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Just compiled 1.1.0 beta of Audacious and I must say it really kick rectum. Though the diffrent icons in Preferences is annoying (personal opinion). I've both tried BMP+ and Xmms2 but so far Audacious takes first prize for music player.




Edited by spinynorman
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It's a very good player, for sure... almost half as good as Amarok (and OK, I know... not everybody is a KDE fan!).


I'm talking about as a music player, not an all around music application, but for playing music.



I've the same problem as Tyme have with amarok, too unstable.Tried it on several distros. But if I should go with something like amarok i'll properly go for Listen or Banshee (which will be obivious for as they are more stable for me and is GTK2 oriented) :)


Nice music choice.


Thanks :). Gonna change my signature to display my music taste lol. Perhaps a lastFM entry as well. :)

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I've never liked Amarok, it's heavy and its' music database engine is killing my large music collection (cpu wise) and it does load of stuff I don't need to.

All my music is stored in folders by style and each artist has its' own subdir, and so does album, so I just drag what I need from a Konqueror window into my XMMS playlist.


Audacious looks interesting and I'll check it out once stable is released.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using Audacious 1.0.0 now and it feels and is kinda sluggish.

For instance, when I add songs, it takes some time before they are added and id tag read.

It's also sluggish when I try to drag it over screen (no 3d drivers installed),

the same problems are not with XMMS.


Can't use XMMS now, because it's gone all crashy on me...


Anyone has the same problems with Audacious?



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  • 1 month later...

Audacious gets 10 out of 10 from me! Using it for one day, so far so good. Nice player, solid and simple, the one i allways looked for my linux. It supports mp3 and wma without any tweaks - huge bonus. Got tired of configuring XMMS wma support in Mandriva and in FC4. No bugs so far in comparison to XMMS.

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Audacious gets 10 out of 10 from me! Using it for one day, so far so good. Nice player, solid and simple, the one i allways looked for my linux. It supports mp3 and wma without any tweaks - huge bonus. Got tired of configuring XMMS wma support in Mandriva and in FC4. No bugs so far in comparison to XMMS.


Does it support iPod? I'd like to know, because I'm getting a Nano soon... B)

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