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easyurpmi translation


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The title is self-explanatory. Which file should I translate to add a new language to easyurpmi? More precisely I need a link.

Before asking here I wrote a mail to the guy who has his mail address on easyurpmi but he didn't answer on this question. I tried to browse the svn repo but I didn't find anything useful. I don't have experience on translating user interfaces I just translated Howtos a long ago so pls be specific.



[moved from Software by spinynorman]

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You may have to wait for a reply from Trem: it took several months to get their link to our mirror updated correctly. :huh:


You might try subscribing to their discussion mailing list, and posting a question there.

I mailed him the correct link and asked this question in the same time. He thanked me for pointing out the bad link and ignored my question, so the answer is either obvious or he doesn't know.

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