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KDE4 beta 1 "Cnuth" is out


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The KDE Community is happy to announce the first Beta release for KDE 4.0 is available now. This release marks the beginning of the integration process which will bring the powerful new technologies included in the now frozen KDE 4 libraries to the applications. Simultaneously KOffice have released the second Alpha of KOffice version 2. Highlights are improved text rendering and layout and the new Flake library. Read on for more details.

You can download the KDE 4 live cd from here.


source: hup.hu

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Just tried the OpenSuSE live CD on VMWare. It's still horribly buggy, but at least one can clearly see now the shape of things to come...


I tried the CD, I agree that it is very buggy, didn't see much in the way of significant UI improvements other than the deskbar applet, which was broken for me.

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