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2006 Install Issues [solved]


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Installed 2006 free today (as well as XP) and had some questions/issues.


On the 2006 screen there are residual black bits of the various text (and other) box outlines that remain on the screen (dragging a box makes a real mess....). Don't know why they are not getting refreshed out when they are closed - I don't have the problem on my Mandrake 10.0. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


I heard that KAT might be a bit buggy, and is it a good idea to delete it for the time being? Is that going to cause any other problems. I don't envision myself using it...


Finally. I have the 2006 and XP on the same disk (master), and lilo (hopefully the correct name, as I am working from memory) allows me to select between them on boot. I also have a secondary drive with 10.0 on it, but lilo didn't spot it and it is not listed as a boot option. Can I do something to include it as a boot option - I would like to use the 10.0 while I am setting up and working the bugs out of the other two systems. VERY detailed instructions essential!!!


As a side note, if anyone cares, the 2006 was much faster to install than the Windows XP. In addition, the ability of Mandriva to ID hardware and set the system up is a real benefit. After having used 10.0 for a couple years, it is kind of appaling to have to load up driver disks for the various hardware items to beg XP to work. Got to have it to run some MS specific programs (and to scan, it would still appear) but I wish I didn't.


Thanks in advance for your assistance.



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I heard that KAT might be a bit buggy, and is it a good idea to delete it for the time being? Is that going to cause any other problems. I don't envision myself using it...
You can safely uninstall it. It won't cause any problems for the rest of your system.
Finally. I have the 2006 and XP on the same disk (master), and lilo (hopefully the correct name, as I am working from memory) allows me to select between them on boot. I also have a secondary drive with 10.0 on it, but lilo didn't spot it and it is not listed as a boot option. Can I do something to include it as a boot option - I would like to use the 10.0 while I am setting up and working the bugs out of the other two systems. VERY detailed instructions essential!!!
In order to add your Mdk 10.0, boot into 2006, mount the mdk 10.0 partition and take a look at the /etc/lilo.conf. Copy the parts that you need for booting it and paste the stuff into the 2006 /etc/lilo.conf. Afterwards, run lilo -v in a terminal.

Take a look here: https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=10598

and here: https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=5082

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About your video card problem, maybe installing updates could help : there's a new version of Xorg in official updates, which corrects some bugs. It could correct yours.


Update also acpid, there is a using-100%-of-CPU bug which is triggered at night if you let your computer on. (acpid + logrotate bug, check the errata for more information)

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Unsuccessful at getting lilo to work booting off of hdb. I was able to insert code into /etc/lilo.conf, and get my old linux distro listed on the lilo menu, but boot of the distro failed. Not sure what info will be useful, but I will guess and just ask for anything helpful that I missed.


First off, the boot of 'linux old' started out in verbose mode. Not sure why that happened, but I guess it should have been an indicator.


3 failure messages, all seemed to be USB related.


a) initializing USB controller (usb-uhci) : FATAL could not load /lib/modules/2.6.12-12mdk/modules.dep no such file or directory


b) mount usb filesystem mount : mount point /proc/bus/usb does not exist


c) loading usb printer - FATAL cound not load /lib/modules/2.6.12-12mdk/modules.dep no such file or directory


script in lilo is :


image= /boot/vmlinuz

label='linux old'



append='devfs=mount acpi=ht resume=/dev/hdb5 splash=silent


this is what I pulled out of /etc/lilo.conf for 'old linux', aside from changing hda to hdb, and there was a vga=788 which I didn't add. I did use the lilo tool in the 2006 system configurator to add 'linux old', which may be the source of the problem. I did open up the /etc/lilo.conf file after adding via the configurator and all looked well with the code addition.


Hopefully this is something simple to fix with USB (and moving off of verbose). I am getting skilled at pulling out my computer and shifting the hard drive jumpers, but I am not sure that is a good thing......


Please let me know what additional info required to help troubleshoot this.


Thanks and regards -- Roger

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Graphics problem mostly resolved by updating 'kdegraphics" - still a bit of vapor trail, but nothing that remains after a second or so.


No resolution of the lilo problem on hdb. I assume from the lack of response it is more that a simple issue to resolve, and so will move forward without access to 10.0.


Thanks for the assistance, and I am sure I will be back for more help soon....


Regards -- Roger

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I think your problem might be the append line. It needs to be in double quotes rather than single quotes.


So instead of ', replace with " at the beginning of the line and at the end. My example below:


append="failsafe resume=/dev/hda6"


and then rerun lilo afterwards to update.

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Try for now what Ian said. About the vga=788... That is definitely not a problem. It simply indicates a certain graphical mode that is to be used. By changing or removing the entry, the system can boot in graphical mode or in verbose mode (both in different resolutions). If you boot in graphical mode, you simply have a nice graphical display which hides the verbose mode, which is basically the default for Linux-systems. The verbose mode is very, very important for troubleshooting, so it will always be there, even if it is hidden beind a nice splash-screen.

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Thanks for the suggestions for lilo. I wanted to use the 10.0 as an interim system prior to getting the 2006 fully up. The 2006 is operational now, so the 10.0 is not so important.


I did try to update xorg via the update server last night - after 3 hours of download (supposedly successful) there was a load error and I lost the graphical interface (obvious when I tried to boot later). Sadly I didn't catch the error message after install (not even sure that I had a cancel option at that time). One of the 5 related uploads clearly did not work. Reloaded the system today off disk, and will wait a bit to fix graphics problem via xorg update.....


Thanks again -- Roger

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After having used 10.0 for a couple years, it is kind of appaling to have to load up driver disks for the various hardware items to beg XP to work.  Got to have it to run some MS specific programs (and to scan, it would still appear) but I wish I didn't.


You don't need XP or any other Windows OS, just install CrossOver in Mandriva... I have CrossOver installed on my Mandriva 2006 PC and Laptop, and on both I have Microsoft Office installed along with a slew of other M$ Windows software, I was really surprised at how easy it is to install. And the apps run faster in linux than in windows(big surprise!) :lol:

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Wine will work just as good too, since Crossover is wine with easy ways to install software, etc.


If you don't want to pay for Crossover, a little patience with wine is all it takes to get it working!

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Wine will work just as good too, since Crossover is wine with easy ways to install software, etc.


If you don't want to pay for Crossover, a little patience with wine is all it takes to get it working!


Well, technically, there's many differences in vanilla wine and crossover's wine setup. There's lots of software that still can't be run using wine, but runs flawlessly in crossover. I played with wine for a few years, got fed up finally and just got crossover instead. Soooo much better now :mr-green:


P.S. Sorry for kinda changing the topic, this should be in it's own thread :P

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