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According to the MandrakeSoft site, apart from 3 sound cards which they've been told by a 3rd party will work with 9.1, no other cards will.


This can't be right can it?


Does anyone know of a site that has an up-to-date list of compatible hardware? Google and MetaCrawler give me too many useless replies and Jeeves doesn't understand the question! 8)

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What kind of sound card do you have ?

I have Creative SB live works very good with MD9.0 and should work with 9.1 to.

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Your best bet is to google. Do an exact/advanced search on your sound card and then search within the results for linux, or mandrake, or both, and then maybe alsa, or oss. A lot of times there may not be a drver for a specific device, but one for another device that's similar will work. Or, as

What kind of sound card do you have ?


Unfortunately, the more devices mdksoft says work, the more new linux users there will be asking for help from mdksoft. Linux has a learning curve and this causes a big strain on CS. :wink:


According to their Hardware Database, my chipset has minimal support, and my modem and soundcard shouldn't work.....but they do....the modem driver is built into the kernel and my soundcard has OSS and Alsa drivers.

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