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new Mandrakelinux release cycle


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Well I'm certainly stubborn and stand by my values.


Now that you mention it... :D


They also charged a whole load of US customers $6000 per copy instead of $60... which they blamed on their bank...

Nope, the bank did make the mistake, and Mdk couldn't do much about it....

it would have been nice for them to answer emails on this.

except exactly that. It would not just have been nice, it would have been proper business sense.


Gowator, I see your point. I just think that at some point, what's in the past is in the past, and certainly Mdksoft is changing, especially now with Conectiva...


Yep just don't expect me to back down: they are the ones who sent to me rude emails saying to join mandrake club (I was already a member but they couldn't be bothered checking and my question went unanswered on Mandrake expert) I find that rude!

What was that again about malice and incompetence??



Thanks for the other stories about good and bad customer support - remind me to come shop at your place as soon as you have one! :D

Should be one of live's last true pleasures! :P


We had better think about asking anon to host your docs then...

no point leaving that resouse to go to waste!

Ehm, no, that's not what I meant. Free.fr just changed policy that one cannot create a new website without using them as ISP...

But I can keep my site, no worries. The content will not go to waste - if only because the wayback machine somehow started tracking my site, it hosts a large variety of snapshots..!

So my site will stay where it is, with the name/webaddress it has. Once people no longer search for Mandrake but mandriva or whatever, the address won't match the content anymore, ... but it will take sometime, I just got an email saying:

Following the release of Limited Edition 2005, the next version will

be Mandrakelinux 2006, which will be released in fall 2005.

So there, until the end of 2006 the name Mandrakelinux will be the official name.


Well I don't have anything against Mandrakelinux as distro, and I'm not arguing against MandrakeSoft technical decisions. I'm arguing with lack of conversation between them and the community. They don't seem to care about them/us. I think it's a big a disadvantage in a Linux distro manufacturer which is living from its community.

Well, they're only indirectly living from the community - they're directly living from the paying customers and members, and from those who contribute freely. Most of the community of Mdk users are neither.

Let's say I agree completely with the first part: I have nothing against Mdklinux. Like Gowator mentioned, there's lots to object in Mandrakesoft. There's a big fat reason why I never bought shares.

There's actually never been a true conversation; the recent club chats come closest, and so things are actually getting better of late....

I guess Gowator and you are displeased with this since you see how easy it would be to do better - I on the other hand, accept the current situation for what it is, and never expected more than I got. Not that I'm not picky as a customer, just that I have low (more realistic?) expectations in this case.

As I've said before, I waited until Mdk/linux was good enough, after having tried, and then I forked some money. I made sure I'd be satisfied. Strike that. I made sure I was satisfied. Then I paid. Some people pay and then expect their hardware to become supported...


So what? Mandrake was the first or one of the first to ask which packages to put in the distro from users. They could be the first in that too. I can accept that the decision is their but at least they could ask what we like.

True, good point. But then again, asking what packages people want (note: they now have a tool to check what packages people _use_ which is very cool for the 1984 non-believers) is delivering a service to ones customers, a name is just a name. Doesn't change anything in terms of how the product functions. OE, CE, Final, Limited Edition (or my abbreviation: limed05).... all the same to me.


As for shareholders, I don't know. I actually don't mind Mandriva that much. But like I said, I'm not a shareholder, nor is it likely that I will be one.

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Well, they're only indirectly living from the community - they're directly living from the paying customers and members, and from those who contribute freely. Most of the community of Mdk users are neither.
What? As I said earlier in one of my posts: community is not only for giving money. They can help you write docs, draw better graphics (IMHO that is a must, the current look is ridiculous) and the most of all find bugs. The Download edition is the base for their boxed distros isn't it, it should be rock solid, so the more people are using it the more bugs will be found and corrected. Not to mention that the bigger the community the bigger the club. Bigger the community -> more the Mandrake experts -> better the distros image -> more customers. Yes it's not directly money but it is the future.
There's actually never been a true conversation; the recent club chats come closest, and so things are actually getting better of late....

I guess Gowator and you are displeased with this since you see how easy it would be to do better

Absolutely true in my case.
a name is just a name. Doesn't change anything in terms of how the product functions.

Disagree. A good product name gives a good feeling. Positive(!) and simple, easy to remember. Thats why MacOS 10.3 is called Jaguar (or Panther? Can't remember) and not just Yet Another OS 10.3. BTW before every release had its own name (vitamin, dolphin, five star etc.) they could ask their community to help them to choose one. Mandrakelinux is a commercial product so find a real name.

