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UK Musbers join the pledge!


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Quote on what the site is all about:


PledgeBank is a site to help people get things done, especially things that require several people. We think that the world needs such a service: lots of good things don't happen because there aren't enough organised people to do them.


PledgeBank allows users to set up pledges and then encourages other people to sign up to them. A pledge is a statement of the form 'I will do something, if a certain number of people will help me do it'. The creator of the pledge then publicises their pledge and encourages people to sign up. One of two possible outcomes is possible - either the pledge fails to get enough subscribers before it expires. In that case, we contact everyone and tell them 'better luck next time'. But the better possibility is that a pledge attracts enough people that they are all sent a message saying 'Well done - now get going!'


Examples: Sure. 'I will start recycling if 100 people in my town will do the same'; 'I will organise my child's school play if 3 other parents will help'; 'I will build a useful website if 1000 people promise to contribute to it'.


Hopefully that makes the site a bit clearer... Basically, if you sign up then you're agreeing to write to your MP protesting about software patents if x amount of other people do! I realise that you could contact your MP anyway - but signing up for this will help encourage others to as well...

Edited by phunni
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