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Getting started with C++

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I think C++ does not depend on M$ while Visual C++ depends on M$. If you can code C++, you can make a program on whatever OS, while if you create a program using Visual C++ ( just an opinion) it will run only on M$ OS...

Edited by aioshin
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Consider learning C# instead. You can still develop it using Visual Studio - but it can also be run on Linux via mono...


It can be developed on Linux as well - although none of the IDEs are really mature enough yet imho...


Consider learning C# instead. You can still develop it using Visual Studio - but it can also be run on Linux via mono...


It can be developed on Linux as well - although none of the IDEs are really mature enough yet imho...

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Visual C++ is not a language, but an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that you may use to compile C++ programs. You can use it to compile executables for Windows. Under Linux/UNIX-based OSs you will want to use g++ (Part of the GNU Compiler Collection, GCC).


I disagree about learning C# instead of C++. C++ has a much broader collection of cross-platform libraries available for you to learn and use.

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this guy asked about C++.


I dont see why other languages need to be introduced to the thread. Cause they're completely offtopic.


As Tuxiscool said, there's some awesome tools to be used with C++ on Linux, depending on what you wish to do. If you want to know how to compile an app once you have written one, theres also a FAQ by Tuxiscool.


It really depends on what you want to do, to be a able to give solid advice. Take a look around, maybe get a good book on C++. Not Visual C++. There aint no drag dropping here.



Edited by iphitus
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Basic uggh! Even though it is compatable with Linux, you should just do object-oriented programming.


Why? OO isn't all that. B)


I know, I was trying to say that anyting is better than basic, except for game editors. :P

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Visual C++ is not a language, but an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that you may use to compile C++ programs. You can use it to compile executables for Windows. Under Linux/UNIX-based OSs you will want to use g++ (Part of the GNU Compiler Collection, GCC).


I disagree about learning C# instead of C++. C++ has a much broader collection of cross-platform libraries available for you to learn and use.


werd. plus it uses the ms c++ compiler, so there are some differences between g++ and vc++. compilation of the same code under ms on vc++ (visual c++) may work, but under g++ it may not. i'm not talking about anything big, but just standard code. i think ms vc++ is more forgiving, but not necessarily more correct. i'm a gcc fan and consequently g++.


there are lots of gui's under linux for these purposes. if you're looking for a lot of help there are editors including some of the kdevelop stuff. but almost every editor (seriously) in linux provides syntax highlighting which is priceless.

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