As for shareholders, I don't know. I actually don't mind Mandriva that much. But like I said, I'm not a shareholder, nor is it likely that I will be one.
And nor you are a native English speaker (sorry if yes). Well nor am I, but I read some of their posts about what they associated with driva.
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As I said earlier in one of my posts: community is not only for giving money. They can help you write docs, draw better graphics (IMHO that is a must, the current look is ridiculous) and the most of all find bugs.


Quoting myself:

they're directly living from the paying customers and members, and from those who contribute freely.

I count the ones you list among those who contribute freely. Sorry if I wasn't explicit enough....



The latest Mac OS is Tiger.


Disagree. A good product name gives a good feeling. Positive(!) and simple, easy to remember.

True, but for me as a user, I don't care. To get new users, sure it matters. BUT it's not said that letting the community in on the decision will lead to a better name - which is something you assume. I'd think the chances are slimmer to come up with a really crappy name, but possibly only slightly. Remember, the current community is (hopefully) not the same as the new users of tomorrow.

Right now, it's just computer enthusiasts using Mdk or other linuxes. Tomorrow it should be loads of regular computer users, not just geeks.


If you go by slashdot (which is about as geeky as the average linux user) you'd think that geeky products would actually sell to the general public.

The way I see it the current community is not at all representative for the target audience of Mdk. So any say into the name by the community will have a geeky slant.


In any case, there's other threads for the naming discussion....

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Yeah, that I didn't look for.. thanks for checking. But I don't actually care too much - 10.2 is shaping up so nicely, I hardly have anything to write....

If you read my config page, the non-trivial stuff is due to missing drivers: lirc, pwc (for vga resolution) and then some - all this has been fixed in 10.2.

The rest is trivial imho...

I must say, apart from those few things mdk developers managed to break, 10.2rc2 works better than any previous version, with less config stuff for me - I did an iso install, and so I didn't even have to set things up for urpmi to use iso images...

Really, not much left to config.


Note: I never planned to still be doing my website after the end of 2005.. so if I stop indeed, it won't really be a change of plan... but we're getting ahead of ourselves here, I've already established that mdk will use that name for v. 2006 which will be the official version until Q3 2006 - quite a while from now. Let's worry about this later, shall we... :D

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artee: "So there, until the end of 2006 the name Mandrakelinux will be the official name."


No, that's not necessarily the case. The roadmap used the name 'Mandrakelinux' throughout as that's the current name, but that doesn't necessarily mean the name is fixed. If we have to / decide to change the name, we'll change it, and that would include renaming any not-yet-released product.

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artee: "So there, until the end of 2006 the name Mandrakelinux will be the official name."


No, that's not necessarily the case. The roadmap used the name 'Mandrakelinux' throughout as that's the current name, but that doesn't necessarily mean the name is fixed. If we have to / decide to change the name, we'll change it, and that would include renaming any not-yet-released product.

There should be a transition period in that too to really let people know about the new name. Send out news to every site: Mandrakelinux changing name to Whatever Linux. Maybe a counter on the official website would be good saying something like: x days left to Mandrakelinux officially change the name to Whatever Linux. And 10.2 would came out with the new name written everywhere inside the distro Whatever Linux (former Mandrakelinux).

This way the transition would be flawless. Everybody would know about it.

Now think about what they are really doing about it. A few letters on cooker list and a poll and a topic here. No word from the company. MandrakeSoft again...

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to this:

Maybe a counter on the official website would be good saying something like: x days left to Mandrakelinux officially change the name to Whatever Linux.

I was about to answer: they can't be that stupid _not_ to do that.

Then again, hopefully someone at mdk reads comments here and passes this idea on to mdksoft management. (adamw, it seems you're an insider now... :P )


Anyway, I think I like the name Whatever Linux. Must propose it in the naming thread... :D

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dexter: that would be because nothing is official yet. If something happens it will be released with all the professionalism you have come to associate with the company in handling such issues. (said with an ENTIRELY straight face, of course.)

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Guest Adriano1

Well, if mandr* could show that kind of tongue-in-cheek-ness as normal, people in the community would take the news better, I think :)

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dexter: that would be because nothing is official yet. If something happens it will be released with all the professionalism you have come to associate with the company in handling such issues. (said with an ENTIRELY straight face, of course.)


Read with an entirely straight face too (honest)

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