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new to programming under linux - need help!

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How can i do the following programming under linux?

1) C/C++ - i know it's something like gcc. But how to use it. IN windows, after compiling my codes, i get the whole files with the .exe on the folder of my choice. BUt in linux how do i get this?


2) VB.net and VB 6.0


3) Java - perhaps here need to download from the java website?


I would really appreciate if i could get a detailed explanation since i'm really new to linux. Thanks!



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How can i do the following programming under linux?

1) C/C++ - i know it's something like gcc. But how to use it. IN windows, after compiling my codes, i get the whole files with the .exe on the folder of my choice. BUt in linux how do i get this?

Install KDevelop - this would bring you an IDE.

Or read gcc / g++ documentation for options. You may be very interested in "-o" option ( meaning "what the output file would be"). This option gives you all the choice - both the folder and the file name.


2) VB.net and VB 6.0


Gambas tries to create something resembling VB. VB and VB.net themselves - no dice. Windows only.

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As for java, yes you need to get a JDK (Java Development Kit). In most cases (or practically all cases) this is from Sun or Blackdown, although there is a Gnu version under development called gcj. I would also recommend you get eclipse as well, a free IDE which makes everything easier.


That gcc faq was a good intro but didn't mention make or automake?

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Gambas tries to create something resembling VB. VB and VB.net themselves - no dice. Windows only.

not quite right ;)


There is work on making VB.Net usable in Linux via the Mono project, called MonoBASIC. You can read about it's current state here. You can read about the Mono Project itself here. I don't have any experience with Mono myself, but it should be in the Mandriva repos.

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I've used mono (although for c# not VB.Net) and it's easy to set up and use and works well. It will support VB.Net as opposed to VB6 and there are some significant differences. VB6 won't work on Linux I'm afraid. VB.Net only does because mono is an implementation of the .Net framework.


In theory any precompiled VB.Net code should work in mono straight away since it all gets compiled to the MSIL which is (afaik) the same as compiled c#. It's the compiler that will be part of any new mono VB developments...


Java is easy to set up - download from Sun and google installing it under Linux - it won;t take long and is easy. I would also recommend using eclipse. It's a brilliant and free IDE

Edited by phunni
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wow! great! thanks everyone!


The mono project seems great!

I have some questions:


1) Does mono suits intel pcs, that is i386 or i586 intel pentium families/architecture?

I did not see this specification there, but i saw x86. But x86 is for solaris if i'm not mistaken?? or is it for 8086architectures?


2) Is eclipse a C++ compiler??

and C# means C-sharp, right?


3) Is there no grahical means to use a C++ compiler in Linux. The gcc/g++ works by command line interface. Is there alternative graphical interface like those dev c++ or mcv++ which works under windows?


Thanks for all your time and help!

Edited by wakish
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1) Does mono suits intel pcs, that is i386 or i586 intel pentium families/architecture?

I did not see this specification there, but i saw x86. But x86 is for solaris if i'm not mistaken?? or is it for 8086architectures?

x86 = all *86's, i386, i586, i686


2) Is eclipse a C++ compiler??

and C# means C-sharp, right?

eclipse is largely a java development platform, IIRC, though you can get C/C++ tools for it.

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2) Is eclipse a C++ compiler??

No, it's a general purpose development environment. As tyme says, it's usually used for java, but it's not a java compiler either - eclipse uses the java compiler which must be installed separately. It can also use a C++ compiler like gcc if you want.


3) Is there no grahical means to use a C++ compiler in Linux. The gcc/g++ works by command line interface. Is there alternative graphical interface like those dev c++ or mcv++ which works under windows?

If you want to use eclipse for C++, you'd want to get the plugin which seems to be called cdt (eclipse.org/cdt/), although I've not used it. Another option might be kdevelop.

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Thank you tyme!

Thank you neddie! Your links help a lot! I had a good view of what eclipse is from your link eclipse.org/cdt/!Thanks man!



You all are wonderful people!


If anyone has anymore more advice, please keep them coming.






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Well well well, it looks like I was talking out of my ... erm... hat. Eclipse does actually have its own java compiler, which lets it do the as-you-type stuff as you type. It does need a JRE (runtime environment) installed though, even if you don't want to run any java (because eclipse itself runs in a JRE). My JRE came with the JDK so I had it in my head that I needed that too.


About cdt, I tried it out and it installs like a dream. It doesn't do the as-you-type stuff, but does do a compile automatically on save, and lets you run from within eclipse. Very neat. Haven't tried anything tricky with it but it basically works great.

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neddie, what makes you think you can run eclipse without a seperqate compiler? I was always under the impression that it uses the compiler that comes with the JDK. If it does come bundled with a compiler then I'm pretty sure it would be the Sun one anwyay...

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That's what I thought too, but it looks like I was wrong. According to eclipse.org JDT FAQ:

Can I use a Java compiler other than the built-in one (javac for example) with the workbench?

No. The JDT provides a number of sophisticated features including fully automatic incremental recompilation, code snippet evaluation, code assist, type hierarchies, and hot code replace. These features require special support found in the workbench Java compiler (an integral part of the JDT's incremental project builder), but not available in standard Java compilers.

It's definitely not using the Sun one. A bit of searching also gives this blogquote:

The Java compiler developed for Eclipse is widely regarded as being one of the fastest and most capable in the industry, perhaps surpassing Sun's own javac.

And according to the download page at eclipse.org, it specifies you need a JRE, not a JDK. In particular,

This version of Eclipse is designed to run on a 1.4 level Java runtime environment or Java development kit. You do not need a development kit to do Java development using the Eclipse Java development tools.

So that's my "new thing learned today" then :)

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Has anyone used wxWdigets for cross-platform C++ development? If so, how did it go, and what compiler did you use? (I used the mingw one, for Windows, and a simple program consisting of just a frame ended up being 20Mb in size!!).


For Basic, there is RealBasic, which is downloadable for free for Linux development. To do crosss-platform stuff, you'd need to pay for the Professional edition.


I've used Java too - I quite like Netbeans 5. You get the JDK and IDE all in one download, and the layout thingy (Matisse) is great.



I'm considering doing some cross-platform stuff, as I've only developed for Windows before now. Still trying to decide between Java, C++ (with wxWdigets) and C#. I've heard of Mono, but last time I checked there's been no development w.r.t. Windows forms.


Hope it helps,



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