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Thanks Reiver :)


I understand what you're saying Yves but we'd have to get people to help with that and I'm not sure how that's going to work. And paul and I definitely like ilia_kr's suggestion.

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I was asking for suggestions for distros, Gentoo, Debian, Arch, Fedora, and more. Linuxquestions has over 350,000 users and it has a old, tired interface. I think we would handle situations as they come up. Plus we plan on including more than just distros. That's where we need suggestions as to what users would want.

And as a rule of thumb, the support on LinuxQuestions is pathetic. The users should be going to the respective distro forums instead anyway.


Tutorials/Documentation/FAQs -

These need two things - Writers and Updaters.

We don't have those. Our faq section here is in many places, out dated or incorrect.


It's a noble idea. But there's better ways of doing it. Wiki's are superior to forum based documents in so many ways. Most distros have their respective wiki and that's where the documentation should be. Putting them elsewhere just fragments them and makes them harder for people to find.


This new board has capabilities that IPB doesn't. For instance we can imbed videos which is one of the suggestions we had for a board. And we can try and diversify and add features that will make the board appealing. paul's already working on a hack for a new portal for this. I'd really like to see suggestions for forum topics. It doesn't just have to be linux distros. It can be anything.

Features won't bring people in. Nobody is going to join because we have awesome video embedding abilities (it's a feature of dubious use anyway). Take a look at the Arch forums... bigger community than here, yet the simplest cleanest forum software.


The features here? I hardly use them. The core functions of a forum are to make threads and respond to threads. As long as a forum can adequately do that, anything else is cruft.


Too much negativity, and not enough support. Call me condescending if you wish, bit I'm disappointed in the attitude some of you have adopted in this discussion.

Nothing wrong with criticism. If the idea can't handle the simple criticism that's being offered, it's going to have a hard time ever getting off the ground. I have every hope that it works, but I don't see much chance that it will - and I tend to be optimistic.

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I have every hope that it works, but I don't see much chance that it will - and I tend to be optimistic.


Constructive criticism or advice is one thing. But these kind of negative statements don't help at all. How about saying I'd be happy to answer Arch questions? If everyone took the attitude you're taking nobody would ever start anything. If paul had taken that attitude 7 years ago this board wouldn't exist. Maybe we will fail but don't condemn us before we even get started. A little support sure does go a long way.

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I didn't suggest you do anything, all I am saying is think about it as a possible contributing factor. The fact that many of you come here to help despite not using Mandriva is certainly extremely admirable, but i think it is a bit naive to imagine that newcomers will appreciate that point. A lot of newcomers would believe that if a lot of the experienced members of MUB are not themselves using Mandriva then it can't really be any good so they drop it and go Ubuntu or wharever.


I appreciate the point of offered help posts by non Mandriva users, but then I have been coming here for quite some time as you well know. Despite my Mandriva problems from time to time, I still stay true and only come to MUB for help.


MUB is still the best help forum there is, as it is, full stop.


Cheers. John.

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But this is something I see on the other boards I visit John. On the Gentoo forums mods and admins use other distros and are open about it. The same thing with the Debian forums. It doesn't affect the way I think. I just figure they've moved onto something else. Some people just get tired of using the same distro and want a change. For me I just wanted something more advanced since I'm a cli sort of person. That's why I like Gentoo. It's all cli. That doesn't mean you can't use cli in Mandriva but I just like the more advanced approach in Gentoo because I find it challenging. I still think Mandriva is a great distro and I keep an up to date version installed at all times. I always like to check out the latest versions so I can see what has changed.


Thanks for the compliments about our board. :)

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Constructive criticism or advice is one thing. But these kind of negative statements don't help at all. How about saying I'd be happy to answer Arch questions? If everyone took the attitude you're taking nobody would ever start anything. If paul had taken that attitude 7 years ago this board wouldn't exist. Maybe we will fail but don't condemn us before we even get started. A little support sure does go a long way.


I don't mean to condemn you, but so far you've failed to respond to any criticism in this thread with anything but "don't be so negative!", and have yet to define a sound purpose or concept for this new forum.


