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bioware linux ports


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Well.. with the problems they have with NWN.. it will either cause in two things..


1. They learn much about linux game programming and porting and they are more confident in porting their future games, or


2. They learn how much trouble they have in porting NWN and don't even bother in thinking of other version of their future games other than Window$.


Here's hoping for number 1.

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Or, they'll realize how ungrateful and whiney all the Linux users are on their forums and they'll just saw "screw it all."


I'm betting on that... I'd really hope it doesn't turn out that way, but I can't see them actually ENJOYING the verbal abuse.


And since we aren't a viable market anyhow, then I don't think they'll have any reason to do it.


I'm just happy they won't cancel NWN for Linux. I have contacted them many times, just telling them that besides all the negativity on their forums there are REAL Linux users out there who do care about their work and don't take it for granted, and aren't bitching about it day in and day out.

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I have also noticed a lot of negativity on the NWN forums towards the Linux port. I hope it doesn't turn them off from the Linux community as a whole. I also hope that other game companies aren't relying solely on the negative users in the NWN forums and putting off or canceling ports of their own. As you said DOlsen, there is a viable Linux gaming community out here, and we would hate for something like this to tarnish other companies views of us as a whole.

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I said we aren't a viable gaming market. And we aren't.


If none of the games that are out there have sold more than 20K copies, then how can we be even be considered as a market?

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Guest joehill

I have to agree with Dolson, we need to act like responsible consumers if we want to be recognized. This means no downloading a warez copy of Quake and running it on your Linux box. It means that if you want a game, you buy it, and you try to get a Linux version (not "oh well, they don't have it at Best Buy, so **** it", but "hey, I'm gonna e-mail everybody I can and ask very politely but firmly that they acknowledge me as a Linux user").


We are on the road to something great here. Next Christmas we could have boxes of Linux games under our pagan tree-goddess, and that would be very very good (<cough> doom3 <cough>).

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I just sent Bioware an e-mail saying that I intend to support their company by buying a copy of Neverwinter Nights when the Linux client is released. I also encouraged them to port other titles as well and indicated that if they continued to port titles, that I would continue buying their products.

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I have to agree with Dolson, we need to act like responsible consumers if we want to be recognized. This means no downloading a warez copy of Quake and running it on your Linux box. It means that if you want a game, you buy it, and you try to get a Linux version (not "oh well, they don't have it at Best Buy, so **** it", but "hey, I'm gonna e-mail everybody I can and ask very politely but firmly that they acknowledge me as a Linux user").


We are on the road to something great here. Next Christmas we could have boxes of Linux games under our pagan tree-goddess, and that would be very very good (<cough> doom3 <cough>).


No way am I waiting till Christmas for Doom III!!!!!


But anyhow, yeah, don't warez the games you can buy from TuxGames.


I mean, don't warez games.


I mean, don't pay for crap that sucks.


I try a few games before I buy them. If they suck, I delete them. If they don't suck, I buy them.


For instance, Kohan by Transgaming. Tried it, it sucks. Mindrover, tried it, couldn't figure it out, but since it's not a Transgaming "port" I'm gonna buy it.


Or something.

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If none of the games that are out there have sold more than 20K copies, then how can we be even be considered as a market?


I'd like to see figures, if they're available, on who bought UT2003 because it had a Linux installer. You're right, though; but I don't see major companies just giving up on Linux as a gaming platform. There will come a time that Bill Gates does something so outlandish that people will start looking for alternatives. Those people will still want their games, and hopefully game companies will stand up and take notice of that.


That said, I'm not waiting until Christmas for Doom 3 either, I'm buying it from Tuxgames as soon as it's available.

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If none of the games that are out there have sold more than 20K copies, then how can we be even be considered as a market?


I'd like to see figures, if they're available, on who bought UT2003 because it had a Linux installer. You're right, though; but I don't see major companies just giving up on Linux as a gaming platform. There will come a time that Bill Gates does something so outlandish that people will start looking for alternatives. Those people will still want their games, and hopefully game companies will stand up and take notice of that.


This has already happened. It's called Transgaming, and it's bringing warez kiddies to Linux. Well, enough of that. I think we should fight back by warezing their software. But then again, their software sucks, so that idea won't work.


Oh, and you can email Epic and ask them approximately how many people have contacted them and/or purchased from TuxGames, but I don't know if they'll respond. I still doubt it's over 20K. The sales at TuxGames were worst in November, and that's about when it came out, so what's that tell you? Plus a lot of people don't even know that the client is in the box (if you have a DVD case version and you live in America, good for you!).

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I mean real ports, not Transgaming or warez. Something tangible, native, and most importantly; legal.


But enough about that. I do agree with you that Linux gaming is not as big as it could be, but it's come a long way in a relatively short period of time. Hopefully it will keep going.

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Linux is gathering a lot of momentum. It happens every few years or so. The Linux desktop has finally made it to the point where it is fairly close to the Windoze desktop in usability and installation has gotten much easier to the point where the computer savy are trying it out.


Eventually there will be enough critical mass to warrant major producers to think of Linux as a major player in as a gaming system. It already has the mechanics (OpenGL, sound support, USB support, rock-solid networking and stable OS underneath). It's just the bells and whistles that need work (ease of installation, more hardware support).


We are not there yet. I wish we were.

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LGP is taking too long to port games - they have about 2 or 3 more games after Disciples 2 that they are releasing, but this will take a long time.


That SUCKS for us, but it's good for THEM.


They are the ones that matter in this case, since they don't want to follow Loki to the grave. I don't blame them for this. But time goes not nearly fast enough for my liking.

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