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Is there any way I can find out where a package was installed? I just installed F-Prot anti-virus, and the rpm package installed the program, but now I don't know where it is to launch and configure it.


Is there an easy way to find out what package was installed, and where?


As it happens I've just removed it anyway, so also, does anyone know of a good anti-virus package that has a GUI front end? Command line is OK, but would prefer a GUI one if possible. Free ones?

Edited by ianw1974
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In general I would recommend the browse software (or uninstall) then choose the advanced seetings and somewhere it lets you see the files installed)

Prior to MDK 9.0 this was done sensibly in the same app, now one has to choose uninstal to see where it installed???


(just one reason I don't use MDK anymore)


you can also install kpackage if you use KDE and this will find the installed and you can at least use it logically even though its best to use the MDK add progs when actually adding!

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Great thanks for that. I'm currently using Mandrake 10.0 Official, and I have just been running the RPM file directly, and then supplying the root password when prompted. I take it this isn't the best way to install?


Should I be completing this a different way?

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If you're comfortable with the commandline, I say stick with it.

To see a list of the files in the package through commandline, as root do


rpm -ql nameof.rpm


You typically only need the basename, like this:

rpm -ivh ncftp-3.1.8-1mdk.i586.rpm

installs it

rpm -ql ncftp

lists the files it installs

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If you're comfortable with the commandline, I say stick with it.

To see a list of the files in the package through commandline, as root do


rpm -ql nameof.rpm


You typically only need the basename, like this:

rpm -ivh ncftp-3.1.8-1mdk.i586.rpm

installs it

rpm -ql ncftp

lists the files it installs



This is true but also the CLI can use urpmi or straight rpm....


urpmi resolves the deps and its a good idea to let it take care of them

Since your using OE then I presume you want stability but technically if you install non MDK RPM's its not OE anymore...


I'd strongly recommend setting your URPMI sources (see link at top) and then using the CLI with URPMI/RPM as you feel ... I even use a GUI one in a while because it is sometiomes easier to look for software in a certain category.... whereas if I know exacly what I'd prefer URPMI and if its a non mandrake repository then resort back to rpm -ivh...

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Many thanks for that. I've seen the way of doing it through the Remove option, and then listing where everything went.


On the EasyURPMI front, is that something I need to do? All I did after initially installing MDK10 was to go to updates, and then found a mirror to connect to and get my system updates that way. What would all the other ones be for?

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For a GUI like the OP asked for, I always liked kpackage. Should do just what he wants.


As for using CLI...


rpm -ql ncftp

lists the files it installs

Problem is, sometimes that's a very long list. I trim it to only executables installed by the package with this:


$ rpm -ql mutt | grep bin


'd prefer URPMI and if its a non mandrake repository then resort back to rpm -ivh...

I don't use the old rpm commands much anymore, partly 'cause I coulda sworn urpmi still tries to resolve dependencies even for non-MDK packages...??


On the EasyURPMI front, is that something I need to do? All I did after initially installing MDK10 was to go to updates, and then found a mirror to connect to and get my system updates that way. What would all the other ones be for?

Absolutely. "All the other ones" would be to update software to later versions or to add lotsa cool software available not included on the Mandrake discs.

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I've tried that, but having a few problems.


I copied the first line on the list into the CLI, and it was processing, as it listed the CD installations, and the existing update_source and then nothing happened. I did CTRL-C to abort, and thought I would try through the Software Media Manager, but this stopped responding. I had to reboot, as I couldn't do anything with adding media after this (needed to send the killall).


Would this be a problem with the mirrors selected? Is it a trial and error and choose a mirror until they get added?


Is the update_source all I would need, or should I add all the other sources too? Sorry about this, but new to MDK. Am happy to use CLI or GUI to add them.

