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Long Boot time


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Ok, I dual boot on a Toshiba laptop with a celeron M, with about 700 MB ram. I use XP home and LE2005. When I boot into Mandriva it takes 1 minute to boot to the KDE startup screen and then another 1 minute to boot KDE. Is this normal? I have DSL, and usually am connected. When I pull all the plugs to my computer to take it on the road, and want to boot into Mandriva, it is even longer yet (I haven't timed it yet). Are there any practical ways to fix this? I still want the usability of everything without having to open a terminal and typing a bunch of confusing commands in that I won't remember. Any ideas? Thanks.



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No, that is not normal. Two minutes to get to the KDE screen might make sense, but even on a very slow computer, starting KDE is usually a quick process (10 seconds or so for me). What part does it take longest on?


Try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F6 and see if that console says anything about it. Seeing as it takes longer if you're away, I'm guessing the problem would be with finding a DHCP server, but I'm not quite sure how you'd go about fixing that...


Try googling your laptop number along with the word "linux" in your search term. If there's a known problem or workaround, it might be there, especially since some laptops are Linux-friendly and some are not.

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Have you applied updates to LE2005? There is a possibility that the updates might fix the problem.


I remember a while back that LE2005 took ages to boot on my Toshiba laptop, but after updates, it was working normally.

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The overall speed of your system will usually be slower on a laptop than on a desktop pc because laptop-harddisks usually are slower (some 5200 rpm) than "standard" harddisks (~7400 rpm). So the basic booting will be slower. YOu can speed up things however disabling some system services that you don't need in the MCC. Go to System, Services and disable e.g. all server-reated services.


About KDE: apply all patches for it and see if it is still slow. If you have an alternative desktop system (like Gnome, XFCE or IceWM), log into that one and check if that also is slow or if you get a "normal" boot time for the respective GUI. It could be a KDE related problem but it could also be a general software or hardware problem. Only further examination will tell.

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Ok, I checked the startups and only found one, the Tetrinetx that mentioned server in it. I disabled it. Everything else seemed normal, or something that I use. I guess I could uncheck samba, how hard is that to start. I had XP and Mandriva networked before, but not now. Thanks for the tip. I will try it in Gnome too later. I rarely boot into Gnome.


Oh, by the way my laptop is a Satelite M or something. It doesn't say, but I remember it was a Satelite M.




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  • 2 weeks later...

The long boot-time may partially be linked to a problem that is described on the Mandriva Linux 2005 errata page (sorry actually I don't have a link, but you can access it from the Security Site):








Have you checked if netplugd is active (the checkbox network hotplugging must be activated in the settings of your network card), it looks if you are connected and only starts the network if you are, so if you have dhcp and you aren't connected your box wouldn't wait ages for an ip-adress.

Edited by lavaeolus
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