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Mandriva 2006 configuration page


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Thanks for your comments!



You mean you wish you'd read a site like mine when you started, or you'd have liked to actually have it? ;)


BTW what bad bugs? Are there any?



No seriously, can you point me to some really bad bugs?

The high load thing is not good, but not a showstopper.

The lack of the pwc high res engine is also not cool, but not likely to affect too many people.


All in all, talking about bad bugs and serious issues, I think the 9.2 (or was it 9.1) issue about dead lg drives was really bad, or the 10.1 problem with locking konquerors when connecting external harddrives or thumbdrives.

Of all issues, what I've seen up to now with mdv06 is actually very good.


For sure mdv06 is not clean - but point me to a distro which is and I'll show you a featureless and outdated OS.


BTW on high loads: we know people don't care too much - on MSWin the virusscanners tend to do that, never drove anyone away...

At least on Mdv06 things can be remedied.


On a side note, a review is forthcoming, so there will be much more info about what mdv06 is like.


Yves, the MM kernel and stuff are things to know if people bitch about mdv and changing distro's because of some hardware issue - those are usually releated to the kernel, so just changing that can help a lot. BTW thanks for really reading that page ;)

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I'm looking forward to getting hold of 2006 when it becomes publicly available towards the end of this month, or whenever it is.


Now I know where to come for help if I have any installation issues :P

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You mean you wish you'd read a site like mine when you started, or you'd have liked to actually have it? ;)


BTW what bad bugs? Are there any?



No seriously, can you point me to some really bad bugs?

I'm not sure about owning the site LOL but yea I meant having access to a site like yours would have been an asset when I started. LOL

From what I read on other threads here https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=28709 i am a bit concerned but if I take your word (and I will) there are no bugs worth worrying about ? My MDK install works so well I hesitate to install 2006 over it.

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Well, you really needed my site when you got started, because from the looks of your reaction, you didn't create a spare / partition - which is one of the most important things for newbies (and experienced people! but they should already know...)- it makes it possible to install a new system without losing the old...



BTW in that other topic I see nothing serious as in showstoppers (just some people afraid there may be some).

Think back at the 'my winxp won't work after I installed linux'-issues and other things I mentioned, and you see that what has come up now, a week after release and two weeks after early seeders got the isos is really quite smooth.

We have seen, with previous releases: total desktop locking when connecting usb drives, lots of graphics not working after install, windows not working anymore, systems not installing without the proper installer boot options (happened to me, on a colleagues system, nforce), naturally the lg cdrom issue - though not Mandrake's fault, it was a nasty issue which I also ran into; managed to revive the drive just to see if I could, etc.


Anyway, if your system is working so well, are you sure you want to risk it?

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On balance, 2006 is OK. The two major bugs I've seen are network file sharing(it's seriously broke on my box) and shutdown issues. Mine hangs on shutdown, reboot or logout at the blue screen. I have to go to a terminal and issue a reboot command. That's not nearly as bad as some stuff we've seen in the past but annoying nonetheless. I'm sure they will get it sorted out in the next month or so. In the mean time I'm sticking with LE2005 until the bugs are fixed.

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Hi pmpatrick,

NFS is too slow at boot, or if I put it differently, the boot is too fast! - so my network drives from the server don't get mounted - I put a mount -a in rc.local to still have them mounted before I log on (not that I need it as soon as I log on, I don't mount my homedir from the server or anything..).


What's the issue for you?


That hanging is really bad - not a showstopper per se, but darn, how does that stuff get by the alpha, beta, rc cycles???

Did you try boot options? BIOS options (pnp os no) ? Kernel mm?

Do you have a clue as to how many machines are affected?

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I don't mount any network shares at boot so that's not an issue for me. However, in kde, if I right click a folder in my home directory and try to set file sharing and then tick the "Configure file sharing" button all I get is an unitelligible grey window from mcc popping up instead of the usuall file sharing window. I could probably set the whole thing up manually as this appears to be an mcc bug but I haven't had time do so. I've seen others complain about the file sharing as well.

I haven't heard any other complaints like my shutdown issue; I haven't even checked my logs yet which would be the first thing to do. It could be xorg or the nvidia driver which was autoinstalled. It's just an FX 5900 graphics card; nothing new or exotic.

