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Should I upgrade 9.0 --> 9.1 ?


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I'm just looking for some opinions here. And this is why I ask.


I am running 9.0 right now from the power-pac. Because I didn't think I could get my printer configured under 9.0, I ordered a set of .1 CD's from cheap bytes whitch should coume tommorrow. my deal is this. Everything works right now. (except my webcam, but it doesn't even work right uner windows) And I'm realy tempted to go with "if it aint broke, don't gfix it. But, boot up and shut down take about 5 times longer htan they should and the CD's are comming anyway, so it sseems like a waste to not go head and upgrade. "m not interested in dual booting 9.0 and 9.1 together, not only would it be pointlews but I've only hot a 14gig HDD.


So, with all that in mind, and the fact that i use dial-up internet whitch I understand is handled differently in 9.1, do you think I should upgrade, clean install, or just stick with 9.0??


title edited by Ixthusdan

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I think you should go gentoo...haha...


ok, seriously. from all the problems i've heard people having with 9.1 I wouldn't suggest it. I never had any issues _at all_ but it seems I'm lucky or something. so, my suggestions is if you can deal with the lengthy shut down and start up time, just stick with 9.0.

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Guest anon

9.1 is lots better than 9.00, so go for it. You will anyway, otherwise why order it??

There have been scores of updates for 9.1 so make sure you install them when it asks you at the end of the installation. Personal opinion, don't upgrade, do a fresh install. Choose the expert option and format all but your home partition.

As far as slow boot up time goes, you probably have more start-up services than you need. Remove/uncheck the ones you don't use/need in system services. For an idea of what you need, or what does what, read this: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/docs/admin/aservice2.html

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It's all hit or miss touch and go. 9.1 boots and shuts down a lot faster than 9.0 did for me. I've had a few other probs that seem exclusive to me. One prob not exclusive to me is internet lock ups. So roll the dice dude :wink: and go for it.

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I had the same debate a month ago.


9.1 boots up faster for me... Shutdown time is a bit longer, but I don't mind that anyway...


Look and feel is much much better. Still needs some work, but hey :)


The things I noticed from friends... If you don't download the updates during installation, you will have lots of problems. If you don't have broadband, I wouldn't overwhelmly suggest it, unless you download all the updates before you do the installation.

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Wel, logicaly, I think it's bad idea for me to upgrade to 9.1, however, as anon so insightfully pointed out, I'm probably going to do it any way.


As for the update, broadband is not an option for me. not that i don't have the bread as it's only$10 or $15 a month more than dial-up, but it's just not available here. What should I do to get the updates? should I just go ahead an start withouth them and get them as soo as i'm up and running? whould i try and download certain ones and install maualy from a CD?? what do you think?

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I am not sure if you would be able to access your local files when it asks if you want to update during the install, but yes, might as well start downloading them now, there is a ton of updates.

Here's a list anon made:


I would at least grab the mandrake tools/rpms, such as urpmi, drakconf, etc. first and be prepared to work out any bugs that may happen. You would have the CD/files ready to go if you find yourself left at the command line. Once you get 9.1 running smooth it should be well worth it.

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Howabout installing 9.1 next to your 9.0 and see how it goes.


Make a 4GB partition for it, and you can even have that include a new /home; just mount your old / and /home into something like:

/mnt/oldroot and /mnt/oldhome or just plain

/oldroot and /oldhome.


So that way, you can test drive, and if need be, access your current (old) config files.

If you're afraid to mess up your current user, just create a new user and copy the necessary files. (Email etc)

You may want to check the use / manpages of:

chmod chown chgrp


and then some.


This is how I set things up for beta and RC testing:

first create a whole new clean install plus new user.

Test drive and config for a week, during which I would put links to the email and webstuff (making backups so I can restore the old situation).

Use the new account.

See where it takes you.

I did this in Jan and in March when the final came out (or was it April) I realised I hadn't used 9.1.


I then did a clean install of 9.1 onto my test install.

Got everything to work. Was very happy with it, compared to 9.1rc1 and 9.0.

Then did a clean install over my previous 9.0 (larger partition) so I would have the test partition free for next beta (cooker) and rc testing.


It's not really that much work, and like any dual boot it ensures you your current ways are not lost.


Make sure you can boot into both, I did this by not writing lilo to the MBR for the test installs, but just to floppy. No hassle at boot, floppy in: new test system. Floppy out: old stable system.


For me, 9.1 was better than 9.0 on all boxes I installed it (4 machines), few of my friends have had problems with it, none of these problems were not there with 9.0. And 9.1 just looks darn good (galaxy).

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Well, last night I was trying to speedup some things in 9.0 and now it won't boot, so I'll take it as a sign and install 9.1 when it comes, probably today. for now I'm just using knoppix.


by the way, if you don't have a copy of knoppix, you need one (or one of the other similar distros) runs likve from a CD and doesn't take much longer to boot than windows. it's great for showing linux to people AND it is great to have a back-up os just sitting there when you do something stupid.

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Yup.  It's stable for me even before updateing.  i couldn't be appier, plus I've got gcc 3 and kde 3.1 now as well as a newer kernel.

that was my experience when i installed 9.1....i dunno what everyone was complaining about, 'cuz it worked fine for me

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