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No boot only 101010101!!!!


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yep i had to do a mobo transplant cuz my old one would take about 20 mins to boot to the BIOS so i changed it last night it goes threw the bios gets to the boot record thing and then 101010100101010101010010101

then it asks for a floppy boot disk (witch i dont have) so i need help on where to find or make a boot disk thanks in advanced

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Here's a printout of the error codes from the lilo man page:


00 no error

01 invalid disk command

0A bad sector flag

0B bad track flag

20 controller failure

40 seek failure (BIOS)

40 cylinder>1023 (LILO)

99 invalid second stage index sector (LILO)

9A no second stage loader signature (LILO)

AA drive not ready

FF sense operation failed


The 01 error, invalid disk command, indicates you may not have put your drives back in the same configuration as on the old board. Check your drives and the jumpering to make sure everything is the same.


If all looks well re your IDE configuration, try inserting mandrake install cd 1 and booting off it. When the first screen comes up press F1 and at the prompt type "rescue" w/o quotes. That will bring up a screen with some options, one of which will be reinstall lilo. Select that one. When lilo is reinstalled, remove the CD and reboot. Hopefully it will work; usually does.


Also, before dooing any of the above, check your BIOS setup and make sure your hard drive is detected and recognized as a boot device, i.e. it appears in the boot sequence menu.

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There should be posts all over this board, try the search above.


And did you see this thread, currently only 10 below yours?http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=5219


cannonfodder posted something there ID'ing a 01 error relating to invalid disk command... maybe new motherboard just ain't communicating with harddrive as previous one? Might want to try running diskdrake, harddrake (or whatever it is that replaced kudzo) after getting it to boot to a command line.


PS: I am still a newbie and am just trying help you to get you back up quickly, seeing I really don't know the answers here.

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Ok i tryed that reinstalling the boot loader in the rescue thing and it didnt work i rebooted and still the same 010101010101 should i try to reinstall linux? i dont have much stuff on it nuthing i cant config within a day or so or is there a way to boot it?

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Some things to check first..


1. Your bios. On startup does your bios list all hard drives correctly and in the order you expect? Hit the escape key if an image is covering the screen. Or turn it off in the bios. This step is important because if it is not working correctly, nothing else you do will work.


2. Your bios has a set to default option. You might want to try selecting this and then reboot and then setup any changes you require. Repeat step 1 after this step.


3. If you can see your hard drive, then boot off of CD1, hit F1, type rescue, go to console (don't mount first). Now try to manually mount partitions from your drive to /mnt. Can you do this? Make sure you can actually get to the hda1 /.


4. Mount your / partition and go to /mnt/etc and view your lilo.conf file. Is it correct? Is all the info in it pointing to actual files? Type lilo if you make any changes. This installs lilo.

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I had this very same thing happen to me. What it ended up being was from the factory my HD's on my PC were jumpered to Cable Select instead of set for master or slave. I set ide0 to master and ide1 to slave and boom booted without a hitch.

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ok well at first my BIOs didnt detect everything right it would take FOREVER to find the drives (HDD and CD) theni tryed that changing the IDE thing then i changed it and then everything is right in the bios but lilo still does he same now im at the console on the rescue thing now what?


and woudl it be easer to just reinstall linux? i kinda want to try out redhat neway not that mandrake is bad i just kinda wana brouden my horizons but woudl it be ezer to do that? then it will start out with this boot setuo thing

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I think shen's suggestion is a good one. If your BIOS is having trouble detecting things, there may well be something wrong with the cables or the jumpers. Reinstalling won't make this kind of hardware problem go away. Try explicitly jumpering your drives master and slave per shen's suggestion. Make sure your hardware is right before you try to do a fresh install, whether it be mandrake or redhat. Also, check your BIOS and make sure that you have plug and play disabled before trying to install any flavor of linux. The good news is that your system posts which would indicate that your motherboard is OK.

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If your bios is working fine, then your only problem with lilo may insuring your setup files are correct.. Do some searching on lilo and on fstab and view both files. I know its new but anyone messing with linux needs to know how these files work.




File containing a list of all partitions to mount.




File containing an entry fo reach OS. Has pointers to partitions.


They are both text readable (no goofy characters)


Also, when you look at these files, yoiu will see references to hda or hda1 hda2 so on. Or hdb hdb1 hdb2. Each hard drive has a letter (kinda like C:). So if you have 3 partitions on your first hard drive, then you might have






So you need to boot to rescue and then type cfdisk /dev/hda and view the results. This program will list all partitions for that hard drive. Don't modify anything though.


To answer your question though, yes you can just reinstall and it may or may not work.. If you do reinstall, you must reformat any partition where you installed linux before (its a good idea).

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Ok i got it my lil jumpers on my HDD were wrong i tryed reinstalling linux and it sed my drive was only 1.9gbs but its realy 10 so i tryed installing neway but i couldnt get everythign i wanted so i shut down and relooked my jumper and i found i put it on a 2gig thing on it so i put it back to full and it started ot but but liek i sed i tryed reinstalling so it mest it up so i just reinstalled but its fixed now im typeing this on it too so thanks for the help.....now to get my sound working.....

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Cool, this is all fixed now. So it was exactly as pmpatrick said in first response... plus I was on right track with harddrive not communicating right --- anyway onto the sound problem.


First thing to check there is to make sure your sound proggies/mixers are not muted. I think the default setups have them all muted.


Next thing to do is get that keyboard checked out. Seems to be typing all the wrong letters....



:wink: just joking. I kind of like that style... very readable, despite the mixed up hacker's lingo appearance.


...and if the sound is still a problem later, I would be sure to start its own thread.


good luck

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4. Mount your / partition and go to /mnt/etc and view your lilo.conf file. Is it correct? Is all the info in it pointing to actual files? Type lilo if you make any changes. This installs lilo.

This works if you tell lilo to use /mnt/etc/lilo.conf and /mnt/boot.


You can 'chroot /mnt ' first makuing /mnt > /


Then lilo doesn't need any config parameters.

Somewhere there could be a FAQ article on this???

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Guest ThiBill

:) I've got the same trouble instaling Mandrake 9.0 up to Mandrake 8.2, after booting I only got the binary sings 0 and 1, and it went on and on without stopping. You have to know that I'm multibooting also to Win98 and WinXP for professional reasons. Disaster ---> no acces to either systemboots. Completely out off sence I've reinstaaled Mandrake 9.0 and, Wonder's still are there, it worked. No more 1's and 0's on the boot.

Others might have said it wright, it could be a FSTAB-file problem, but I didn't have to manipulate my BIOS records to enable this problem.

Yes, indeed, reinstalling the system has some dangers of loosing data and other things, and it takes a lot of time, but I'm still in a Linux Learning Process ( LLP ). I prefer to take the time rather then crash my whole network just by trying out a newby system.





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very funny scoopy :D i know i got bad english i could have better i just dont take to time to fix the mistakes and i go tmy sound working last night so its all up and running fine and thanks again for all the help oo well its not quit FULLY running i still have to get my videocard working i got a radeon 7200(32mb sdr) i have to use vesa driver cuz the radeon one dont work just get a black screen but it works fine

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