I'm not saying these ideas won't work, but they need more development and some way of dealing with the various issues surrounding. It's easy to say "I'll deal with Arch issues" -- but one person won't be able to solve them all, and I won't always be around. As a result, you get a linuxquestions.org clone. (Personally, I'd just reply to them all with: http://bbs.archlinux.org where they'd get a quicker and better response, and I do that here now)


This board is great. Even if mandriva is going down the drain, there will exist a mandriva community for a long while.

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I don't mean to condemn you, but so far you've failed to respond to any criticism in this thread with anything but "don't be so negative!", and have yet to define a sound purpose or concept for this new forum.


In case you missed it I've repeatedly asked for suggestions as to what users would like to see in the site. I am looking for feedback. I have gotten some that is useful.


As far as a wiki I can set one up. I have a month off from school and my degree is in professional writing so it would be an enjoyable process for me. Plus hopefully others will contribute or at least offer suggestions about topics in a wiki.


JonEberger mentioned OpenSolaris and FreeBSD. Those can definitely be included. arctic mentioned other technology like Digital Photography, Hi-Fi Equipment, Mp3 players and cell phones. If those are topics that people would find interesting we could have a section devoted to those areas.

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right you lot:


everybody hush while the big dog talks .... :D


When we forked off from (what ever the hell the forum was called) we had maybe 10 supporters, and look at where we have thus far?


Whether or not any of you guys want to join in is irrelevant.

It's a project that Mysti wants to do.

It's a project that I am MORE than willing to support.


Mysti's sole purpose for this thread was to gather ideas from a linux using community, about how they think they could improve "General linux support websites"


If this project fails, you cynics can happily rock back in your chairs, and bring the "I told you so's"


But at this point ... Mysti is certainly not interested in hearing anything other than :

ideas from a linux using community, about how they think they could improve "General linux support websites"







woof !

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If this project fails, you cynics can happily rock back in your chairs, and bring the "I told you so's"
No one here is interested in seeing it fail, nor are we interested in saying "I told you so". That's what seems to be missed. Our (I think iph and I are the main "cynics", I guess) points are intended to help. You can reject them and go on your marry way...or you can consider them seriously and likely improve the chances of this thing getting off the ground. Choice is yours (or, mysti's, I suppose).


I don't particularly care, it seems my input isn't needed, or at the very least isn't wanted.

Edited by tyme
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tyme, it's not my intention and I'm sure it wasn't paul's to make you think your contributions weren't valuable. I realize you tried something similar with your own board and are trying to lend some insight and I appreciate that. As far as iphitus goes, he's just basically saying it's a bad idea and that it's going to fail and there's no way it can be interpreted any other way. That just isn't helpful. That said we're going to do this project one way or the other and if it works that's great. If it doesn't at least we tried.

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this has strayed off topic eh?


So lets get back to the suggestions.


Do people have things they would like see?

Do people have things they would like removed?

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I would like to see tyme in a dress.


No, for real...I know there's an HCL, but it would be nice if we had a user-contributable list of specific hardware and whether or not it works with Linux and what they had to do to get it to work with whatever distro.

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I would like to see tyme in a dress.
No. :P


No, for real...I know there's an HCL, but it would be nice if we had a user-contributable list of specific hardware and whether or not it works with Linux and what they had to do to get it to work with whatever distro.
I like that idea. Wikipedia-style hardware list, "this has a linux driver", how to get it to work, general info on what distro's include the drivers/etc.
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I third the hardware thing. It's good to get feedback. It would be good for all to contribute to it, since we all don't have each others hardware. But it can give a rough idea, since a lot of hardware has similar setups - laptops with ipw wireless cards - that work in some but not in others - but should be able to work across all - in theory.


I'd support the hardware list and contribute to it.

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I don't think you should diversify too much. If you have all topics Linux, Photography, Windows ( :huh: ) or any other topic it's likely to take up a lot of time to mod should there be an obscene amount of users. Topics won't get seen because of so many posts being posted, that they'll look like they disappear into oblivion! You'll post, and by the time you refresh, it's on page 2 or page 3.


I think it needs to be focussed on a topic in particular and not try to be an all-in-one forum for anything you can think of. Of course, you can always ignore my opinion if you like. I'm not being negative, just realistic.

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