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Installing KAV anti virus.


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Ok, I downloaded Kapersky anti virus and would like to run it but I am clueless as how to get is installed on my system. Nothing helpful on their homepage and I downloaded the 30 day trial vers. It is a tgz file. I have MDK 9.0.


Later. Pepse.

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I downloaded it , untarred it and there's an executable file for installation. You should try ./ before the name of the install file. I tried it and it started the installation but then I quit because I didn't want to install it.

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I would like to know why you are installing an antivirus program when all of the available evidence suggests viruses are such an infrequent occurrence meaning virus protection can be ignored. If you set your permissions properly using the reference from old docs at the top of the board screen, you should never need to worry about them. In the case of virus protection, you can take a cue from the fact that there are no widely discussed free software for virus protection purpose. The same is said for firewalls as well unless you have a network to protect.



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Counterspy, the reason I wanted to install a virus agent is because I think I might have a virus, because ever since I did some MDK updates things ain't right on my box. Such as I can't access my cdroms and floppy because of CVS. It gives me an error of: CERVISIA Not a CVS directory . And also, because some of my icons in the lower left by the "K" start app button aren't working either; such as terminal & home.desktop & networking/www/konqbrowser.desktop & .hidden.Documentation.desktop & Applications/editors/kwrite.desktop . All these show the KDE wheel and when clicking on them I get and error of: Could Not Find Service etc., etc. So, on the one hand these problems started after downloading MDK 9.0 updates and also, I guess I got slightly paranoid after reading some things in the Linux Format, UK mag. Mainly that the included cdroms are suppose to be virus free but ya never know. And the Kapersky Virus agent I downloaded is a 30 day trial.

So, since my problems are from downloading updates I originally figured something there is causing my probs, but I don't know how to correct them outside of redoing MDK 9.0, which wouldn't be a problem but, the guy that got me the copies off the net ended up with the 3rd CD as bad. Altho I don't think I needed the 3rd one on initial load I can't remember. He didn't get them from MDk's web/mirror. And I am still waiting for my copies from MDK that I pre-ordered the first week of Nov. Also, my computer is Linux only, no whine-doze.


Later. Pepse.

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Just for the record I went to Gnome and everything is OK there; except my internet connection, but that is because I put in an internal full OEM modem. I was using an external modem. So, I would think that if I had a virus is would affect KDE and Gnome.


Later. Pepse.


Merry X-mas and may you have a prosperous new year.

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Guest jglen490

Virus action in Linux is not very likely -- at the present time -- but is certainly not impossible. I think you are wise to start thinking of at least detection and getting used to the thought of protection.

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I regret that you know more than me, however, Clamav and the openvirus sites have around 10K definations so far.


They are not ALL virus stuff but include trojan stuff. We all know and like that windoze and outlook is the number way of transmitting virus via the addressbook but I applaud anyone for trying out AV.


try http://clamav.elektrapro.com/ if you don't like Kap. ps you need to read the pdf to create an user called "clamav" and run the file with su privileges.


Sorry if I offend anyone with my terse comments.


Pepse I can't help you but Mdk has a number of updates and bug updates have you done all?


You may consider a backup imaging system from www.partimage.org

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Gorgor, I haven't done all the updates because (1) I get alot of error from the mirrors that I update from. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. (2) Being that I have a standard modem things tend to be slow. As for trying Clamav, I will look at it as it sounds like they at least have an explanation as how to set it up.


Terse comments?? Nah, I didn't think your comments were terse.


Happy X-mas, everbody. And for the non christans may you all have a prosperous new year.


Later. Pepse.

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Don't ever apologize for lack of knowledge. In this case, you were aware of software that I had never heard of. I read the docs for the program, and installing it and getting it configured is not for the faint-of-heart. While most of the docs discuss viruses, the program also states that it works with trojans and worms which are far more likely risks with Linux. It is also free. Despite the rather steep learning curve for the newer users of Linux, I would prefer it over KAV, a program I used and found effective on the Windows side. There are references in the docs to email attachments, the most common method of Windows compromise. Since the best advice in virus or trojan protection is not to open email attachments even when you know who sent them, it would be my view that with Linux, this is the best protection without prior agreement on the content and length of the attachemnt.


OTOH, root compromises through rootkits is a far more likely occurence, particularly for those with cable modems with a fixed IP on 24/7. There is a program called chkrootkit to discover if root acccess has been obtained by a hacker. Find it here: http://www.chkrootkit.org/ .

For more information on these issues see: http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/20...securities.html .


