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Sexy new look for Fedora


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No, they were made by the fedora-art-list admin Mairin from Boston. Here is her (?) blog with many sketches she did for the FC 6 design http://mihmo.livejournal.com/. The icons were mostly made by Diana Fong, designer at Red Hat and Fedora-Art guru.

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The design concept is cool, I'm just not crazy about the way it's been done. Looks like a rough draft that needs cleaning up and stuff.


Also, it's not something that all users would like, which, imho, is what a default theme should be... simple and appealing to as many users as possible.


Oh c'mon SoulSe, you can't please everyone. Which brings a point, why focus on one?

Of course you can't please everyone, that's not what I meant. What I did mean was that you should try to be as neutral in a default theme as possible so you'll please as many people as possible.


It has been proven that blue, for example, is aesthetically pleasing to more people than black is. In fact, black is the single worst colour to use in information design, unless you don't really care about the masses, which is why I used it for my blog :P


The Ubuntu default theme is very nice, but I would argue that they could have done a better colour selection too. I'm not saying that they shouldn't have used brown, but you can adjust saturation levels to carry traces of other colours that are more pleasing.


Arch, Gentoo, the older versions of Fedora and other distros have really nice designs for their enviroment's default themes. Even Mandriva's Galaxy isn't too bad. But this needs work.

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No, they were made by the fedora-art-list admin Mairin from Boston. Here is her (?) blog with many sketches she did for the FC 6 design http://mihmo.livejournal.com/. The icons were mostly made by Diana Fong, designer at Red Hat and Fedora-Art guru.

Thanks, Arctic. Those sketches really look cool. :D

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MMM... I like the "Dark" look very much indeed.


How is FC these days ? I haven't tried it since 3. ran to sluggish for me and everything seemed too locked down for my tastes by default. It did not seem to make a good family desktop back then without alot of tweaking.

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I can't really compare, FC5 is the first RedHat I use. I haven't noticed any lockeddowness any way. Have disabled a few services I don't use and installed Firestarter shorewall GUI, but that's about it.


p.s. sorry for offtopic


p.p.s. I adore the new look!

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MMM... I like the "Dark" look very much indeed.


How is FC these days ? I haven't tried it since 3. ran to sluggish for me and everything seemed too locked down for my tastes by default. It did not seem to make a good family desktop back then without alot of tweaking.


It's just the same as mandy to be honest, the only real difference between the two is that the gui tools in Fedora are fragmented, rather than (for the best part) re-written and consolidated under mcc. With regard to lockdown, you just set up repos similar to plf etc, install and bob's your uncle. I have rarely needed to tweak with my Fedora install since I installed FC5 just after release, and that's with most multimedia codecs installed, ati drivers, etc, etc.


The fedora desktop on my AMD64 is comparatively faster than my previous Mandy and Suse installs.

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