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Paul and I have a domain name, although I can't give it out yet, and have found the forum software we are going to use. We need some feedback from the community as to what they would like to see on the board. We will have the major distros, like Ubuntu, Gentoo, Debian, Arch, etc but we need others. We're going to have a Discussion Forum and a Community Chat Forum. Also what other kinds of forums would you like to see?


And we're gong to need a banner so hopefully you guys can help us out with that. Otherwise paul will do something! :unsure:


This is still going to be a companion site to this board so I hope everyone will help in making it a success.



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I don't know what forum software you are going to use, but I hope it will be supported by search engines and features. The search in mandrivausers doesn't always work properly, and a forum, as a knowledge base, must have strong and convenient search capabilities.


Good luck!

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And we're gong to need a banner so hopefully you guys can help us out with that. Otherwise paul will do something! :unsure:
Gonna need to know the name of the site first ;)
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Given it will be a companion site to this one, what would you think of a site about everything Linux except things not working, I mean not:

- This or that peripheral does't work; how do I configure it?

- Upgrade broke my system!

but rather:

- How do I obtain this or that effect in Gimp?

- What software exists for cloning a system?



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Given it will be a companion site to this one, what would you think of a site about everything Linux except things not working, I mean not:

- This or that peripheral does't work; how do I configure it?

- Upgrade broke my system!

but rather:

- How do I obtain this or that effect in Gimp?

- What software exists for cloning a system?




You can also add a new software review section, software news or something of a similar kind.

Edited by ilia_kr
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I intend to add a sticky under each distro, such as basic commands on how to install and upgrade software, etc., and a mirror list for Debian users.


I'm not sure what you mean Yves. Can you please explain?


ilia_kr, good ideas on forums.

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I mean I have the feeling that most questions here relate to installing/updating, configuring, or repairing a Linux system or its hardware support.


So I propose that the new site doesn't deal with those questions at all (although some stickies for common things are more than welcome), and relates instead to using the OS: use the GUI, the CLI, discover Linux applications, and so on…



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I don't see the point. Distro specific forums provide far better support.




So you think Mandria provides better support than we do? Plus we're losing members because they're switching distros. It'd be nice to provide them an alternative so we keep our community intact.


Steve I fixed my spelling error. :P

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So you think Mandria provides better support than we do?
I'm 100% positive that's not what he was saying. This forum is distro specific (aside from one section), so I'm pretty sure he wasn't commenting on this forums level of support.


That being said, I do think that having a forum that covers multiple distributions could become a bit...hard to manage. What distributions do you include? How do you handle posts that may answer a question for all distributions, but is posted for a specific distribution? There's a lot to be thought of. Maybe the reason linuxquestions.org is so problematic is because of these difficulties. Just something to think about :)

Edited by tyme
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I was asking for suggestions for distros, Gentoo, Debian, Arch, Fedora, and more. Linuxquestions has over 350,000 users and it has a old, tired interface. I think we would handle situations as they come up. Plus we plan on including more than just distros. That's where we need suggestions as to what users would want.


Plus you guys need to realize that Mandriva has gone way down in popularity and as a result our stats on this board have taken a drastic decrease in numbers. Like I said a new board could be a way to keep the community together.

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Plus you guys need to realize that Mandriva has gone way down in popularity and as a result our stats on this board have taken a drastic decrease in numbers.
I didn't know we were trying to win some popularity contest? As far as Mandriva going down in popularity, with it's latest release I've heard friends of mine talking it up - people who used to talk bad about it.
Like I said a new board could be a way to keep the community together.
Or possibly split it even more? Gotta be careful with that.
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