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Everything posted by dexter11

  1. You can ask them about it: https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=38684&hl=
  2. This edition of Mandriva is rather a demo or test of a new feature of the new release IMHO. The underlying system is stable but I don't know how will you get updates for Metisse if something goes wrong. If you still want to install it the command is draklive-install. Launch as root. It doesn't work as normal user.
  3. Two days ago there was a huge wind storm here and the power was on and off all day. Often i could use the computer only for minutes before it swithched off. On the next day I found some problems which wasn't there before. No sound but I solved it. But there's another one which I don't know howto get rid off. I have an ADSL line using PPPoE. I don't start it at boot because it never really worked for me. Instead I use net_applet to connect to the internet. But since the storm it doesn't connect with it. I have to start drakconnect and setup ADSL connection every time I wanna connect to the internet. I also tried to connect with the adsl-start command and it doesn't work either. This is the command line message of drakconnect: I'm not an expert but it looks to me that ppp0 doesn't exist when drakconnect starts to work and it just creates it. How can I check that? How can I make ppp0 to stay there permanently? What's RTNETLINK? [moved from Software by spinynorman]
  4. I have two menu entries in my System\Configuration\Packaging section. One is browse available software which is doing what you experineced. The other is Install, Delete & Update software which is doing what you expect it to do, asks root password etc.
  5. I tried to compile this file now and I got the same error message like you. I did what I wrote in my first post in this topic and it helped.
  6. One more thing the main function must return int. I don't know about gcc but some compilers give a warning about it. So it should be int main(void)
  7. For 2: AFAIK ATI 9200 support has been dropped from the official driver. Your problem seems to be driver related to me. It's just plain slow if I got it right. Apart from the bad or missing driver this is a live CD it is much faster after installation. 3. Metisse doesn't support fully KDE yet. Full KDE support is expected from KDE 4.
  8. Just used the wizard in MCC.
  9. You should compile c programs with the following syntax gcc source_file It will compile source_file and create a binary file called a.out. If you want the output file to have a different name you use the -o switch just like you did. gcc source_file -o output_file Source_file and output_file must have a different name. In your command line they have the same name: Change the output file name from Welcome.c to something else. Like plain Welcome.One more thing #include<stdio.h> Leave a space after include #include <stdio.h>
  10. Debian has made a netinstaller after the Ubuntu sister project. The project has made a Win32 Debian loader you just have to visit http://goodbye-microsoft.com click on install Debian and follow instructions. See the screenshots. source: hup.hu
  11. You need to install the package which contains this file. You can search for filenames in rpmdrake. In this case the package is libstdc++5-3.3.6-3mdk. If you can't find it then visit easy-urpmi first (see top of this page) and add some repos first (main, contrib, update repos and plf repos).
  12. Rpm is a basic package manager. It installs\updates\deletes files but only one by one. It doesn't download anything you have to take care of the dependencies. Urpmi is the command line package manager of Mandriva which is using the rpm command. If you want to install something it automatically downloads and installs the program and the dependicies.
  13. The solution is to use another kernel at least it seems as others wrote it before. See: http://forum.club.mandriva.com/viewtopic.php?t=60757
  14. Where did you get your Java? If you are using a commercial Mandriva pack then it can be Sun Java. Look in the package manager for Java and see what's the package name of your installed Java.
  15. It should be in the /etc dir. That's where Mandriva stores global conf files.
  16. How did you install Azureus? If you installed from the Mandriva repo that's compiled with a free Java vm not with Sun's JVM. If you downloaded it from azureus.sf.net then you have java installed you just probably made the wrong symlink to the firefox plugins directory. That could be why your plugin doesn't work but Azureus does.
  17. Well yeah this: won't work because the output filename is the same as the source file.
  18. If it needs a newline then give it the new line. Place the cursor after the closing }, which is the end of the file now, and press Enter. Save the file and compile it.
  19. You should try it before you abandon it. I am using an ADSL modem (or whatever is it) without a problem for more than a... I don't know. It was working right out of the box.
  20. Tried it last night for about 40 minutes. Everything was working what I tried. The Metisse project seem to to focus a way more on usability than on eyecandy. I forgot there's a FAQ too: http://www.mandriva.com/projects/metisse/faq
  21. Mandriva has released a new livecd with the Metisse window manager inside. If you don't know what Metisse is, you can watch a video here . You can read about the functionalities here. You can download it here.
  22. If the download is corrupt checking the md5 file will show that.
  23. Some new articles: KDE on MACOSX: http://dot.kde.org/1168899755/ New job monitoring: http://dot.kde.org/1169588301/ and Nepomuk which is developed by Mandriva: http://dot.kde.org/1168969796/
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