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Everything posted by Darkelve

  1. Yeah, like you're so interesting But wait... I've got the perfect topic for you: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/index.php?sho...opic=11689&st=0 ;)
  2. I subscribed to that newletter but I never got anything... strange? As for security advice, as long as they're running Linux (or BSD), I'm pretty sure they can find some noble spirit to give that for free!
  3. Can't really help you with that, but I noticed this was in the FAQ's: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/index.php?showtopic=4499 Someone else will maybe answer with more detail, but it couldn't hurt to read it already/
  4. Yes, that's why we (will) offer all documents in BOTH PDF-versions (print quality) and RTF versions. Agreed, RTF is not ideal, but it is the closest thing there is to an application-neutral document format. Of course, as I already said somewhere on this board, I would prefer to offer it in SWX or another open, globally recognized and used format. As for the 'innovation' thing, I only tried to express my resentment for all the lock-in and imagined a just punishment would be for M$ to be confronted with all the problems their lock-in brings with it, themselves. Also, if anyone is interested, our company will launch our new website start of next week. Standards-based, virtually complete separation of content and lay-out (with CSS), accessible for persons with a (visual) handicap and, last but not least, perfectly usable with Explorer as well as Netscape as well as Mozilla (but not Netscape 4 or even Explorer 4). :D Opera should work as well, only I'm not sure about some Javascript stuff in our travel planner. Should work, but 'cause they have their own implemantation of it, you never can tell. All courtesy of clean, lean, mean code ;) ... and of course the cause of a lot of stress... I'll be glad when it's finally online. It also kinda sucks to have to maintain 2 websites at once... on your own... is only in Dutch though. I will post the URL when it's ready. Have a look then if you're intereted!
  5. I never said Frontpage was any good... but the code has 'improved' a little bit over time , and it's less desastrous than word. Then comes Dreamweaver, then good-old handcoded Html... still no editor can beat it! Have to see about Nvu though... I've mixed feelings about that. It's good, but it could be better. Like I said, it doesn't seem programmed for maintainability. When you think about, M$ must have some companies locked in so thight that it is to cry for... I wish they would get outpaced in innovation, be forced to switch themselves because of this, so they could experience for themselves the glorious experience of being locked into an OS and applications that are - and often produce- crappy stuff. That would be the day...
  6. Gowator, companies who do that are seriously on crack! Sure I know of some companies who use frontpage on their intranet. It's kind of justifiable 'cause of the 'ease' of creating pages by diff. persons and setting up an intranet with it ... and the fact those pages will actually never leave the company, but using WORD to produce the html pages, that's downright CRIMINAL... And I'm not even going to start about how they set the progress of the internet back by at least 5 years (and that's an optimistic estimate)... with their browser wars, custom tags and crappy code-producing programs... MSHTML anyone... every time I see that I get a heart-attack... now with CSS this could all change a lot, which is why I find it important to see tools like e.g. Dreamweaver and Nvu pay attention to that and implement it correctly (although to my tastes current Nvu code is still very difficult to maintain, since it inserts all style definitions inline... but still it will be better across different browsers and force browser vendors to follow the rules...).
  7. Wow... I think I'll finally be able to be proud of a 'governmental' body... tx European Commission!
  8. It couldn't *really* be Darl Mcbride, now could it? The profile and way of acting just comes *so* close... Edit: website is back up. Re-reading that statement is a bit confusing though... who did what and who replied to who?? I suppose the maintainter of the website replied in his note to the hacker threat?
  9. dunno if this is related, but PClinuxonline website is down, with this message: "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: message_die() in /home/thedarb/public_html/db/db.php on line 88" Website being down for a long time seems like enough damage to me.
  10. (After seeing word example) /me goes sick...
  11. Somehow, that sounds really reassuring (I've got an nforce chipset too...)
  12. Gowator, go easy on the exclamation marks ;) (no offense meant, of course)
  13. Hmm... I don't think so. Maybe you should edit your post and explicitly mention it... :unsure: BTW I installed it too once, and it *IS* pretty cool... very nice for older PC's. Although I found the menus too crowded.
  14. *cough* Windows bootloader *cough* It's funny we can all come up with examples this quick, yet in court it seems they barely consider these things... crazy world I guess
  15. Gowator, yes, but they were talking about an operating system *completely* on the USB disk, this would include e.g. config files. Of course I guess the smart thing would be to just copy it on a certain location on the hard disk (but perhaps people would also be interested in using it without having a hard disk?).
  16. Yes, e.g. Slax is doing this, in fact you can already do it now. However, as I understand from some posts, this is not necessarily a good idea since USB flash disks allow only a limited number of rewrites, and an OS does rewrites constantly. That is, if I got this correctly. Of course, the absurdly small size of some Live CD's (like Slax), while still being full-featured, opens prospects for the future indeed!
