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error retrieving packages [solved]


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i've run into that. it seems (to me) to be a bug of some sort. i've found a work around & a fix....


work around....... close out the error box & click update several times. eventually it works properly.


fix.......... go HERE, add update, main, contrib, plf, & jpackage sources. (first, remove any of those sources you might already have via media manager in MCC). i don't know why, but the mirror sources that MDK offers you either don't work at all, or give the error you're getting. it all stopped for me when i picked alternate sources from the above site. try the proax mirrors from France. they're fast, reliable, & up to date.



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k thanks, odd indeed.


ive gone to that site and input my details , im now downloading (and installing?) main, contrib, plf, & jpackage sources


once those are complete do i do anything? (im in as root doing it btw)


edit : wo thought it messed up when doing the main one, screen went black but i logged back in lol

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the update source is separate from all these other sources. You can generate an updates source from the Easy URPMI page too, though. Do that. It will give you a slightly different command from all the others, with the extra parameter --update (or something like that). This tells urpmi.addmedia to create a special updates source, the only type of source MandrakeUpdate will read.

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it appears that the problem is with 10.1 community addition. Ive scoured the net and found the possible answer. Which is to update to the 10.1 official version which DOES include adding update sources.


hope it works, ill try it when i get home.



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i wonder if this problem happened to anybody else in 10.1 after the intial install while trying to get updates? i had the same thing happen to me. same error message, same scenerio. when i finally did get to the updates (more on that in a moment) i noticed there were updates for GURPMI & PERL-URPMI. so i'm thinking maybe it's a bug that the updates fix. after i got the upates installed, the problem stopped happening.


what i did.......... first, it seems alot of the mirrors that MDK supplies as default choices are either not up to date, or inaccessible. i'd suggest going to the Easy URPMI link i supplied above & trying the Proax mirrors from France. those mirrors have always been fast, reliable, & up to date (for me, at least). get all of the above sources i mentioned...... plf, contrib, main, updates, & jpackage. add them per the instructions at Easy URPMI. if you find you have trouble adding a mirror, then just add an update mirror for now & get the rest later.


after you have the sources added, go to Mandrake Control Center->software management & try the update function. if it errors out, try it several times. it worked intermittently for me at first. if you find you're still getting the error, then go to media manager & unselect all sources except for the install CD's & the update source. that's what finally did the trick for me.


get all of the updates available. if it tells you that you can't select a few packages, ignore them this time around & get what you can. that happened to me, also. coincidentally enough, 2 of the packages i couldn't install at first were the urpmi related ones. after you get the packages installed, reboot. if you get a GTK error when trying to quit MCC (or find that the "quit" button doesn't work), close it out with the X in the upper right corner. again, another glitch i ran into.


after you reboot, go back to the update section of MCC & search for updates again. get any that it might list. reboot again, then re-check the sources you disabled earlier, or re-add them via Easy URPMI if you couldn't add them the first time around.


let me know if it all worked out. and, again, i'd like to hear if anybody else ran into this problem.



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The problem i was having is that i was selecting Community Edition, and not official 10.1


The community sources dont include the 'updates sources' :P


when i was checking the net if found LOTS and LOTS of people having this problem. I was amazed to be honest.

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The problem i was having is that i was selecting Community Edition, and not official 10.1


The community sources dont include the 'updates sources' :P


when i was checking the net if found LOTS and LOTS of people having this problem. I was amazed to be honest.



Don't worry about it....

The most important thing is having the urpmi sources for main, contrib and plf.

There has been something weird lately on mirrors updating so don't worry... you can use the add software for stuff that has later versions and keep the other sources updated to the mirrors.

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Not really, better to keep them seperate.

in principle urmpi should do all the dependencies but if one of the mirrors gives an error when you update them don't go ahead else you might end up with a mix.


Official should be less bleeding edge than community but if you already have later libraries I don't think it will handle downgrading them...


Not only that a lot of people seem to be having problems with official sources at the moment...


this isn't really hard and fast .... you might want to do it on the CLI and test only .. but use the flag not to delete them afterwards... if you have to use a force then i'd definately think twice....


bvc is probably the expert on changing versions by updates... so perhaps wait till he posts ... :D

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so then, with community 10.1 how exactly am i meant to generate the 'updates_source' ?


Every mirror ive tried gives the same error - impossible to update after checking for updates source.


i feel like ive paid mandrake a years subs for automatic updates i cant get. Whats more its annoying they dont reply to emails.


any suggestions other than ask for my money back and use a stable linux? :(

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OK heres an update.


Ive just logged into my mandrakeonline.net account and in the updates section a note has appeared (most definately was not there before) saying :


Note that if you are using a Community release, you need to upgrade it to Official in order to be able to use Mandrakeonline on it.



so im right about upgrading to official using urpmi?


ANOTHER update :


ive been over to linuxquestions and the answer is to indeed select official instead of community at urpmi. dont know if i can post the link to their forum here?

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I had 10.1CE and was not able what-so-ever to get any updates.


Check out my summary here to upgrade 10.1CE to 10.1 OE - I've done it a couple of times without any known hitches, though it has been mentioned that it can screw up your system, if so be prepared to re install.


Though I'd read through the entire thread, its very useful.


Be aware of the urpmi change of location is now here.


Otherwise, you can always download 10.1 OE .

Edited by ChrisM
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OK heres an update.


Ive just logged into my mandrakeonline.net account and in the updates section a note has appeared (most definately was not there before) saying :


Note that if you are using a Community release, you need to upgrade it to Official in order to be able to use Mandrakeonline on it.



so im right about upgrading to official using urpmi?

I have a feeling the original thread has an answer to this where someone advised you just use URPMI... and that themandrakeonline wasn't needed :D


However... you haven't said (or i forgot) what isn't working that you need to update so desperately?


If the message has just appeared then this means the sources are being updated on the mirrors and this can take some time...


What you are talking about doing is a VERY big change... so Im just trying to tell you to take your time over it...


Being honest if you want Official and you haven't spent too long customising you could download the CD's and reinstall.... remember we are all volunteers, we are trying to do the best for you here and I don't wanna just say hey go ahead and it mess up your install! Wait until you get some extra comments and perhaps someone who has already done it to see if it has any unexpected side effects!


Note: You can almost definately do it but I can't guarantee everything will work becauase I personally haven't done this... if you can wait for someone who has then they will know better...


What you are asking in windows terms is can you upgrade to Win2K from XP .. not simple in terms of what it is actually doing compared witrh going from 2k to XP!#


edits: There you go :D ...

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