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Guest Adriano1

I think a bigger table with more space for your arms would be nice when you type. As for the boring... I don't know of "exciting" much, but I suppose a few paintings or photographs, and a few plants would help.

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CABLES! It's a conder you can sit at that desk without getting snared and traped like a wild animal in all those loose dangling cables. YOu might invest $1.79 in a baggy of cable ties.


Also, and I know this one is out in left field, but seriously, everyine knows that those LCD's are bad for workng on. They cause too much eye strain. Of course, I'm a generous guy so I'll tell you what. You just box that baby up and ship her on over to me, and I'll send you my CRT. It's a heart wrencher letting it go, but I could manage I suppose.

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CABLES!  It's a conder you can sit at that desk without getting snared and traped like a wild animal in all those loose dangling cables.  YOu might invest $1.79 in a baggy of cable ties.


Also, and I know this one is out in left field, but seriously, everyine knows that those LCD's are bad for workng on.  They cause too much eye strain.  Of course, I'm a generous guy so I'll tell you what.  You just box that baby up and ship her on over to me, and I'll send you my CRT.  It's a heart wrencher letting it go, but I could manage I suppose.


I like my LCD, i don't spend a lot of time in front of the PC and these lcds look nice. Moreower, they take less space on the table.

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I wouldn't just move them, I'd get some smaller ones. You can very small speakers with great sound quality for very litle money these days. In all seriousness, I can't image speakers that big sitting on my desk.


Also, comfortable input devices is always a must. I Use a Wacom Graphire for daily stuff, because it happens to fit my hand nicely. Find a keyboard and mous e that really fit you. Despite common belief, that are NOT all the say. Slightly diffferent inclines, different levels of tachtile feedback, and then there's the ergonomic ones, which ahve varying degrees of spread on them.

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Too right. At that distance, you'd get better sound quality out of $50.00 headphones than $500.00 Hi-Fi's


Small but high wuality is WAY better, not to mention how much space they take up. I use a pair of very compact Boston Acoustics that came with a Gateway I bought when I was 18. The sound quality up close is fantastic.

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