Like everything else in the open source world, instructions can be found here on how to write a virus: http://www.vnunet.com/News/1130150 . This is an excellent discussion of the subject although I don't share the views expressed: http://www.lwfug.org/~abartoli/virus-writi...ing-HOWTO/_html . Another reference: http://freshmeat.net/projects/viruswriting/ .


No Linux user shoud be without this site in their bookmarks when security is an issue: http://www.linuxsecurity.com/ . This site dsicusses a recent rootkit attack: http://online.securityfocus.com/tools/1489 . This site is a commercial site serving large networks, but has much useful information: http://securityfocus.com/ .


Any discussion of the security issues and potential vulnerablities in Linux is a service to the community at large by emphasizing the need to install all security fixes when they are released and maintaining constant vigilance on their installation.


In the situation being discussed here, I agree with Cannonfodder.



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If you're still interested in virus protection software I use f-prot. It's free for personal use. Here's a download site ftp://ftp.f-prot.com/pub/bsd/fp-freebsd-sb.tar.gz The instructions for installation are simple and when you want to update all you do is run ./check-updates.sh and to scan for viruses you run ./f-prot-sh / to check your root directory. It's very easy to use and install. I know the chances are slim but I still check periodically and I also use a firewall. IMO you can never be too safe. Just my two cents American.

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Ms. Moderator Mystified


Wouldn't this be a better link as one could choose BSD, RPM or DEB pakages? http://www.f-prot.com/download/getfplinfree.html


You do a great job as a Moderator and I like reading your comments.


Best Regards


A Mystified Fan Club Member

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First of all, why do I want to use partimage?? I mean if I'm going to reformat and install on hda1 then why use partimage?? Everything on hda6 would still be there, right?? No doubt I must be missing something. Is 9.0 that much diff than 8.1?? On 8.1 I reformatted a few times and discovered that if I only did hda1 then everthing on hda6 was still there. Cannonfodder, when you say to "update from a diff source" are you saying that somehow I have a choice in what mirrors I can use?? As it is for now all I see when going to the update page is the update page screen and I get a box that says something like "checking for a mirror" and then it tries to download. Like I said sometimes it works and sometimes it don't. As for anti-virus software I'll look into it if I can determine that my current probs are virus related. Being that Gnome is functioning OK. I "would think" that if I had a virus then I would have similar probs on Gnome as well. True, my probs didn't start until I got some updates, but then with the strange luck I have with many things in life it don't really surprise me that I am having a problem like I am. I wanted to use Gnome in the first place but I have a small issue of not being able to figure out how to get 3rd? party Wallpaper to the Gnome desktop. I was able to do it in KDE, but something seems to be missing in Gnome, or I forgot what I did in KDE.


Counterspy, I will look into the info links you provided and at least bookmark them after reading what's what.


Later. Pepse.

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Pepse and others


Hope everyone enjoyed the break, no rest for the wicked tho Heh?


You mention an issue with Mdk update, there are fixes for this, however, I use a dial up and it is SLOOOW, I get best results even tho I am in Austalia by timing my downloads to hopefully the wee small hours in France and using the middle French mirror


Now to IMAGE issues


I was hoping Cannonfodder would explain why to do it, but he is right and that is what I do but in a slightly different (paranoid) order.


I do a clean install and without connecting to the net i use the floppy system to take an image of my (changing ) partitions. There are hints on selecting sizes of partimages but you are free to pm me if you wish.


Then if you haven't already done so I get a better (for me) firewall called guarddog...there are threads on that on this or old board.


then I go and get all security updates from MDk and all bugfixes except the printer ones as I think its too big to download for the little I print.


then I take another image of the changes.


(2) Now the fun part, I play around and try new software, some Is good so I save those files to backup area and when I feel there are new security issues or lock away some good configurations I go back to the last image and load the files I want, make the changes etc and take a new image.


In other words, todays history will be lost when I restore from an older image, it alloows me to make mistakes and learn etc


It meant that I had to think how to setup my partitions and as I have no cd burner, I use a second drive. NOw the naughty bit, having used ghostpe (windoze image system) I wanted to take the image in one hit so I split my partitions into one swap and all the rest as root (/)


I know the gurus will be horrifed, the images are bigger, I am lazy etc, but it works for me......I only have a data size just over 1 gig so the image is only 300 megs. And the good part it only takes me 5 minutes to restore the whole lot.


You do need to do some downloading of files and reading and blah blah blah but In the long run it has saved my bacon plenty



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