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Preferred Instant Messenger software?


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Looking for tools to chat w/ grandkids and kids. (all but one uses Windoze-- other uses BSD)


In your opinion, what is the best IM client for Mandrake use?


Can you recommend one that handles webcams and video?


TIA for suggestions. :cheesy:

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In my opinion the best one is gaim. Unfortunately, there isn't any IM for linux that handles webcam. I got installed here gaim-vv, which is supposed to give support to video and voice, but still under development and full of bugs. I do have a webcam working under linux and with gaim-vv I was able to chat using my webcam with yahoo users.


Please, be advised that gaim-vv is a real PITA to get it installed. Lots errors during compiling process, but I'd stick with gaim stable. It's cool.

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Gnomemeeting will handle cameras and Skype can do speech.


I like Gaim -IMO the best IM for Linux.


But you can do cameras, checkout freshmeat.net for a couple apps that do it - Gnome Meeting being the best IMO.

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Thanks for everyone's input. I do like gaim and Kopete is not bad either though the features are not as rich. My son has a webcam and we'd like to be able to see it w/o resorting to Windoze. :angry:


I might try the gaim-vv and gnomemeeting options and see how far I get.




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I might try the gaim-vv and gnomemeeting options and see how far I get.

Kmack. Be aware that to get gaim-vv installed is a real challenge. For many it ins't worth the time you spent compiling it, cause the results are quite frustrating.

In order to have gaim working with video support (webcam) under "MSN" your "buddy" should have gaim-vv installed as well. It doens't work with windows users, but on the other hand for yahoo IM users independently of the OS they use, you "should" have some success. In case you decide to try gaim-vv, do not forget to read some posts in the forum at sourceforge.net before installation.

Good luck. :P

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thanks for taking time to send more info... I'll take a good look at it but while I am recuperating from my surgery I have more time to kill. might as well have fun and learn a few things while I am at it. I have a work laptop and my buildup mandrake 10.1 OE to play with all I want. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use kopete, but I've seen kmess is able to do the same than kopete... but with cam support ! I tried to use kmess before I got a cam and it was working but a bit more buggy than kopete. I hope this kmess project is going to grow...

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well, a little precision : kmess does not really support the "msn webcam" protocol. But supports gnomemeeting<->netmeeting invitations (see http://kmess.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=features). So you have to set up gnomemeeting and your peer need to set up netmeeting (netmeeting is generally installed by default but hidden... I can't give you more help for now because I don't have a windows machine here, at work, sorry)

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I havent tried any IM software in linux yet, but I downloaded Xchat the other day cuz I heard it was pretty tight. I havent installed it yet. anyone know anything about it?

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I havent tried any IM software in linux yet, but I downloaded Xchat the other day cuz I heard it was pretty tight. I havent installed it yet. anyone know anything about it?


Xchat is a irc client, this is not really the same thing than a IM client. Currently, I use both xchat and kopete. IRC is more like a big house where you have rooms and where you can meet people. IM is more designed to build a network of contacts around you which is significantly different.


Moreover I wish IRC was not reserved to nerds and cyberpunks but it seems it is. There is no strong commercial firm behind IRC and most people are not aware of its existence. Sad but true.

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well, a little precision : kmess does not really support the "msn webcam" protocol. But supports gnomemeeting<->netmeeting invitations (see http://kmess.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=features). So you have to set up gnomemeeting and your peer need to set up netmeeting (netmeeting is generally installed by default but hidden... I can't give you more help for now because I don't have a windows machine here, at work, sorry)


Good news (note that I like myself I answer to me :P) it seems kopete is supporting the same protocol than kmess : netmeeting protocol. So, finally, I think there is no reason not to use kopete rather than kmess (currently) and it seems kopete is more used, more open to plugins so, certainly a more active projet.

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Xchat is a irc client, this is not really the same thing than a IM client. Currently, I use both xchat and kopete. IRC is more like a big house where you have rooms and where you can meet people. IM is more designed to build a network of contacts around you which is significantly different.

That's all good. I'm looking for something similar to a chat room for nerds so I can learn a little more. Yo, IM and IRC clients still use the same protocol (ICQ), dont they?

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