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Mandriva adds a semantic layer to KDE 4


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In english... it seems that it allows you to tag, comment and rate files. So the idea is adding metadata to a file. Which isnt a new concept, see extended attributes, though they've chucked a gui in front of it.



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The video shows the tagging / rating part, but doesn't show the other end - the searching / viewing based on tags / ratings. That's the bit not well explained - what you can then do with these tags. I guess they envisage a view like digikam's folders of tags (which are very cool, imho!) but maybe they've not got that far yet.

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One question - is the extra information about the tags and ratings stored in the file itself, or in an external Nepomuk database file? The external database is obviously the easiest way to implement that kind of thing, but it can be easily fooled by common operations such as moving or renaming a file - then it tends to completely lose track of all the tags you carefully entered!


Ok, two questions then - is the resulting information then only available to KDE applications? Or only to Nepomuk-aware KDE applications?

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Ok, two questions then - is the resulting information then only available to KDE applications? Or only to Nepomuk-aware KDE applications?


and on that, what are it's dependencies? A google shows its included in kdelibs, which is a real disappointment as it seems to be a step toward more intelligent file management.



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Nepomuk is a broad project. What we're really talking about here is Nepomuk-KDE , which is the project to integrate Nepomuk into KDE. There could certainly be a Nepomuk-GNOME , etc. I don't know if there are any definite plans in that direction, but the project was designed with it in mind.


I'm not sure how the metainformation is stored. You could ask on the mailing list, I guess - https://nepomuk.semanticdesktop.org/wws/info/nepomuk-kde .

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The other week I incendently stumbled upon the fact Johann Nepomuk was Hitlers great grandfather from his mothers side and possible also his grandfather from hid fathers side. I also found its a czech saint and town but still wonder wether Nepomuk is the best name, I think the Hitler link is pretty far-fetched but maybe others will not think so...



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well, I've seen you mention it in two places now and no-one has said anything but "uh, so what?" :)


it is an acronym, of course (it's an EU-funded project: regulations state that the name must be a hilariously forced acronym. I joke. somewhat.) It stands for: Networked Environment for Personalized, Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge. so now you know.

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