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Everything posted by qnr

  1. I haven't read the specs, but it looks like it has an AGP slot. See the brown slot to the right and slightly lower than the five off-white PCI slots? That should be your AGP. Edit: and just to expand on mtweidmann's comment - you can use both, but you'll have to tell your BIOS which one to initialize first. I Have used three at a time in the past: onboard video, PCI with two heads, and AGP
  2. Hmmm, don't know for sure, since I shelled out for Crossover. I'd recommend that you go to the Netscape plugin area and download "Plugger" (I'm not using Mdk, it might be on one of your CDs, actually). It's very useful for defining what is to be done with most standard mime-types. One of the problems is that the same program will use a multitude of mimetypes... you might enter eight of them, and then right off, you'll find a ninth. Anyway, can MPlayer play recent realplayer videos? I know it used to only be able to play older files. I have a recent version, just haven't tried, since I have realplayer installed.
  3. Things to check: 1. Does your card require that you run a jack from its audio out to the line-in on your sound card? 2. Have you checked your mixer settings? Is the appropriate port set for recording, and is the audio up? 3. Is the proper tuner module being loaded?
  4. I'm not quite sure, if you're using a router. When I used my Linux box as a router, I was able throttle bandwidth with QOS (I think it was....) do a Google search for QOS, or maybe check out the /usr/src/Linux/Documentation/networking directory. There might be something there... remember though, it might not have been qos I was using
  5. Don't forget the education market. Users & groups should consider activism in getting Linux into the K12 schools, and then making themselves available to voluntarily assist the teachers that are interested. It seems that schools are a great target: First, teachers for the most part, tend to agree with the basic tenets of OSS, that information should be freely available for perusal. Second, schools, or at least their administrative offices have access to broadband, in many cases at the T1 & T3 level, so they could download their software and save money. Third, if the children are going to be learning how to operate the computers anyway, why not give them the opportunity to learn Linux instead of Windows or Macintosh?
  6. We use a number of HPs and Canons in my house. All of them worked fine out of the box - but I also bought TurboPrint and it was worth it.
  7. I guess that would depend upon which MandrakeClub member you got, and what you did with them :) ---- Hey... I've been biting my tongue for days, making sure real replies showed up first...
  8. Before you do the reinstall, you might look into backing up all of your settings, just for reference. I discussed a script I used in this thread .. shivalik will be highlighted: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php...hlight=shivalik
  9. Try making a symbolic link from libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 to libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3 to see if qtopiadesktop will accept that. It probably won't work, but it might. If it doesn't just delete the symlink. If it does, remember that you did it if you do actually want to upgrade later. ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 /usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3
  10. while it is true that there aren't many under Linux, a mail server is likely to serve mail to a number of different operating systems.
  11. They're making the common mistake of covering GNU, Linux, and thousands of applications written by unrelated people with an umbrella named "Linux." And of course Linux derives from Unix. As does Minux,. BSD, Hurd, etc. That doesn't mean they copied Unix code, just that it wasn't an "original idea/OS" -- they were all trying to be Unix-like. Just as Unix is a derivative of Multics.
  12. qnr

