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No logon screen with ctr-alt-bksp


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I had soething like this recently and I found if I tapped the space bar (or any other key for that matter) that a console login screen appeared, but it didn't appear on its own. It wasn't this distro, and it has since gone away, but you might like to try it just in case.

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You can try pressing CTRL-ALT-F1 to get a console window, then login as root, and do:


service dm restart


and see if it switches to the graphical login. If not, press ALT-F7 and that would switch it, but normally when I restart this service, it automatically goes to this console window for the GUI.

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You can try pressing CTRL-ALT-F1 to get a console window, then login as root, and do:


service dm restart


and see if it switches to the graphical login. If not, press ALT-F7 and that would switch it, but normally when I restart this service, it automatically goes to this console window for the GUI.




Thanks for all the help guys. I was hoping thiat I could get hitting the space bar to work but it didn't for me. However the above worked and as long as I don't reboot, it continues to work for me. Thanks again for everyones help

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What display card do you have? and what's the output of this run in terminal:

cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "Driver"


Check this out: http://forum.mandriva.com/viewtopic.php?t=86985 especially RJ549's posts.



This is what I get when I type in the cat command


[root@localhost]# cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "Driver"

Driver "kbd"

Driver "mouse"

Driver "fglrx"


I must say I don't know exactly what that means. My display card is an ATI.

Edited by dnr01
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