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Is there a solution for the install freeze?


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I'm stuck here. I can't upgrade from 9.0. The install freezes just before the package selection. It just displays: "please wait while building list of available packages" and that's all. Could it be that my package list database in /var is corrupted?

In sharp contrast, I did a clean install on a spare partition to get a feel of 9.1 and everything went so smooth!!

It seems that only the upgrade option has this problem.

I tried installing from disk and from CD-ROM but the install freezes exactly at the same place. I don't know what else to do :cry:

I do not want to do a clean install because I did that when I had problems with 9.0 and finally doing a clean install did not solve my problems. Furthermore, it took me months to get everything just the way I wanted in 9.0 so I don't want to repeat that.

Did anyone find a way to avoid the freeze?

Thanks guys

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I'm stuck here. I can't upgrade from 9.0. The install freezes just before the package selection. It just displays: "please wait while building list of available packages" and that's all. Could it be that my package list database in /var is corrupted?

In sharp contrast, I did a clean install on a spare partition to get a feel of 9.1 and everything went so smooth!!

It seems that only the upgrade option has this problem.

I tried installing from disk and from CD-ROM but the install freezes exactly at the same place. I don't know what else to do  :cry: 

I do not want to do a clean install because I did that when I had problems with 9.0 and finally doing a clean install did not solve my problems. Furthermore, it took me months to get everything just the way I wanted in 9.0 so I don't want to repeat that.

Did anyone find a way to avoid the freeze?

Thanks guys


I am in the same boat as you, plus I am running a web server LOL. I would highly recommend backing up all your stuff to CD prior to doing any upgrades or installs. Now that I got that out of the way, I run into the same problems at times. All through the Beta and RC phases I would just do an upgrade, and I would accumilate a tonn of crap in the mean time. When it comes to final versions, some times it is worth doing a complete fresh install. A lot has changed from 9.0->9.1, it may be worth your while to do a fresh install ?

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I've done two installations of 9.1, one an upgrade on my laptop from 9.0 and the other a clean install on some free disk space on my other system. The upgrade was extremely slow, although it did not freeze. The clean install was very fast and the only problem I had was its having an error trying to install one of the packages. I later installed it from the disk it gave the error from. Go figure. I assume there is some problem in the installation program as my disk is fine and as I said it installed via MCC without a problem.


I was thinking of doing an upgrade on my other system, but with what you are saying maybe I won't. I'd love to hear other upgrade experiences because upgrade has been a mess in the past.

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I never had any luck upgrading since I started with 8.0. Always the same thing, gets stuck about the same place. I think you may be right with the package database, seeing the troubles I always have (among others) with rpmdrake and having to remove and rebuild the database on occasion.


Maybe try removing the sources and allowing the upgrade to replace them with the new cd's? Sorry I don't know the commands off hand.


Personnally, I am still trying to decide to attempt the upgrade (I've done so much to 9.0 and it works) or continue to just upgrade my apps one at a time. What I need still ain't available.

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I would always suggest against choosing any of the upgrade options provided. In most cases, you end up with a mixed up system of old and new packages which are mutually incompatible. Even if you have managed to upgrade every package, the system may still be not properly upgraded. You must also make sure that the configuration files are changed accordingly, just to be consistent with the changed software. If something does not work correctly, it may be a nightmare to trace the cause and fix it. So the best way is to use the install option, making sure that all user data partitions (/home) are untouched. Just format the system partitions (like / /boot /usr /var).

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I also think that, if you have done a lot of installation work, particularly with packages that had to be added for the depends, you might find that Mandrake can't handle all of the remove-reinstall that sometimes must happen. I think a basic Mandrake setup will upgrade, and a more cusomized extra stuff added setup will have dubious consequences in upgrading.


I always do a fresh install, leaving my /home alone.

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I had a similar experience installing LM9.1 as I did in LM9.0. It would freeze during package installation. So, I did as I did in LM9.0:


Whent he CD boots, press F1 and at the prompt, type:


linux noapic nousb


Install completed like a charm and everything still works. I believe its still an APIC issue, so you could try it with just "noapic" and see if it works.

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