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The Bug Squad needs YOU!


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So, I promised, and here we go. The Mandriva Bug Squad is now quite well established and working. We have a decent process set up and we're a long way towards processing the entire backlog of old bugs. So now here's call for anyone from the board who wants to volunteer to join.


The Bug Squad is a little group of volunteers who help me, in my Bugmaster role, to keep on top of the Mandriva bug database. The most important role this involves is triage: we need people to check every newly filed bug and accept it, reject it or request further information as appropriate.


The Bug Squad has a mailing list: bugteam A T mandrivalinux D O T org . It's open to anyone. If you'd like to join the Bug Squad, please subscribe to the list and then send a mail volunteering your services.


We also have an IRC channel - #mandriva-bugsquad on the Freenode network. Finally, we have an area of the Mandriva wiki: http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Projects/Bugs/Bug_squad . It contains some basic info, and the triage guide, which walks you through the triage process.


We appreciate all offers of help, but please note that I won't necessarily take all volunteers for this project. The ideal bug squad member is quite familiar with Mandriva already and has a reasonable level of technical ability: it's quite hard to do a decent job of triage without this.


For those who are accepted, I'll probably run a short (really short - couple of days, I'm thinking) probation period where I ask you to look at some reports, mail me what you would do for them, and I check it's OK. And then I'll turn you loose =)


So, please volunteer to lend us a hand and help make Mandriva more bug-free. thanks to all.


Adam Williamson


source: http://forum.club.mandriva.com/viewtopic.php?t=67145

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Good to see this. Any attempt to improve the mandriva bug situation is a good thing.


I filed a bug 15 months ago, it was not modified or replied to by a human, until this week, when it was finally closed. That's 15 months, sitting there, rotting unsolved on the tracker. No wonder mandriva has been so horrendously buggy. Shameful. On Arch, bugs are assigned usually within days, if not hours, thanks to Romashka, our resident bug tracker triager and developer. http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=21599


The bug squad is still only half the problem. The other half is getting the developers to actively embrace and use the bug tracker. If you did that, you wouldnt need a very big bug squad, and the squad's role would be reduced to triage and monitoring.


As a principle, I havn't used mandriva until that bug has been closed. Now it's been closed I'll be giving Spring a shot tonight.


Good luck.



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Let's hope it works then, as I don't see it got solved yet. Still waiting for my bugs to be sorted on kernel.org. Incidently, after installing Fedora on my work lappy, I filed a bug there, got a response nice and quick!


I'm hoping Mandy will get this way, but kernel.org are pretty bad right now. Logged the bug twice, because the first one just.....disappeared.

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The Bug Squad's work is limited to triage and monitoring, it doesn't do actual bug fixing. The idea is that with good triage and monitoring, developers will be both able and obliged to fix more bugs.


on this particular case, it's worth noting that the kernel is one of the worst areas for bugzilla. the kernel team really doesn't do enough on bugzilla. I'm hoping to address this with Anne. Other components are handled rather better.

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My bugreports in fedora were fixed by the developers usually within two to five days. If Mandriva manages to squash bugs as efficiently in the future with their new structure, then hats off to them. Well... good luck adamw and keep on rockin'. :)

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My bugreports in fedora were fixed by the developers usually within two to five days. If Mandriva manages to squash bugs as efficiently in the future with their new structure, then hats off to them. Well... good luck adamw and keep on rockin'. :)


mandriva spring was broken for me, so I guess the clock is counting on the bug I opened yesterday.

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I had a response within two days on my one I logged with Fedora, but kernel.org still yet to reply and fix it. Perhaps Fedora will do it quicker, and hopefully that will filter into kernel.org.


Incidently, since my report back, I've not heard anything so shall see what happens next now.

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I had a response within two days on my one I logged with Fedora, but kernel.org still yet to reply and fix it. Perhaps Fedora will do it quicker, and hopefully that will filter into kernel.org.


Incidently, since my report back, I've not heard anything so shall see what happens next now.


bug trackers and developers are funny things. Developers are inherently lazy, so the bug tracker model has it's pitfalls.


unless there's someone whose job is to assign bugs, half the bugs will never get assigned.


once they're assigned, many devs like to 'ignore' and hope it goes away in the next release. unfortunately that doesnt work for all bugs. But if a user bugs, the developer keeps getting emails, and the developer will fix it surprisingly quickly.


sometimes I like bug tracker mails, it's good to see people reporting things. Other times I don't, they mean more work.


/end rant.



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