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Volunteer translators again


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Some of you may remember my previous call for help for translating texts for a GPL'd application. Well, as you might expect, I'm back again and the question is very much the same - would anyone like to help translating some short texts from English into their own language? Again, the main priority languages are French, Spanish and Italian because these three are nearly complete. (Polish and German are already done this time!). Not quite so complete are Portuguese, Afrikaans, Indonesian and Romanian if anyone can help out with those. And again, even if you only contribute a few texts, it's much much better than nothing!


For the French there are only around 25 texts still remaining (are you there, YinYeti? ;) ), for the Italian around 40 (maybe tux99?) and for the Spanish somewhat more (around 100 I think). All help is gratefully received and will be credited in the app if desired!


I can take contributions in any form, whether here in this thread, or by email, or directly in the translation wiki as last time (no registration required). Whatever's easiest for you.


Thanks a lot in advance!

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It's a tool to view, edit and convert GPS coordinate data. For example, if you have a GPS receiver you can use it to extract the coordinates of your most recent trip out of the receiver, show where you've been on top of an openstreetmap image, show the altitude profile, let you delete bits you don't want, compress the track, convert to kml or gpx or kmz, plot the track in 3d, correlate your photos using the timestamps, that kind of stuff.

It's written in java, if you're interested you can see some screenshots.

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I'll do the Italian bits. Do you have a due date? I can't promise anything with regards to when, but I should find the time in the next few days.

Edited by tux99
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That would be great! :thumbs:

There's no great rush, I'm trying to test the release at the moment anyway so it'll be a week or two before it's ready for release. Plus as mentioned on other threads my laptop is dead so it's unlikely to get released before the end of the month anyway... Thanks for your help! And let me know if you want your (nick)name credited!

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  • 4 months later...

Here comes a new year, a new decade, a new version of my program, and a revival of this thread :P


As before, any and all help is welcome, even if it's just a couple of translations. The highest priority languages are those which are nearly complete, which include Japanese, French and Chinese. It would be nice to get those fully complete before I make the release, if possible. Also, any improvements to the Italian, Spanish and Turkish texts would also be greatly appreciated.


As before, contributions can be taken in this thread, or by email, or directly in the translation wiki. Translators will be credited in the application if they wish. I'm hoping to release sometime in January so that gives a couple of weeks for translations, testing and cosmetic tweaking.


Thanks in advance!

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Thanks a lot, tux99! I didn't expect so many translations in one go! The texts you added are now available for people to use with the currently released version. It looks really cool, thanks very much!

The final version 9 texts are now also up there, so if you feel like doing some of those then please do! :)

You didn't say how you wanted to be credited though, would you like your name or nickname in the credits?



About Mandriva 2010.0, yes I've tried it out as a live version and you're right, it does look good. And it seems to work quite well from what I saw (using the Gnome version). However I'm trying out Debian for a while yet, and I'm not in a rush to reinstall. I'll certainly keep my eye on 2010 Spring when it comes out. But I'm still keeping clear of KDE for a while!


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hey neddie,


there's my part..now you'll see the spanish section is almost complete, the sentences and words I left behind...I don't think there's an exact translation also the words I marked with "" because it'll sound like another think if I translate it to spanish directly it would be like translating names or something like that, tell me if there's something else missing and btw nice application, that's really cool.

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Thanks, YinYeti! And thanks, demonseth17 too! As with tux99, if you want your name or your nickname listed in the credits, just tell me what you prefer.


I understand what you say about the foreign words, it's difficult. Especially specific words like "track", "waypoint", and such words. Some translators have translated those terms, some have kept the English words, I leave it up to them. Also computer terms like the path to a program - is it a camino, a ruta, or a dirercción? Probably none of those things, I don't know!

I made some corrections and some additions to the Spanish - could you check them please?


As for Russian, of course I'm very open to any offers. Obviously native-speaker help is best, but if you "know some" then it could at least get it started and maybe someone else would help to take it further. I can easily create a Russian page if you like?

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