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kdm broke [solved]


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What else to do with a fully functional system, but break it... I know I was daft to try 3d effect with a geforce 4 mmx card. But I didn't think it would trash my system! I went to the "3d" config. in mcc, was told my system could cope, and that compiz was being installed. Which it did. Then after restart I found that not only did I not have any 3d effects, but I had no window borders (in either kde or gnome), no shutdown options on logout, an erratically functioning keyboard, and all my fonts were completely different. So I went back to the mcc to disable 3d effects, only to find that now I was being told that my system couldn't do them, and the options were faded out. I tried restarting kdm, but nothing happened.


I figured that the problem was compiz being my dm, so I did "urmpe compiz". I also uninstalled and re-installed kdm. This got me back some window borders (but not if I choose the theme "mandriva"), but no logout options and my fonts were still weird. I've managed to sort out most of the fonts, except for firefox: the fonts up the top (file..edit..view etc) and bottom (Done... Adblock etc) and the address bar font are all ENORMOUS and I can't find any settings in KDE or Firefox itself that will change them. This happens using gdm as well, the only change there is that I get logout options.


I know it's my own fault, but



Edited by Dustpuppy
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Have you removed the hidden config files in your /home folder already? They might cause the problem. By removing them, everything will be resetted to the defaults. Maybe that helps.

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Hurray! Getting rid of the hidden files sorted out the fonts problem, but I'm still not having any luck with getting the shutdown options under kdm. I'm running gdm instead, and hoping that's not going to create a problem with KDE...


I'm also leaving 3d effects well alone now!

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Hurray! Getting rid of the hidden files sorted out the fonts problem, but I'm still not having any luck with getting the shutdown options under kdm. I'm running gdm instead, and hoping that's not going to create a problem with KDE...


I'm also leaving 3d effects well alone now!


I had this problem also with kdm and compiz packages (among many other problems) on a 2006 installation and never figured out why I couldn't get the logoff option back. I eventually gave up and uninstalled all the 3d stuff and the option came back. Are you sure you uninstalled ALL the packages you installed? I don't know which one caused the problem. 3ddesk, compiz (all of them), task-3ddesktop are all that come to mind but I think there were six or seven packages in all.

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As above....its probably more than one package...

but in any/either case non of them will cause any harm by being installed (presuming they didn't overwrite libs) .. so its got to be something added to your xorg.conf and/or the Xsession line....


Im guessing its either composite extension in xorg or loading a loadable driver....(OpenGL) etc. and you can proabpy find the offerndor in the log file in /var/log/Xorg0.log


or just shut down the dm (in mandr* /etc/init.d/dm stop)

and startx from a CLI


if this is working fine then its probably the kdm config or the ksm config is using a different Xsession line


ps -ef | grep X

root 2646 2640 0 Nov05 tty7 00:06:53 /usr/bin/X -br -dpi 100 -br :0 vt7 -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-qM7fh2


this is different for XGL... so you just find that line and stick it back....

The trick is finding the right one :D


tip find the line then do a recursive search like


find ./ -type f -exec grep <XGL> {} \;

where XGL is the name in the line you get from ps -ef| grep X

Edited by Gowator
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