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How can I use 4Gb memory?


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I recently upgrade my memory form 2 Ga to 4 Ga.

They are detected by CMOS but I can see only 3.6Ga under Mandriva 2005 LE.

How can I use 4 Ga memory?


    [yuni@Dell run5_1]$ free
total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       3626696    3444700     181996          0      10988     444600
-/+ buffers/cache:    2989112     637584
Swap:      1100412      35136    1065276


Thank you in advance.

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The only thing I can think of is if you install the kernel i686-up-4GB which may help resolve the problem, but I'm not 100% sure without being able to try it myself.


First, you need to find out what version of kernel your running:


uname -r


then, find the corresponding i686-up-4GB kernel, and then install this. You will then get a lilo/grub boot menu option for this kernel. Boot from it, and see what you get.

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The only thing I can think of is if you install the kernel i686-up-4GB which may help resolve the problem, but I'm not 100% sure without being able to try it myself.


First, you need to find out what version of kernel your running:


uname -r


then, find the corresponding i686-up-4GB kernel, and then install this.  You will then get a lilo/grub boot menu option for this kernel.  Boot from it, and see what you get.


Thank you.

The kernel that I am running is


I check the kernel, It compiled 64Ga memory with 8 cpus support.

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I think your 4Gb memory is detected AOK.

The apparent discrepency may have something to go with the way the memory value is stated. Something about bytes and bits. I have never been able to fully understand it but apparently it is not something to worry about.


It could also have something to do with the kernel. I believe you need a kernel that is specifically for memory of 4GB and above. I think this is the main reason.


Cheers. John.

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Is it possible that part of the discrepancy could be due to shared video memory, thus reducing the amount of memory that Linux detects? Is your video device integrated on the motherboard - if so, how much RAM is devoted to video (you can tell from the BIOS settings and possibly the boot up messages)?

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