  17. Hi, I do not know about GPL, but for publications, it seems the 'Creative Commons License' is often used. You can find more information on it here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/1.0/ As for other licenses, there will probably be a link to the home page for that or else you can search for it e.g. via google. I think it will mostly come down to the clauses also present in the Creative Commons license: - you have to give credit - you cannot put it to commercial use.
  18. Reporting back... Well, I must say I was pleasantly surprised with Slax. Basically, you have three modes of 'geekiness': - CLI only(Init 3?); well a CLI is a CLI... the included 'ASCII' volume control is a nice touch though... - GUI with Fluxbox (quite practical although I'm still more comfortable with KDE) - GUI with KDE It's nice it boots up on a command prompt, I guess. The explanations are clear enough that any one that can read can get the 'KDE' version going (basically just type "GUI"). It will certainly avoid the trouble caused by malfunctioning hardware detection, etc. and give an option to retry with FluxBox or fix things from the root prompt. It automounts all partitions (automatically scans HD and puts the mount points in /mnt/...), which isn't entirely intuïtive for a N00b, but still nice. Hardware detection for my system was good, only I had troubles with sound (just hearded noise at the KDE startup sound). In the control panel, that was easy to fix though, I just had to switch of autodetect and pick 'ALSA', that fixed it. The sound was still choppy when I was doing other things while listening mp3's (in Noatun) though. When I set it with a higher (I think highest) priority, the whole system stalled. I had a few other minor bugs, occuring both in KDE and Fluxbox. Nothing problematical though. The look and functionality of KDE blew me away though! Things are so much cleaner, more logically placed, more functional etc. etc. it is nice you can see the progress from version to version this well. As for applications, the selection was very smart, although I did mis OpenOffice. I think at least they should have included AbiWord if they thought OOO too heavy. Anyway, this is another great distro to demo to your friends, or just take it with you where you go if you need a comfy Linux system running in no time, and at no risk. As I already said, you can take it with you on an USB flash disk now! At a download of -I think- about 180MB, this distro REALLY, REALLY rocks! Imagine all of that on less than 200 Megs... Well what can I say, I'm impressed.
  19. On that OpenOffice subject again; There are often documents that have to be made available as PDF's (for distribution). We offer both a PDF version and a RTF-version. I know RTF isn't really a standard, but it is as close as it gets. A blessing for all consumers would be to agree between all parties to use SWX-files, or another OPEN format based on XML. But there you have Microsoft trying to lock people in and they won't budge an inch on this. With OpenOffice, I can just receive the documents (usually Word) and export is as PDF, printer quality. Sure I have to fiddle with a few things (e.g. bullets and indents), but I have no need of another app for this. In fact, OpenOffice does an excellent job on it: clear, crisp and 'small' PDF files... Needless to say it's quite a blessing. As is the auto-complete feature when typing and the navigator for long documents (e.g. your paper). And I hear a lot of talk about those mythical 'killer apps'. This might not be a killer app, but it IS a killer feature. Put together a few more of these features, and you HAVE got yourself a killer app.
  20. Darkelve


    I was reading an article about LiveCD's and Slacks was mentioned. Now I know of Slackware but it just seemed too geeky/hardcore for me. But, after seeing the review and screenshots of Slax, I am very curious to try it. I visited the site and got a good idea what it is/how it works, but I would like your opinions and experiences with Slax. On an interesting note, Slax could fit on a USB Flash disk. And this I discovered browsing through their To Do list: On their To Do list "- enable booting/starting from USB FlashDisk, this could be very interesting [done - :) ]" Sounds way cool [Edit: yeah yeah I know what you're thinking, just try it. Well, I'm downloading :D ]
  21. I doubt the commission will have that much gut. If they will it will pleasantly surprise me, but I expect a still rather 'mild' punishment, although harsher than the settlement in the US. Probably Windows Media Player will have to be unbundled in one way or another and they face some fines. I agree, unbundling the browser is really what they *SHOULD* be told to do, but it is not going to happen. In fact, I think the only place where that decision could have fallen and have any effect was in the US antitrust case. Remember, this is politics and I doubt they will go to extremes with this one. But let's all hope something good will come from this.
  22. Aha. It's good-news day for shareholders! Of course, they could always pretend to own unix and then sue IBM or something... (no, wait, it was a joke! really!!! help!!!!)
  23. This is not to critisize, but I think this topic has already been posted a few weeks ago. Incredible how responsive this board is. But, maybe good for a reminder or those who were on vacation or so...
  24. Wasn't there a thread called 'My thoughts on converting people'? If I recall correctly, first post was about gaming, went way off-topic afterwards though.
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