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if it sits there doing nothing it's probably having trouble connecting to the mirror. For some reason I've never quite got around to investigating, urpmi.update commands connect to the mirror as just about the very first thing they do, and if they can't contact it, they'll just sit there looking like they're frozen until they time out quite a long time later. I ought to talk to Rafael about that, actually. anyway. You didn't need to reboot, but you weren't to know that. if you ctrl-c an urpmi process in that state, it'll leave its LOCK files lying around and possibly mess up the rpm database. You can fix both problems without rebooting. As root:


rm -f /var/lib/urpmi/.LOCK

rm -f /var/lib/urpmi/.RPMLOCK

rm -f /var/lib/rpm/LOCK


(I'm not gonna swear to that one, it might be .LOCK or something, just look inside /var/lib/rpm)


rpm --rebuilddb


and you should be good to go again. So yeah, you were probably doing everything right and just picked a duff mirror. Pick another and try again. :)

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addendum - which sources to pick depends on what you want. You certainly want an update_source, but if you use MandrakeUpdate, you probably have one already. It's just the source that contains security / bugfixes, all the stuff you get by doing MandrakeUpdate. main and contrib are the official MDK repositories; they *are* MDK, more or less. If you add both those sources, you have access to every official free software MDK package (commercial / proprietary packages can't go in there, for obvious reasons). All the fixed media releases of MDK - the CD box sets, the PowerPacks, the downloadable ISOs - contain a subset of what's in those two repositories.


Packages in main are supported. That means we more or less promise to fix it if it's broken, and definitely if it's got a security problem. In practical terms, packages in main get updates from MandrakeUpdate. Packages in contrib are unsupported and are often built by contributors - non-MDKsoft employees - hence the name. That means they're not entirely guaranteed to work (though realistically they almost all do) and they don't get official updates, even for security problems. Installing lots of them on a server is therefore not a stunningly great idea. Their packagers might provide unofficial updates if necessary, but nothing's guaranteed. For most people, adding a contrib repository is a good idea, as it gives you easy access to a huge range of neat little packages; generally speaking, things that are special interest, very old (but still used by fans), or very new (beagle, evince, firefox up till 10.2) will be in contrib.


plf is *not* an official MDKsoft repository, MDKsoft doesn't fund, sanction, host or anything it. However, plf packages are built against MDK buildhosts and are specifically built for MDK alone, and are often built by people who also contribute to MDK. It contains two types of package. Firstly, packages which are not considered open source by the OSI standards, but which are widely used (and not in the commercial packages on the CDs). These range from nearly-but-not-quite-free-software like pine to completely proprietary things like the win32-codecs package which you'll never get a sniff of the source code for. The other type is packages which are open source but could not go into MDK due to legal issues. It's important to know that installing some of the software in PLF may well be technically *illegal*, depending on where you live. (If you live in the U.S.A., it definitely is illegal to install lots of it). This includes packages like MP3 encoders, which are not supposed to be distributed without paying a license fee to the Fraunhofer Institute, and libdvdcss, which cannot legally be distributed in the U.S.A. due to infringement of the DMCA. Also emulators, some of which contain copyrighted code and also others which may technically be OK but are considered too likely to attract expensive lawsuits. Historically these types of packages lived together inside a single 'PLF' repository; recently PLF has been split into free and non-free branches, so you can keep the two separate, depending on whether respecting the law or respecting RMS is more important to you ;). It's very occasionally also used as a dumping ground for controversial packages; hot-babe for instance was dropped from contrib on the grounds of being needlessly offensive, and picked up by PLF.


jpackage contains open source software written in Java. Nothing legally dodgy or non-open-source-kosher in here, but distros (including MDK) don't generally include Java software because there's no open source way to run it, realistically speaking. (The free JVMs are nowhere near usable yet). It's probably worth adding if you're going to be installing Java, but I've never actually used anything from it.


Hope that quick guide helped :). Generally speaking it's a good idea to set up at least main and contrib repositories, as they'll give you access to a lot of packages for which there's not enough room on the CDs.

Edited by adamw
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Adam, thanks for that much appreciated. I understand it a bit more now. I'll try another set of mirrors a little later on and hopefully have a bit more luck setting it up!


I'll see if I can get CLAM av too if it's GUI operated. Although from reading before, there aren't too many out there at present for Linux, but most likely will appear at some point.

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OK, I've now done it for the following:







Do I just use the MandrakeUpdate option to pull down any of the items that are listed in here?

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