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Mandriva 2010 specifications


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Added my suggestions.


I don't like that they sort the suggestions by vote count by default, that way most people only read the ones which are most popular already and other suggestions don't have a chance to become popular as they are not even noticed.


Should be sorted by date by default (most recent first).

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I guess I'm stupid, because I don't see a link on that page to post one's idea! :wall:

EDIT: I got it now. I had to click on the Authenticate link first to log in. Why don't they just say: "Log In"?


I see Contribute to Mandriva Ideas hidden at the bottom right corner of the page, but when I click on it, the entire page is in French! After using Google Language tools on that link, it does not seem like a posting link either.


Yes there is a sorting feature - but no option to sort by date. :rolleyes:

Edited by David Batson
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I posted an idea, but I did not like the process. On the bottom where I presume it says "Reply" or "Preview", the buttons are in French - even though the rest of the page is in English. I took a guess, and my idea was sent (or posted).


Also, there is a choice of radio buttons: One, Free, or Powerpack. I wanted my idea to apply to all three versions, but the posting mechanism made me choose 1 (of the 3 options), and 1 only. :wall:

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Yes, I noticed that too, the page seems to have been created and translated into English in a hurry, there are several spelling mistakes and items still in French on it.


It didn't bother me too much, as long as they implement my suggestions! :D

Edited by tux99
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Glad to see I'm not the only one who has a problem with the default setting of the package manager. I'm also happy to see I'm not alone in wanting the option to implement disk encryption at the install stage. :) :thumbs:

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Glad to see I'm not the only one who has a problem with the default setting of the package manager. I'm also happy to see I'm not alone in wanting the option to implement disk encryption at the install stage. :) :thumbs:

hey! that's a nice Idea...but they should give manuals, or exact procedures..also compatibility when upgrading...but it's a nice Idea ....Did you suggested that?

Edited by demonseth17
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