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UK spends there money wisely compared to USA! ;-)


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This is a software sales comparision on Amazon.com & Amazon.co.uk




USA amazon :cry:



UK amazon :wink:


Darnit, you European's are smarter, it has now been proven in software sales!! 8)


NOTE: just to cover my but, in no way am I slamming or braging about the USA or UK. Just a funny comparision I saw!


Enjoy UK friends! USA friends, we should be ashamed of or self's!! j/k

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Not sure if that makes us smarter but...

I guess mostly it comes down to what i was saying about the difference in Advertising ??


European advertising is definately smarter because the advertising co's don't have any option. US style advertising has always been 'unacceptable' to the average joe public. Why is another question!!


European advertising has histoprically concentrated on trying to get you to buy their product becuase you want to whereas my 'opinion' (coming from a European standpoint) is that US advertsing gets you not to buy the competitor.


Its a big more subtle than that... but On european TV you wouldn't see buy XXX brand tylenol becuase its better than YYY band tylenol which causes AAA.


Of course both are identical (If they weren't they wouldn't be allowed to sell them because the product wouldn't be tested by the FDA!!)


But if that happened on UK TV or newspapers they would be forced (well voluntary) to make a public retraction saying that in fact they were identical and of course both XXX and YYY tylenol cause AAA.

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Yeah ...


But why does anyone buy anything nowadays...

Why visual studio NOT Suse ???


I'm just postualting that spending patters are a function of advertising.


i.e. MS can't advertise visual studio or Windows or more or less anything in Europe in MS style.... i.e. Our product is best because in Europe this is negative advertising.... when we get told product A is better than product B we usually buy product B....


Logic being product A is lying... product A is more expensive because they spend all their money on advertising and in any case it just isn't done to try and seel your product by knocking someone elses product....



Microsoft Windows <insert here> is the most advanced and secure OS for your enterprise.


In independent tests users using Microsoft products were more productive than users with Solaris or AIX.


European interpretation....

1) Lie (advanced) second lie <secure>

2) Independent (paid for by MS) productive (at what rebooting) Mentioning other OS's just plain unneeded!!!

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I though you were referring to the fact that we were buying Linux (Suse 9.0) and MacOSX while in the US you buy "Ms Visual Studio.net" and "Nancy Drew"



YEah that was what I was going for, simply Linux :)

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I though you were referring to the fact that we were buying Linux (Suse 9.0) and MacOSX while in the US you buy "Ms Visual Studio.net" and "Nancy Drew"



YEah that was what I was going for, simply Linux :)



To get back to Gowator:

when we get told product A is better than product B we usually buy product B.... 



I agree, a lot of us *do* think like that. What's wrong with that anyway. If companies really want to show off their goodies to us, they had better put some effort into it.


"Microsoft Windows <insert here> is the most advanced and secure OS for your enterprise."


The most creative advertising campaign? I think not. They should stay more on fact in advertising, I think that is what reaches European minds.





That'd be a nice catch-phrase for a commercial:


"Simply Linux".


Although you could also state that Linux *sometimes* isn't the simplest of things to use.

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Wrong ???

Nothing ... as far as Im concerned.

I just think it illustrates for instance WHY MS is most hated* in France, then Germany&Japan


*According to MS\s own internal docs from Halloween


Im not sure though that makes us Europeans more clever or companies like MS more stupid?



MS policy is very American, its BUT THIS because we say so.

Not \hey how about buying this ... its quite nice and we did a lot of work on it'


Or worse *again from halloween ... MS just dont get it. Whenever they knock linux outside of the states it just ends up with more people supporting it.


The marketing is kinda don\t buy that its CR#P ... buy our software which is better...more stable.... cheaper ...


My first reaction to agressive marketing is always negative, what are they trying to hide?

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"MS policy is very American, its BUT THIS because we say so.

Not \hey how about buying this ... its quite nice and we did a lot of work on it' "


I don't know if youv'e seen any of the MS ads on UK tv (if I remember correctly you live in France) they are going the humour route. Accountant type wanders in to party, is told by techie nerd type (looks like booger from revenge of the nerds) they are celebrating finishing updating servers but does so in techie language, sees blank look, says we just saved company $2 million. accountant smiles is given beer and joins in party.


How effective it is? but they are putting their name in front of people, its not the techie types who make the buying decision but the execs who might wonder why they don't use microsoft which is the only system he's heard of.


"MS just dont get it. Whenever they knock linux outside of the states it just ends up with more people supporting it."


So long as they keep mentioning it. The best thing thats happened to linux is microsofts new licensing policy. The lets piss off all our customers and make them really feel like cash cows approach to marketing.


I don't think the french are any more anti American than they are anti german or anti English but if you expect them to be then you find evidence that they are. For instance they can't be bothered to learn English, how rude! (irony, irony)


I remember a friend of my wifes, who was visiting us, having been told that the scots don't like the English almost got thrown out a pub, the barmaid asked him several times to repeat his order and he got stroppy. The fact the pub was crowded and noisy and he had a broad london accent that was hard to follow had nothing to do with it, the busy barmaid with queues of people was trying to wind him up by pretending she couldn't understand him and he got stroppy about it.


I've had similar experiences in english pubs but I accept that I talk funny and the accent can be hard to understand, I don't assume people are being deliberately offensive.


I've stayed in Chamonix and witnessed the I'll just speak loudly in English approach to communicating in a foreign language. I can understand why they get pissed off with foreigners. I'm ashamed to say I caught myself falling in to the same trap


I'm not convinced europeans are smarter, have a look at what the Germans are buying.


Another thing, we eat big macs as well don't we? yeugh!! bring back chips with nippy sauce.

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I agree,

Its funny but MS think they don't like MS becuase MS are american.


They just don't like MS ... largely for the reasons you mention.


If you read the Halloween Docs they search for reasons...


Reminds me of BA doing a big consultancy job finding out why airrage is on the increase when they stopped serving alchohol....

Like you need a 1/2 Million research to connect banning smoking in what for many is already a stressful environment and people getting irritable.


If this wasn\t a big enough clue 50% of the probelms were after said passenger was told not to smoke....




MS are looking why Japan, Germany and France especially look favourably on GPL\d software or at least opensource.... DOH!!!!


How hard is it!!!!

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MS in Dublin offer a number of student placements every year and had an associated "event" at my university recently.


Apparently it was not well attended. This was slightly embarrassing for both MS and university. Lets face it this should be a really excellent placement for any student and even if the experience gained is poor it would in the present climate look good on any CV (in most circumstances).


The reason most often advanced for non-attendance was simply "I don't want to work for Microsoft" surely says something about their image, especially as those who use alternative OS's would be a very small minority. Most of those who did attend said the presentation was extremely good, but not many are seriously considering a placement there. Simply put, even most of the MS customer base doesn't trust them and probably feels trapped in the MS world.


I don't hear many (any?) of my lecturers singing MS praises though they do vent the occasional derrogatory comment.

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