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Something tells me they lost.. :hanged:  :beer:


Thanks for the confidence vote, but it ran about 50/50 They had a couple of fabulously smart guys on their SE staff (to balance off the numerous not-so-smart ones.) It was a pleasure to see them work on a 12"hex dump!!!! :headbang: Those were good days - coffee and choc chip cookies in the middle of the night while pouring over a dump. YUM! Whole 'nother world!



I used to do that back in my first year of college (1980 lol). The university had a xerox sigma 9 system and this was before CRT's were cheap so they had line printers. Type your command, prints on paper (can you newbies believe it?). I was taking some assembler course and we would do all these pages after pages of memory dumps (sys 11 calls I think). Then sit there and track memory.


I was pretty much a natural at it *cheese*

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I was taking some assembler course and we would do all these pages after pages of memory dumps (sys 11 calls I think).


My earliest is only peeks and pokes with Apple II programming - allowing you to do things like move the boot sector on a disk as a poor form of copy protection - heh.

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So where the heck is 10.2b4???????????

I'm bored!!!!!!!





Yeah, I used to love dumps! :jester:




scratching head trying to figure this one out... Said fast it sounds like New York / Tonowanda???

(hoping I'm keeping you all amused! :mr-green:

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just a quick comment here. i have been using linux for 6 or 7 years, and i remember the days when i was a newbie. when i go to give help to a newbie, i try whenever i can to use the gui approach. windows users are generally more comfortable with a gui, so i show them that the things they did in windows can be done in linux pretty much the same way. just a different lay out.


i had a friend over from work the other day, whom i had been telling about my linux system. when i showed him my system, i did not show him the command line. i showed him the gui. the control center and how its similar to the windows control pannel. the last thing i want to do, is scare some newbie off.

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I used to do that back in my first year of college (1980 lol). The university had a xerox sigma 9 system and this was before CRT's were cheap so they had line printers. Type your command, prints on paper (can you newbies believe it?). I was taking some assembler course and we would do all these pages after pages of memory dumps (sys 11 calls I think). Then sit there and track memory.


I was pretty much a natural at it *cheese*


yeah - natural - I got my first "real" ibm pc in 1985 - I'm surprised the sigma didn't have a crt - the 7070 back in 1963 just had a console where you typed stuff in and it printed it, but we used a 1401 for IOCS via a tape drive (when we weren't having tape races!!! :jester:


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Neorxenawange - It is "Garden of Paradise" in Anglo-Saxon (the language of Beowulf and other poems). ;)


Yes, I double-majored in English and Computer Science undergrad - it's all about language :)



Somewhere you commented on Azureus, and I can't find it, but I finally got around to installing it, after installing java and it comes up nicely, but how to I tell it about a link such as the one on that club page?


You realize of course that I'm a stonehead as far as old english goes - even tried to learn Gaelic once, but alas, but love Arturian cycle stuff and mabinogian, etc, but very unlearned.


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Just open the torrent file that you saved from the browser with the Azureus program (standard file->open). It is pretty simple and I think one of the best bittorrent programs out there.


As to Anglo-Saxon, you should read some of the poems - one of them talks about two forces arrayed on opposite sides of a swampy area taunting each other to get each other to try to come across and give up the terrain advantage. It is pretty amusing :)


Of course there are translations :) Seamus Heaney's (sp?) translation of Beowulf is very very nice.

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re Azureus - oh. duh. it's a pointer to a pointer. Okay.


When I first tried it I only got something about "scraper" error and wondered if that just meant nothing was available. I do have it running doing 10.2b3, but it seems incredibally slow and am wondering if there is anything in the way of hints/tricks to getting the most out of it (I have 4Mb in and 384Kb out) at the moment I'm tearing along at about 20Kb in and 20Kb out :juggle:




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Also there is a good guide here (if a bit dated):




I'd be willing to bet the slowness is a port issue with certain ones not being open on Shorewall or whatever firewall you are using. Also make sure the ports are open on the hardware firewall as well, if any.


As to the scraper error, I sometimes get that too but so far ignoring it hasn't hurt anything. From what I can tell it just means it can't locate the files on your disk immediately for seeding (at least in my case). Someone else with more bittorrent experience may be able to help :)


Hope this helps some!

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Right you are oh bright-browed messenger!!!!!!! I am using FireStarter and I had opened up a tad to one site, but now opened 6881-6889 and it's honking full in both directions - a projected 1hr and 20min to d/l the 2GB torrent. - which I have no use for, so I guess I'll let it complete and keep the upload open for other folks. Too bad I can't upload faster! (just called Comcast today and it's 384Kbits/s)


Thanks for the note on the scraper error - if I get it again, I'll go looking. I am storing the initial file and the bittorrent stuff all on a /mnt/win-e partition - just a garbage fat32 partition that I use for movies and such. Think it would be faster/better using reiserfs for that???


Thanks again!!!


Now I'm off to read that guide!!


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You are welcome, Kristi.


Let me know if you find out anything in your travels about the scraper error. As to storage, I remember something about Fat32 not accepting files with sizes past 4 Gb. You might want to check into that. Other than that I have no idea about speed - sorry.


Edit: For the record, I found the reference:




I was right about Fat32...

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Yeah, figures! fat!!!

Though I notice "scrape error" in the tracker column when I "stop all".

Sometime tomorrow I'll try a reiserfs partition.


I did see a note that Azureus used only 6881, but I find that 6969 is necessary (tracker), and it performs way better if you open 6881-6889 as you had suggested. (been playing with Guarddog firewall)



I like the icons better here than in the "club"!!!


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Yeah, figures! fat!!!

Though I notice "scrape error" in the tracker column when I "stop all".

Sometime tomorrow I'll try a reiserfs partition.


I did see a note that Azureus used only 6881, but I find that 6969 is necessary (tracker), and it performs way better if you open 6881-6889 as you had suggested.  (been playing with Guarddog firewall)


:thanks:  :thanks:  :thanks:

I like the icons better here than in the "club"!!!


followup - I notice no difference with the reiserfs partition - I get the scrape error when I stop transmissions Doesn't seems to hurt anything.


10.2rc1 / 2.6.11-1mdk seems to be tops.


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