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I'm redesigning i-kubed.org (fer craps an' giggles) but i've hit something of a barrier. How it looks currently sucks. The colors aren't working together IMO and if you have any suggestions on what to do about it feel free to post.

I'm pretty attached to the white outline out of necessity more than anything else (it hides the fact that I'm using png's when viewed from IE.

And I'm attached to the link colors by preference. "Everything else can go!", to paraphrase some game show.

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I like the white with black outlines, and it's very bandwidth friendly :)

Nice, simple and clean.


Maybe you want to use some spiffy icons, like BeOS, redhat icons or something. They always come off well :)

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I like the white with black outlines, and it's very bandwidth friendly :)

Nice, simple and clean.


Maybe you want to use some spiffy icons, like BeOS, redhat icons or something. They always come off well :)


that sounds like a great idea. I'm reluctant to add any more graphics though. the banner I though up there is pretty heavy as is and it takes about 30 secs to load the whole thing on 28.8k. Not too concerned about that but by extrapolation it seems it'll take at least 15 secs on 56k. I'd like it to be under 10 secs so no more graphics (yet)

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Guess it's not really my place, but why are you worrying about 28.8k load times? Its not like many people have it anymore, and those who do probably dont realise pentium2's exist :P And as for 56k, it really doesnt seem like that bigger load time.


Good luck with the design :D

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The general design is nice, but your right in that in needs a little more, um, something. I always like the combination of blue and white, so perhaps work some more blue into - maybe each 'blog' section could be seperated by blue coloured dividers, or perhaps put each section in a coloured box...

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Guess it's not really my place, but why are you worrying about 28.8k load times? Its not like many people have it anymore, and those who do probably dont realise pentium2's exist :P



im hurt by that comment, i have a duron800 machine connected to the internet via dialup line that peaks at 380+bps. yes, its missing the letter k. only one telco services our area and their lines suck. :(



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Guess it's not really my place, but why are you worrying about 28.8k load times? Its not like many people have it anymore, and those who do probably dont realise pentium2's exist :P



im hurt by that comment, i have a duron800 machine connected to the internet via dialup line that peaks at 380+bps. yes, its missing the letter k. only one telco services our area and their lines suck. :(




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Guess it's not really my place, but why are you worrying about 28.8k load times? Its not like many people have it anymore, and those who do probably dont realise pentium2's exist :P And as for 56k, it really doesnt seem like that bigger load time.


Good luck with the design :D

truth be told i don't really care about 28.8k, but i do want it o have a reasonable load time on 56k.


and in reply to what Ohms said, yah. the blog section needs some "oomph"

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Guess it's not really my place, but why are you worrying about 28.8k load times? Its not like many people have it anymore, and those who do probably dont realise pentium2's exist :P



im hurt by that comment, i have a duron800 machine connected to the internet via dialup line that peaks at 380+bps. yes, its missing the letter k. only one telco services our area and their lines suck. :(




*cough* is that my fault? :lol:


Its just the way I work, Im more of a visual person, therefore I have more pics, and the way I see it, those with 380bps are a tiny minority. I know you probably wont like me saying that but thats the way it is :P

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