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MSN messenger doesn't work and ICS dialup problem


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Hello to all


I don't know why I can't get my msn messenger (Gaim and Kopete) to work

I think I have sucessfully updated them I have a really old and not updated linux mandrake system but basically is because i'm a dial up user as I can't get adsl as we use a cell phone like devise to acess to the net here I don't might to download and wait the mdk update program GUI but my sister use windoze XP house edition and I use xp pro sharing my dial up , point is how can I do this on mdk 2005 limit Edition ?


Can someone explain me step by step and if picture by picture.


I have a router conected to my pc and tp my sister's pc and my pc connected to my 56k ext modem.


Oh last thing my msn is quad95@msn.com and I belive that is not working in linux because is for only XP is this true? I mean that I should have a hotmail.com account and not a msn.com account.


THX in advance hope this 2 problems have a solution.

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Whether your email is hotmail or not isn't relevant - an msn one should work. The protocol for msn has changed a few times and clients - e.g. gaim - have had to update to keep up. It's unlikely that anyone would be able to help you unless you have the latest version of gaim - which might in itself solve your problem.


I appreciate that you have dial up and therefore updating is not an aggreeable solution, but it's likely that an old version of gaim is simply incompatible with the current msn protocol and will never work...

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I did download latest kopete and gaim and I still can't , during my linux only month july I think 2005 I wasn't able to use msn either and still can't after installing again linux to give it a another chance of bye windows XP, I always try to be with a update system even that now to update my linux side ( partition ) I need to download about 400mb of rpms in update.


Well to resume I have gaim updated and still doesn't work.

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