get seconds per frame instead of frames per second. So install the nvidia driver asap.. your computer will thank you :)
  7. Here it is.. watch out now.. # XScreenSaver Preferences File # Written by xscreensaver-demo 4.05 for dmage on Fri Nov 22 01:41:14 2002. # http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/ timeout: 0:10:00 cycle: 0:10:00 lock: False lockTimeout: 0:00:00 passwdTimeout: 0:01:00 visualID: default installColormap: True verbose: False timestamp: True splash: True splashDuration: 0:00:05 demoCommand: xscreensaver-demo prefsCommand: xscreensaver-demo -prefs helpURL: http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/man.html loadURL: $BROWSER '%s' nice: 10 memoryLimit: 0 fade: False unfade: False fadeSeconds: 0:00:03 fadeTicks: 20 captureStderr: True font: *-medium-r-*-140-*-m-* dpmsEnabled: True dpmsStandby: 2:00:00 dpmsSuspend: 2:00:00 dpmsOff: 4:00:00 grabDesktopImages: False grabVideoFrames: False chooseRandomImages: False imageDirectory: mode: one selected: 136 programs: default-n: "GDadou" chbg -xscreensaver -mode smart -bg "#21449c" -interval 0.08 -randomize -effect 1 -speed 50 -R /usr/share/mdk/screensaver/*.png n "Qix (solid)" qix -root -solid -segments 100 n "Qix (transparent)" qix -root -count 4 -solid -transparent n "Qix (linear)" qix -root -count 5 -solid -transparent -linear -segments 250 -size 100 n - mono: "Qix (xor)" qix -root -linear -count 5 -size 200 -spread 30 -segments 75 -solid -xor n "Attraction (balls)" attraction -root -mode balls n "Attraction (lines)" attraction -root -mode lines -points 3 -segments 200 n - "Attraction (poly)" attraction -root -mode polygons n "Attraction (splines)" attraction -root -mode splines -segments 300 n "Attraction (orbital)" attraction -root -mode lines -radius 300 -orbit -vmult 0.5 n pyro -root n rocks -root n helix -root n pedal -root n rorschach -root -offset 7 n hopalong -root n greynetic -root n imsmap -root n slidescreen -root n decayscreen -root n jigsaw -root n blitspin -root -grab n slip -root n distort -root n spotlight -root n "Ripples (oily)" ripples -root -oily -light 2 n "Ripples (stir)" ripples -root -oily -light 2 -stir n "Ripples (desktop)" ripples -root -water -light 6 n hypercube -root n hyperball -root n halo -root n maze -root n noseguy -root n flame -root n lmorph -root n deco -root n moire -root n moire2 -root n lightning -root n strange -root n spiral -root n laser -root n grav -root n "Grav (trails)" grav -root -trail -decay n drift -root n ifs -root n julia -root n penrose -root n sierpinski -root n braid -root n galaxy -root n bouboule -root n swirl -root n flag -root n sphere -root n forest -root n lisa -root n lissie -root n goop -root -max-velocity 0.5 -elasticity 0.9 n starfish -root n "Starfish (blob)" starfish -root -blob n munch -root n fadeplot -root n coral -root -delay 0 n mountain -root n triangle -root -delay 1 n worm -root n rotor -root n ant -root n demon -root n loop -root n vines -root n kaleidescope -root n xlyap -root -randomize n cynosure -root n flow -root n epicycle -root n interference -root n truchet -root -randomize n bsod -root n crystal -root n discrete -root n kumppa -root n rd-bomb -root n "RD-Bomb (mobile)" rd-bomb -root -speed 1 -size 0.1 n sonar -root n t3d -root n penetrate -root n deluxe -root n compass -root n squiral -root n xflame -root n wander -root n "Wander (spots)" wander -root -advance 0 -size 10 -circles -length 10000 -reset 100000 n critical -root n phosphor -root n petri -root -size 2 -count 20 n "Petri 2" petri -root -minlifespeed 0.02 -maxlifespeed 0.03 -minlifespan 1 -maxlifespan 1 -instantdeathchan 0 -minorchan 0 -anychan 0.3 n shadebobs -root n ccurve -root n blaster -root n bumps -root n xteevee -root n xspirograph -root n nerverot -root n - "NerveRot (dense)" nerverot -root -count 1000 n - "NerveRot (thick)" nerverot -root -count 100 -line-width 4 -max-nerve-radius 0.8 -nervousness 0.5 -db n xrayswarm -root n - "Zoom (Fatbits)" zoom -root n "Zoom (Lenses)" zoom -root -lenses n rotzoomer -root n - "RotZoomer (mobile)" rotzoomer -root -move n - "RotZoomer (sweep)" rotzoomer -root -sweep n whirlwindwarp -root n whirlygig -root n speedmine -root n "SpeedWorm" speedmine -root -worm n vermiculate -root n twang -root n apollonian -root n euler2d -root n "Euler2d (dense)" euler2d -root -count 4000 -eulertail 400 -ncolors 230 n - juggle -root n polyominoes -root n - thornbird -root n fluidballs -root n anemone -root n GL: cyclone --root n GL: cyclone --root n GL: euphoria --root n GL: fieldlines --root n GL: flocks --root n GL: flux --root n GL: helios --root n GL: lattice --root n GL: plasma --root n GL: skyrocket --root n GL: solarwinds --root n GL: colorfire --root n GL: "Hufo's Smoke" hufo_smoke --root n GL: "Hufo's Tunnel" hufo_tunnel --root n GL: sundancer2 --root n color: bubbles -root n - default-n: webcollage -root n - default-n: "WebCollage (whacked)" webcollage -root -filter 'vidwhacker -stdin -stdout' n - GL: euphoria -root n - default-n: vidwhacker -root n pointerPollTime: 0:00:05 windowCreationTimeout:0:00:30 initialDelay: 0:00:00 sgiSaverExtension: True mitSaverExtension: False xidleExtension: True procInterrupts: True overlayStderr: True
  8. DragonMage