    scd1 does not excist

    There are some interesting aspects of K3B, though I don't use it. I think it rips DVDs and whatnot.
  13. On a reboot, it's good. Why keep files that are meant only for the current session of a program. It's a little more complicated when you're in the middle of a session. the files in /tmp are there for a reason, and you can seriously confuse running applications if you remove them, so you have to be careful. However, if you've shut down X, then obviously, KDE isn't using the /tmp files anymore (although the next time you start KDE, it will check them, and assume the screwed up settings are appropriate) - so you can remove them.... as long as you're sure what you're doing and KDE will repopulate /tmp.
  14. Just out of curiousity, do you have your system set to clear the /tmp directory on reboot? I used to have similar problems in Mdk that I'd clear up by shutting down X and purging KDE files from /tmp before restarting KDE
  15. Also the February and March Linux Magazines have a tutorial running (well, on Qt) - Don't know if it's available in the UK.. I know I can get Linux Format here in the US.
  16. Hey, I like cat and useless uses thereof see interests my profile. Even more fun is tac...
  17. Hi mbell666, Welcome to the Board! I'll let some of the Mandrake users jump in and help you with drivers. I do believe you are plugged into the right jack, but just to clarify something for others reading the thread - just because the card works in Windows and doesn't in Mandrake doesn't necessarily mean it's the drivers. The Windows mixer, or Volume Control, or whatever might just happen to have (for example) the headphone channel set to a decent volume & the Mandrake mixer might have it set to a very low volume.
  18. http://netscape.com.com/2100-1104-991412.html?type=pt
  19. Well, I'll start with the simplest thing first. The speakers are plugged into line out? I haven't seen it often, but I've helped people (not with that card though) that had them plugged into another port, earphones or something like that, on their soundcard.
  20. There's some info on the subject in this recent topic: How do I write in an iso image? You'll see some info on diff and cmp
  21. Well, considering this is a Mandrake-centric board, yours is obviously the way to go. The group was actually for convenience more than anything (although I do remember being part of a group that allowed me access to the CD in Mandrake-but I might be imagining it). And, by convenience I meant so that new users could be added easily (apparently a moot point for you, but useful for other distros). I could just as easily have used terry ALL=NOPASSWD: CDMNT in place of %cdrom ALL=NOPASSWD: CDMNT (for those not familiar with sudoers, note the "%" -- it indicates a group. As far as not having sudo installed, you don't seem to need it anyway. Here's mine: sh-2.05b$ mount -v /mnt/cdrom /devices/cdroms/cdrom0 on /mnt/cdrom type iso9660 (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,user=terry) sh-2.05b$ eject -v /mnt/cdrom eject: device name is `/mnt/cdrom' eject: expanded name is `/mnt/cdrom' eject: `/devices/cdroms/cdrom0' is mounted at `/mnt/cdrom' eject: unmounting `/devices/cdroms/cdrom0' umount: only root can unmount /devices/cdroms/cdrom0 from /mnt/cdrom eject: unmount of `/devices/cdroms/cdrom0' failed Our systems just happen to be set up a little differently. Now people can see two ways of doing it, just like I showed piping to grep and you showed using grep alone (well, egrep)
  22. Actually, you can use icons with fluxbox, just install some of the add-ons. I understand your point about the desktop, but when you think about it, years from now, people will be finding things to complain about when they send a telepathic command to their equivalent of a PC. Here's one thing you can do right now. First, ensure that users are allowed to mount removable devices in your /etc/fstab --- note that I'm using devfs: sh-2.05b$ cat /etc/fstab | grep cdrom /devices/cdroms/cdrom0 /mnt/cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 0 0 Second, make sure you're part of the cdrom group: sh-2.05b$ cat /etc/group | grep cdrom cdrom:x:24:terry Third, edit your /etc/sudoers --- this is what I would add: Cmnd_Alias CDMNT=/bin/mount /mnt/cdrom,/bin/umount /mnt/cdrom,/usr/bin/eject %cdrom ALL=NOPASSWD: CDMNT Now, edit your fluxbox menu (~.fluxbox/menu): [submenu] (Removable Media) [submenu] (CDROM) [exec] (Mount) {mount /mnt/cdrom} [exec] (UMount) {sudo umount /mnt/cdrom} [exec] (Eject) {sudo eject /mnt/cdrom} [exec] (Close Tray) {eject -t /mnt/cdrom} [end] [end] Now, that is a little bit of work, but all you have to do is add users to the cdrom group as you want them to be able to mount, and whatnot. Note that you'll have to install eject to use it :) -- also, if you don't use sudo in the Eject command, you'll have to umount the cdrom before ejecting it.
  23. As far as keeping track of settings goes, I run shivalik (a script, found at either of the links below) weekly. If I have any questions about changes I've made, I just diff the files. I has been modified to record all of the config files I want to keep track of. GNU/Linux post-installation procedures GNU/Linux Post-Installation Checklist
  24. Figured it out (or a workaround) I've set my public port to 80 and my private port to 8000, and now it works
  25. ok, my mistake, this is the way I've set it up, and it works. I had never tested the earlier way, but I just did some playing and now I can access the directories without a trailing slash terry@linux:/home/terry$ cat /etc/httpd/httpd.conf | grep linux.aliboom ServerName linux.aliboom.com:8000 terry@linux:/home/terry$ dillo http://linux.aliboom.com:8000/images Setting locale to en_US dillo_dns_init: Here we go! Loading bookmarks... Nav_open_url: Url=>about:splash< Nav_open_url: Url=>http://linux.aliboom.com:8000/images< Dns_server [0]: linux.aliboom.com is 437632b5 Nav_open_url: Url=>http://linux.aliboom.com:8000/images/< Dillo: normal exit! note the redirection in there? Yes, ServerName should always be set, if possible and can be used with Alias, if needed. Alias is only used if your files are not being shared from the base directory of your http server. For example, my base is /usr/share/httpd/htdocs ---- if I wanted to share some files on my home directory, I'd use Alias /shared /home/terry/shared
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