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Anyone able to create a live cd from 2008.1?


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I'm a crewmember of the Dutch Mandriva Club, and have been involved with MCNLive a bit in the past few releases (I am the creator of the graphical remaster script for instance).

Now, with Chris gone MCNLive can simply be declared dead... :(


Problem is, we have no-one who really understands the mklivecd scripts, and the Mandriva boot process for that matter. We have a few people (including myself) on the MCNL board that understand how to create a live cd with the help of a working mklivecd script, but simply no-one who can update the mklivecd that much that it will work for MDV2008.x/2009.x again.

This really gives an idea how much knowledge Chris had (or still has) about the whole kernel and boot process.


I have tried to build a live cd from a Mandriva 2008.0 and 2008.1 system, but failed miserably... since this already have cost me a lot of time, I decided to stop trying. I'd love to see a new MCNLive again... but I simply can't do it as I don't have all of Chris' knowledge. Besides that it seemed as if I was the only one even trying, which was very frustrating... I now understand how Chris must have felt, doing things all by herself.


Now, with the upcoming 2009.0 release, I figured it would be very cool to have a working live cd again. Not like One, but like the 'old' MCNLive. MCNLive was by far superior to One, as it has much more features (think about creating remasters, copy2ram, etc.). Problem is I still don't understand enough about the boot process to deal with this myself, and I just don't have enough spare time to figure it out myself. But without this 'base', we simply cannot continue.


So the actual question here is: Is there anyone who has managed to create a live cd off of a Mandriva 2008.x system, that wishes to share his or her knowledge with us? :)

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I know, and yes I've read the topic... I even have replied to it then, but they didn't realy like my reply :D

Draklive is not really an option, since it cannot create live cd's from an installed system, and as such we are not able to do any configuration. Besides, draklive documentation is very poor, despite of many people (including myself) asking for understandable documentation... :(

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you arent the only person working, bookie and i are trying it as well.


unfortunately with my job and other responsibilities its not an all day every day chore.


i can understand chris retiring due to time constraints i just wish she could have documented her process better so we all could have learned from it.


but i do know she was leaning towartds draklive and re writing the existing scripts.


PCLOS really caught my attention, but they are stuck on 2007 as well



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In the sources of 2008.1 is a programm called "mklivecd", here is a description of it

mklivecd - Builds a LiveCD from an existing Mandriva Linux installation​

it seems that it can make it on a usb-stick.

Maybe this works for you.

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In the sources of 2008.1 is a programm called "mklivecd", here is a description of it
mklivecd - Builds a LiveCD from an existing Mandriva Linux installation​

it seems that it can make it on a usb-stick.

Maybe this works for you.

Willliiiiiieeeeeeeeee! :lol2:

No, mklivecd is broken, this is the tool Chris has been using to create MCNLive :D


i can understand chris retiring due to time constraints i just wish she could have documented her process better so we all could have learned from it.
Please understand that mklivecd is not a product Chris created. She maintained the scripts for Mandriva, but she has not written the scripts from scratch.
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Please understand that mklivecd is not a product Chris created. She maintained the scripts for Mandriva, but she has not written the scripts from scratch.


I I understand that completely, but to understand the thought process behind what was being done wiould have helped a LOT.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest pitofero

I have come pretty close to making a live cd with draklive...

Right when i reach the end something always goes wrong though...has anyone gotten past the install on the Xephyr screen? and then created an ISO?

Maybe we could share what we are doing?


Also I am pretty familiar with the way Draklive works, took me awhile to learn it

Edited by pitofero
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Guest pitofero

Will do, is there anyone else though who has tried draklive...I found why it fails...and there is no way for me to fix this...somehow draklive fails because it is looking for draklive and/or draklive installer in the Xephyr mount to complete I have searched and they are not there and nor can you install them from the draklive installer on the Xephyr window even with my written documentation if this cannot be figured out then its useless :(

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Guest linlove

I was also trying to make Live CD from mandriva 2008 but no success.

When I copied all the scripts and done a final reboot, my system failed to start.


Actually the starting of HAL daemon and atd failed and the System was up without X.

I tried startx and kdeinit but no use.


Initially before booting it told me some problem about rc.sysinit.

/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 120: /etc/init.d/udev: No such file or directory.

and another

FATAL: Module ip_set is not found.

So, finally I am leaving it now.

I think I should try some different method in other distribution.

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