    If what you mean is k3b, the best place to find it (among other software) is texstar's place at http://www.pclinuxonline.com Better yet, just put texstar's mirror in your urpmi database and just urpmi it. Look at this place http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?p=7583#7583 for instruction on how to add texstar's ftp site. After you add that mirror, you can just do a urpmi k3b and everything including dependancies will be downloaded and installed automatically for you.
  9. I prefer texstar's evolution 1.2 myself.. He probably took the mirror source and edit it a bit to make the dependencies more bearable to a stock 9.0. All the needed dependencies are either located in his site or on the disks, so no need to search for them.
  10. what? there is no /etc/3ddesktop.conf in my case.. I just install the rpm.. run the program (it even have is located in the kde menu and everything) and voila.. it runs.. (well it crashed the first time, but the second time it runs very well(.
  11. DragonMage

    Major Software

    The most used apps I use in Linux Phoenix Mozilla (some times phoenix acts up on some pages, and I have to use mozilla for it) gaim xmms gkrellm (I don't run it.. but it's a permanent fixture in my desktop due to save session feature in kde) pan openoffice.org xchat k3b grip evolution rpmdrake / urpmi mplayer gnomesword
  12. Ok, normally I don't plug programs.. but this program is just too cool for words. Check here http://www.pclinuxonline.com/modules.php?n...order=0&thold=0 It's a 3d desktop changer. There is an rpm version of that program in texstar's place. I downloaded, installed it and tried it.. and it's TOO COOL!!!! 8) 8) 8) Now, if only I can put a keybinding in kde3 to activate that program.. Anyone can tell me how?
  13. Unfortunately, no.. the only way for any cdwriter software that uses cdrecord to detect a cd device (as a writer or just a reader) is to setup the scsi emulation. But why don't you do it? I use scsi emulation in my dvdrom and there is no bad side effects coming out of that. All I have to do is edit my /etc/lilo.conf and change a few lines to be like this. append="noquiet devfs=mount mem=nopentium hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi" in which hdd is my dvdrom and hdc is my cdrw. Then run /sbin/lilo -v and reboot, and voila.. cdburner software can detect my dvdrom (you may need to edit your /etc/fstab file also to reflect the changes you make in the filesystem. You need to change the line that says /dev/hdd to /dev/scd1)
  14. I am in.. I think it's a better use of my cpu than looking for aliens. Now if only there is a program or gkrellm plugin for this client so that I can monitor my process. But hey.. Stanford is not known for computer smart.
  15. Hehehe.. welcome to the edge.. Back during the 8.0 era of mandrake, I did install a lot of cooker rpms.. Back then I have multiple computers in my apt and a cablemodem with pretty much unlimited bandwidth. I just love installing new things even though it will break the system in the end.. but what do I care.. reinstalling from scratch took only 2-3 hours at most :) Now with only one computer and a 384 kbps (not even actually, but well.. you get the idea).. I am kinda iffy of experimenting wildly like that.. Maybe if I have a second computer I would do the cooker experiment again, but until then.. only pure mandrake 9.0 with texstar, plf, and contribs only.. no more cooker.. :)
  16. DragonMage


