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network up the creek [solved]


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I have a D-Link DSL-G604T and an ADSL connection but I am unable to get it working.


Using the modem/router/AP I can get a connection to my ISP but am unable to browse any pages

I have set

nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

in resolv.conf which allows me to open the config page foor the modem in Firefox (and this allows me to ping external IP addresses)


I do not think that the network is getting set correctly (and this may be a part of the problem) as at boot I get a whole load of failed messages for each network device.


I know next to nothing about networking so please be gentle and give me the Janet and John explanation :help:




Edited by Leo
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Is ipv6 running on your box? At the prompt, do an ifconfig -a and if you see a sit0 listed, then ipv6 is running.


In Mandrake/Mandriva, to disable ipv6, you edit /etc/modprobe.conf and add the line:


alias net-pf-10 off


this sometimes resolves the problem.

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OK, I turned off IPv6 (no noticeable effect but now I know how to do it :D )

I checked miscellaneous Internet settings in MCC and it tells me my connection type is adsl but does not let me alter this (I hate MCC so would really appreciate a command line method of doing this)


Thanks for the help so far.




PS. I can ping the router using

$ ping -c 3 -I eth0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

but not any external ip addresses

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Normally, I've only configured using HardDrake, and then click the Run Config button, and configure through there as LAN connection.


The file you might want to edit, I think resides somewhere under /etc/sysconfig/


Can't remember the exact directory, but there will be a file that relates to eth0 that holds the config. I'm not on my system at the min, but you can edit it, and changes options etc like IP, etc, etc.

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OK I found it, it was a firewall setting however it still does not work.


I am guessing that the problem is in establishing the connection for the internet from my pc to the router (or vice versa). I tried turning off the firewall on both the modem and the pc but still no luck.


Any other suggestions?



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Hello leo. In what part of MCC did you try to change the setting from adsl to lan ???.

I am surprised you prefer CLI to using MCC. From what I understand, if you cannot do things from MCC then most times you can't do much better using the cli unless you are a programmer and know how to alter and patch files.


Have you had a working connection with this device in a Linux OS in the past???


Cheers. John.

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What does your /etc/resolv.conf say? What DNS entry is it using? This should either point to your router if it's doing Proxy DNS or one of your ISP's DNS entries.


To test, type nslookup at prompt, then the following:


set type=any

mandrivausers.org (for example)


it should then list a load of information relating to that name server lookup. If not, check which DNS servers your using in /etc/resolv.conf and if router, change to external ISP DNS Server and test again.

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Hello leo.  In what part of MCC did you try to change the setting from adsl to lan ???.

I am surprised you prefer CLI to using MCC. From what I understand, if you cannot do things from MCC then most times you can't do much better using the cli unless you are a programmer and know how to alter and patch files.


Have you had a working connection with this device in a Linux OS in the past???


Cheers.                          John.

Hi John. I generally don't trust MCC as I am never sure what it is changing (plus it has a nasty habit of removing my menus). In most cases I have found CLI better as it usually involves a couple of extra lines in a config file or a few commands that I can read up on and see what they do (plus I find it gives me a better understanding of my system, which is something I am desparately in need of :D ).


In MCC I went to the security section and the firewall setting and changed the internet connection from ppp+ (as used by my old adsl usb modem) to eth0. This changed the internet conection from adsl to LAN (this is a good example of what I was saying about the confusing nature of MCC).


I have not seen the new device working with Linux yet, although I used Google to find examples and people report it working with both SUSE and Mandrake/Mandriva (both), so I know it is possible.



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What does your /etc/resolv.conf say?  What DNS entry is it using?  This should either point to your router if it's doing Proxy DNS or one of your ISP's DNS entries.

I amended resolv.conf to include:
nameserver isp.dns.ip.address1
nameserver isp.dns.ip.address2
nameserver my.router.ip.address

but still no dice.


To test, type nslookup at prompt, then the following:


set type=any

mandrivausers.org (for example)


it should then list a load of information relating to that name server lookup.  If not, check which DNS servers your using in /etc/resolv.conf and if router, change to external ISP DNS Server and test again.

I'll give this a go tonight.




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One other thing, just double check that your router is your default gateway for traffic, although I guess you've prob got all this config'd already.


My example config below:


IP -

SM -

GW - (router ip)

DNS - or isp entry depending on my preference.


What failed errors do you get on boot?

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OK, I turned off IPv6 (no noticeable effect but now I know how to do it  :D )

I checked miscellaneous Internet settings in MCC and it tells me my connection type is adsl but does not let me alter this (I hate MCC so would really appreciate a command line method of doing this)


Thanks for the help so far.




PS. I can ping the router using

$ ping -c 3 -I eth0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

but not any external ip addresses




Quick questions, may be off the track a little, but I will ask none the less.


Have you used the ethernet/network port before now?

If so, Is it on board?

And again if so, does it use the nVidia controller?



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Have you used the ethernet/network port before now?

If so, Is it on board?

And again if so, does it use the nVidia controller?


I have used it for LAN connections but not internet I am not sure about the controller but I think it is via (the eth0 is listed as 'eth0 via-rhine' - or something similar). It is on board.



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One other thing, just double check that your router is your default gateway for traffic, although I guess you've prob got all this config'd already.


My example config below:


IP -

SM -

GW - (router ip)

DNS - or isp entry depending on my preference.


What failed errors do you get on boot?

How do I check this?

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/var/log/boot for the boot errors on the nics if you have failed errors.


For the gw,



traceroute external_ip_address


the first hope should be your router if configured default gateway. Alternatively, going into harddrake, run config when network card selected, you can set it in here or the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts (or something) and edit the eth0 file, and check the default gateway entry is your router.

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