I guess I'm planning on waiting things out a bit and see if any big bug fixes come out in the updates before digging into 2006.

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artee, I am getting a segmentation fault when I set the task bar to maximum transclusence. It's kicker doing it. But, this is still RC2; I have not updated yet. I wanted to be sure the mirrors were correct.

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ok thanks for the info - I actually don't have that option of sharing folders - have to fiddle to get that working..

Will do and see if I have issues there too.



I don't get any segfault, where are you fiddling? Look n feel - panels - appearance doesn't hurt my kde...

Mirrors are getting updated, look at easyurpmi to see them being filled in for main and contrib... even updates are now available (some firefox stuff and then some, 21 files, 40 something MB in total...).


If experienced people are holding the boat off, how are newbies going to be able to deal with things? Get with the program guys, 2006 is here so it's time to move on :D

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Well, you really needed my site when you got started, because from the looks of your reaction, you didn't create a spare / partition - which is one of the most important things for newbies (and experienced people! but they should already know...)- it makes it possible to install a new system without losing the old...



BTW in that other topic I see nothing serious as in showstoppers (just some people afraid there may be some).

Think back at the 'my winxp won't work after I installed linux'-issues and other things I mentioned, and you see that what has come up now, a week after release and two weeks after early seeders got the isos is really quite smooth.

We have seen, with previous releases: total desktop locking when connecting usb drives, lots of graphics not working after install, windows not working anymore, systems not installing without the proper installer boot options (happened to me, on a colleagues system, nforce), naturally the lg cdrom issue - though not Mandrake's fault, it was a nasty issue which I also ran into; managed to revive the drive just to see if I could, etc.


Anyway, if your system is working so well, are you sure you want to risk it?

Nope no spare partition but of course my /home is on a different partition than / ,my "search for the perfect distro" phase is long over. Now upgrading MDVA once in a while is all i need. I did install 2006 and got the expected cpu problem with the new search feature (cant remember the name now) but it made the cpu stay at 100% usage untill I killed the process. Another error I got was no default kde desktop what I got was some primative one I never seen before. Only after doing a kde only install with default sellections would kde show up. I'm still looking into this one. All in all it went well I guess you were right it's just people being negative, afraid and perhaps a bit of fudd.

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Ok, I have tried the recipe from that other thread to avoid high loads in kde by kded - they still happen, takes about 5 minutes, then it finishes whatever it's doing. I can still use the system, it's not too bad.


Now I had the process mhonarc doing lots of stuff, actually the disk access is a few MB/s, cpu load is low, but the system becomes very unresponsive.


Oh yeah:

$ free
            total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       1035644    1021980      13664          0       1512      26440
-/+ buffers/cache:     994028      41616
Swap:      4898544    2473908    2424636


That's right: half my 4GB swap was in use. What???!!

I have no clue who is converting mail to html, but I suspect kat - shut it off, no good. If this happens again, I'll urpme kat, just to see.



welcome to the other side of the 2005/2006 fence :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use Mandriva 2006 on an Omnibook 6100 and most things work fine, the only things that don't are:


I don't have Hardware-3D Acceleration, but only if I use the native 1400x1050 resolution of my display, which is a bit strange, but this doesn't really bother me, because I don't play on my notebook, and so I haven't looked further into the problem.


Neither Suspend-to-RAM nor Suspend-to-disk work, the system suspends, but doesn't wake up again, I don't really need S-toR but I would like a working S-to-D, I didn't try the mm-kernel yet, maybe I should give it a try, but as far as I know it is in contrib, so what about kernel-upgrades ? as far as I can see the kernels in contrib do not get security-upgrades, so couldn't this pose a problem later ?


Lucent Winmodem might work, I haven't tried, at least I got it to work on Mandrake 8.2 - 9.2, but since I have a Broadband-Connection I have no use for the modem.


Apart from those two slight problems I must say Mandriva 2006 works really great, but what about a central configuration utility in the Control Center for ACPI-Events on Notebooks (closing the Lid, pressing the sleep-Key and the like) as Suse provides it in yast (btw: S-to-D did work on Suse 9.3 with a stock-kernel) ?


Ah, btw, I can't see the section for msec's periodic security checks in the control center, the tab is there but blank, but this might be a specific problem on my system, since I upgraded an RC2-Installation to Final.

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