    Here is a link to a (supposedly) working cdbakeoven rpm for mandrake 9.0 http://mandrake.redbox.cz/Mandrake-devel/u...9-4mdk.i586.rpm
  17. Unfortunately, around a year or two ago, most of the good ones basically close down their midi archives, something with JASRAC and copyright of midi. But if you have the patience and a working Japanese input, I suggest the first site you go to is this: http://www.dtm.ac And do a search (in Japanese, for example, for Final Fantasy you have to input something like ファイナルファンタジー or you have to know the Japanese name for the games like Akumajou Dracula for Castlevania, Rockman for Megaman, and so on). Anyway, if you want to I can search from that site and give you some of the links I think is the best if you can tell me what kind of music you want.. Even a few years back, scouring that place for something common like Final Fantasy midi can take hours (because there are simply too many web sites in Japan offering their rendition of the music). I
  18. It's a collection starting from 1996, back when I was introduced to midi by my friend who owns a SB16 mated with Roland SCD-15 daughtercard. At that time having good midi card is the only way to get good music in computer games (this is before the time mp3 took off folks :) ) I remember listening to Dune 2 music (still is one the most kicking game music in computer gaming) in that roland daughterboard.. which prompts me to buy a Yamaha DBXG50 a few months later. Warcraft and Gabriel Knight follows later, and my collection grow and grow and grow.. and my search for video game and anime midi becomes a part time obsession. I found out however that most of the music from that site you gave above ( http://www.vgmusic.com ) is rather poor qualitywise. Especially if heard through a high quality midi card such as the roland or the yamaha. Fortunately, I took a few Japanese classes then and during my "research" I stumbled into Japanese midi web sites. Most of the midi I found in those sites are usually high quality (they are composed typically using a Roland SC-55, SC-88 or SC-88 Pro or Yamaha MU-50 to SWXG-1000, in GS or XG mode). This period is where I found about 75% of my current collection. And lemme tell you all of them sounds really really nice. Now I am retired in midi searching since I don't have the soundcard that can do those midi justice anymore (I lost my DBXG-50 daughtercard and frankly, the support for Waveblaster style daughtercard in today's soundcard is pretty much nil). There is no way I am going to shell 300 dollars or more for high quality midi module just for the purpose for listening to midi (I don't have any music talent in my body). Anyway.. lemme cut down on my rambling before I am overwhelmed by nostalgia and start scouring for midi in Japanese web sites again. :)
  19. Hmm.. what does that mean? The screensaver is weird or it's weird that you cannot find the link? Oh wait.. you said werd.. errr.. what does that word mean? :wink:
  20. Dangit.. this trick makes me want to buy a SB-Live just so that I got midi in linux without that stupid timidity. I got around 100 MB of high quality midi which sometimes I listen to but unfortunately, the only way to do it justice is to boot to windows and listen to it using my yamaha syxg50.
  21. Well.. the instructions are in mandrakeforum, but lemme just copy and paste it. For using the screensavers with xscreensaver, add the following lines to your ~/.xscreensaver file manually: GL: cyclone --root GL: euphoria --root GL: fieldlines --root GL: flocks --root GL: flux --root GL: helios --root GL: lattice --root GL: plasma --root GL: skyrocket --root GL: solarwinds --root GL: colorfire --root GL: "Hufo's Smoke" hufo_smoke --root GL: "Hufo's Tunnel" hufo_tunnel --root GL: sundancer2 --root goban -root Then to activate it in kde If you wish to use XScreensaver in KDE instead of KSS, disable screensavers in KDEs control centre, and put the following script in ~/.kde/Autostart/ to start xscreensaver on login: # !/bin/sh xscreensaver -nosplash Save it as xscreensaver-start.sh or some such. If you wish to activate it the command is 'xscreensaver-command -activate' To configure it from KDE, type 'xscreensaver-demo' or 'xscreensaver-command -prefs' I am not sure how this work actually because I don't use xscreensaver in kde (I use it in gnome though and it works there).
  22. Hmm.. yeah. monopoly has a pretty simplistic rule, and the prices for the lands, houses and hotels are way way below the price for 21st century, but the game itself is actually pretty good. Oh you mean that kind of monopoly... never mind :wink:
  23. DragonMage


    Have you tried uninstalling it with from mandrake control center? Or urpme?
  24. You need to use xscreensaver for this to work, and need to edit the configuration of the xscreensaver manually for the options to come out. I kinda wish that whoever pack the rpm do it automatically, but oh well. Anyway, the screensavers are really nice, but it takes 100% cpu powers :shock: I think I'll stick with the simpler Kfireworks3d so I can leave the rest of the cpu power to seti :)
  25. If you just want a pico-like text editor, why don't you just use nano? There are some mandrake rpms for nano somewhere like ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/linu...9-1mdk.i586.rpm If you are deadset on getting pine just download it from plf mirrors like this one. http://ftp.club-internet.fr/pub/linux/plf/...4-4plf.i586.rpm You do know how to install rpm files, don't you? :)
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