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Everything posted by ianw1974

  1. Should be /etc/modprobe.preload :)
  2. Not only that, Windows by default is using NETBIOS and so when you use ping by the computer name you are using NETBIOS in this instance. You don't have a DNS Server and that is why you are unable to ping by name under Linux. Linux isn't recognising NETBIOS, and so why you have this problem. NETBIOS is a Windows thing - hence why you said it just works in Windows. You can do one of two things. Configure your machine MAC addresses on your router so that it gives a specific IP to that MAC. The machine can remain as DHCP but will always get the same IP address from your router. Alternatively, just put a static IP on all your machines, and then edit /etc/hosts on the Linux machines so that it'll know where the machines are. Neither is a major change and takes minutes to do. Or, if you want, set yourself up a DNS server and use this to resolve your machine names - but that'll take more work than using static IP.
  3. Try disabling your wireless and wired connections, and bring up the ppp connection. Your default gateway looks like your internal network and so it will not attempt to use the default gw. Temporarily you can do this: su (enter root when prompted) ifdown eth0 ifdown wlan0 and then start the ppp connection and see if you have any better luck.
  4. /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins are plugins installed system-wide. /home/username/.mozilla/plugins are those installed just for specific user in addition to those already seen system-wide.
  5. Can you filter dmesg to see if there is anything there. dmesg | grep -i alc replace alc with intel as well as snd, and see if we can find out if something is amiss. I had problems with sound on a Toshiba laptop, which showed a problem with a codec. Although maybe nothing will show, and then that'll make it hard.
  6. The other thing I thought of, since the MCC was crashing is whether the integrity of the packages installed are OK, or whether they are slightly damaged because of a bad ISO burn, or a bad MD5 sum. But, as pmpatrick says, check that disk first, but also boot some LIVECD and see if it works any better at accessing your disk. Ubuntu LiveCD is generally pretty good without major problems.
  7. There could be a number of reasons for this, but try this first. Open Firefox, and then in the url bar type: about:config then filter for ipv6. There will be a key: network.dns.disableIPv6 = false double-click this so that it is set to "true". Then try youtube again and let us know. If not, then maybe system-wide ipv6 needs to be disabled. But one change at a time :)
  8. Based on this: Name : kernel-netbook- Version : 1 Release : 1mdv2010.0 Group : System/Kernel and hardware Size : 19165471 Architecture: x86_64 Summary : Linux Kernel for netbook use with x86_64 Name : kernel-desktop- Version : 1 Release : 1mnb2 Group : System/Kernel and hardware Size : 38144943 Architecture: x86_64 Summary : Linux Kernel for desktop use with x86_64 yes, it's smaller, by almost 50%.
  9. I'm using Mandriva 2010 x86_64 with the 64 bit flash plugin, and I experience no problems with youtube. As scarecrow says, please tell us which version you have, and whether 32 bit or 64 bit and a bit more about the problem.
  10. Try the glassified one that was suggested, downloadable here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Glassified?content=81388 you can search this website and perhaps find some themes to suit if you don't want to use glassified.
  11. Mandriva 2010 Free DVD is 4.3GB or thereabouts. I have both 32 bit and 64 bit versions downloaded. If you wish, I can send you the DVD of either or both, whichever you prefer. I don't have the PowerPack version, but it's size will be similar. Otherwise, you'll be looking at approximately 600MB per CD if you download the CD images.
  12. I agree with that statement. The rest of the stuff just allows you access to some extra stuff that normally you'd have to download once you've got your basic installation running. Whether that is any value to you or not depends on whether you want to have the computer working correctly the first time after install, or whether you don't mind doing a few extra things to get the closed-source items installed by setting up your urpmi repos and downloading/installing as and when you need.
  13. We have covered this topic here before, and unless it's changed - everything is the same, except that you get the Nvidia, ATI, other closed-source/restricted stuff included on the CD/DVD sets, your money supports the distro and keeping it running, as well as the fact you also get support from Mandriva for one year as well.
  14. The partitions should still exist if the disk partitions weren't deleted and formatted, so an easy way would be do this from a console and copy and paste the output here: su (enter root password when prompted) fdisk -l that is an lowercase L. This will list all the partitions on your disk, and so if /dev/sda1 exists, it should be here, and listed. If not, then I would say that when Mandriva was installed, the disk was erased and used just for Mandriva.
  15. I honestly don't know, I just did what the example I found had :)
  16. Any particular reason for using "startx"? I would just let the system go to runlevel 5, and then make sure that the dm service is enabled: chkconfig dm on and you'll find that X starts automatically, giving you a gdm/kdm/xdm login screen to use to login to your system.
  17. Thanks for the links tux99. I'm doing a console menu, rather than GUI stuff and I got it all written yesterday in perl :) This is what I got so far: #!/usr/bin/perl ## # Author: Me # Email: My email # Web: My website ## use Term::ANSIColor; $input = ""; while(1) { system("clear"); print color("red"), "\nOption\t\tDescription\n"; print color("green"), "======\t\t========================\n"; print color("white"), "1\t\tOption 1\n"; print "2\t\tOption 2\n"; print "3\t\tReboot Appliance\n"; print "4\t\tShutdown Appliance\n"; print "5\t\tQuit\n\n"; print "Enter your choice: "; chomp ($input = <STDIN>); if ($input eq "5") { exec("kill -HUP `pgrep -s 0 -o`"); } elsif ($input eq "4") { exec(poweroff); } elsif ($input eq "3") { exec(reboot); } elsif ($input eq "1") { print "\nDoing Option 1 stuff now:"; chomp ($input = <STDIN>); open (TESTFILE, '>test.conf'); print TESTFILE $input; print TESTFILE "\n"; close (TESTFILE); } elsif ($input eq "2") { print "\nDoing Option 2 stuff now: "; chomp ($input = <STDIN>); open (TESTFILE, '>test2.conf'); print TESTFILE $input; close (TESTFILE); } }
  18. OK, well I've managed to do this in perl now. if ($input eq "3") { exec("kill -HUP `pgrep -s 0 -o`"); } that kills that particular session, closing the SSH connection so doest what I need it to do.
  19. OK, well I'm doing it in perl so far, and it's working. But now I want the option to get it to logout of my SSH session once finished, but I can't seem to get it to work. The particular section is: if ($input eq "3") { exec(exit); } but all that does is exits the perl program. I wanted it to end the SSH session as well, but I don't know how it will do it. When I type "exit" in a SSH session, it disconnects. I've even tried using logout, but same response. Any ideas?
  20. I'm wanting to try to program a menu system, so that I can have it do various things, such as change DNS servers, network interface IP addresses, program command line parameters, things like this. However, I'm not sure where to start. I'm thinking of python, so that I don't have to install php-cli or similar. I could of course do bash scripting to do this also, but I'm trying to find a better way of doing it. Please note, this machine does not have X/Gnome/KDE or anything and so there are no GUI tools available for it - nor will it be using MCC since the distro could be anything. Any ideas appreciated.
  21. Happy New Year everyone! And may I start with my return to Mandriva with my Mandriva 2010 desktop :) GTK Theme - Dust Icons - Magog White
  22. You can mark it as solved by editing the first post, but I did it for you anyway ;)
  23. You can, you just need to edit your first post, and then you can change it :) However, I've done it for you ;)
  24. You can go into Configure Your Computer, and under Software Management, open the one for Configure media sources for install and update, and see if you have testing/backports ticked. These are most likely your problem. The only way you can get around this, is by having the repos enabled that give you the later packages, or, you will have to remove the newer ones, disable testing/backports repo, and then try to install, so that you get the older versions.
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