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9.2 ISOs

Guest tuxthepenguin

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Guest tuxthepenguin

My server's currently in the process of mirroring a mandrake FTP's cooker packages - tommorrow when it's done I plan to build ISOs from it - would anyone like me to put the isos up on bittorrent ? I easily can if there's any demand. If anyone does want them, I'll put extra care into making sure they work and everything :)

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yeah I wouldn't mind snaggin em but bittorent is generally slow for me for some reason..I mirrored the cooker tree but can't seem to get the iso's to make properly following their directions using the MakeCD script..

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Guest tuxthepenguin
yeah I wouldn't mind snaggin em but bittorent is generally slow for me for some reason..I mirrored the cooker tree but can't seem to get the iso's to make properly following their directions using the MakeCD script..


Check some bittorrent faq - if you're behind a firewall or NAT, then bittorrent will be extremely slow, because it can't make all of the connections it needs - and of the good bittorrent faqs will tell you wnat ports to open and how to do it

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Guest tuxthepenguin

I'm trying for tommorrow, that is if the mirroring is done in time. I've had to restart the mirrorring process several times due to various errors on my part (or the server I was connected to). Sorry about all the delays. As of now, I've found a fairly reliable FTP to mirror from, and it's running now.

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Guest tuxthepenguin

I'm working on it.. please be patient, as I've been having some difficulties, but you will get them. I've got everything except for RPMS2 and RPMS3 mirrored now, RPMS2 is running now.

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Guest tuxthepenguin

mirroring is finished, right now I'm working on actually making the isos. Expect them in a few hours, as I'm working on several other big projects for school while working on the isos. (I got a huge book report and I have to write a book - haven't even started the book yet - their both due Tuesday)

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